Do not remove pets from MM hunter (Megathread)

No. That is not an option. My options are Play MM with Skarr or Uninstall. That’s it.

This change is no different than deleting my spec (AGAIN) and taking Skarr behind the barn and shooting him.


They can already do that with “Lone Wolf” mode and I’ve asked you a number of times why that is not good enough for those people. Obviously you are not capable of answering the question because you are just not good enough to understand the system at that level of detail.

As for adapting, what if some of us are not interested in that level of balance? What if we are like you and are just flat out not good enough for that level of detail to make a difference? But what if we like playing with our hunter pet?

If you were as good as you think you are you would be able to answer this question: Why can’t this be handled with “Lone Wolf” mode? But you are not and you can’t.

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You are making this far more personal than you should be but fine I’ll bite because Blizzard decided it’s not, they are who gets to make the decisions and change things as they see fit, this comes back to the same situation as with Frost Mages and water elemental so deal with it or don’t.

Also no amount of your bullying will make me change my opinion and feel sorry for you or something because I support improvements to the gameplay of Marksmanship.

It’s a pixel pet that you can switch to Beastmastery or Survival and still use.

All this debate completely ignores the reality that you can keep pets AND have every single change. They are not mutually exclusive.

All they need to do is:

  • Keep pets with claw, bite, growl, dash
  • Give a 5% Damage reduction if pets are out
  • Keep literally every single other change.

Dont like pets? Cool, never summon one or straight up never even tame one. It would be a 100% identical experience to removing pets for you. For people who want pets in open world stuff the option would be there.

The damage reduction would mean they would never be used in raids and dungeons so no balance issues to worry about and they would have literally 0 impact on the changes now or in the future.

This is a situation where they can literally please everyone but they are choosing not to.

The ONLY honest argument for disagreeing with the above is “But its more fun for me if I know other people are upset and hurt by the changes”. Because if they did the above then others having pets would literally affect nothing and nobody but the people who want them. For the people that dont, they can just not use them and nothing changes at all for them.


thank you for proving my point.

then delete the game coward.

The FB example was fresh out of the pot. Since 2016 FB was toying around with censorship per the Election 2016 stuff. Then at the same time this class community is complaining about the rework, the Zuck recently sent out a video briefing that FB is going to revolutionize its platform to be more viable for people’s voices. This is neither here nor there that it’s all about the $$$ and FB has been on the slide in the advent of many other social media alternatives.

Just like Outlaw Rogue being a far better melee alternative than SV, Destrolock being a far better ranged alternative, so on and so forth. People made their choices early. It worsened as Classic and SoD opened up for more and perhaps better options than what Retail could do.

You have to ask what was the past 8-10 years for? So just like FB getting woke about censorship now all of a sudden, now all of a sudden Hunters are getting woke about migrating to BM to get that RDPS+pet play MM shall no longer provide?

The biggest :clown_face:s here is the where-the-Fred-Fuchs-were-you crowd.

I can teach a little Hunter class history: Lone Wolf used to give a whopping EIGHTEEN PERCENT increased damage beginning at Leg ending at BFA. The last old RSV itineration had access to Lone Wolf too. That’s TWO FULL XPAC CYCLES any MM main did their BEST damage without a pet, to include the first xpac that had a keyed M+. Whatever complaint about that there was, it didn’t revolutionize MM as a spec more synergized with pets.

That’s all I’m saying, Syeg. Maybe some were those who complained about it then, I don’t know, but it didn’t do anything. The gargantuan elephant was SV being melee, and I still remember the untold thousands of posts. MSV was the biggest conspiracy of all time, and it still dwarfs this. Nobody cared about MM being petless because another beloved spec was indeed destroyed and it was BM all the way.

Where were YOU, Syegfryed, when this Westfold fell?

h ttps://,dismissed%20to%20reach%20full%20effectiveness.

I’m not bullying you. I understand that it’s Blizzard’s decision and I’m just voicing my opinion. As far as you are concerned I’ve given you more than ample opportunity to answer a simple question.

Given that we already have “Lone Wolf” mode for MM Hunters, why not just add what ever is needed to that instead of taking away the right to chose a pet?

They tried to remove MM pet twice now, and they had to back down twice, this might be the third

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The trajectory I saw since WoD was that Lone Wolf was nerfed as x approached infinity. 30% more to Shots and a pet passive w/ no pet lockout, 18% w/ the lockout, then 10% that increments from 0% after pet dismissal, then 5%.

I must have been looking at it from the other way as you, because ever since LW was out, they softened it in favor of having pets. Despite this, LWMM was still the way to go.

It was not the way to go, it might be in raids where you care pure about DPS cause LW had superior dPS, otherwise everyone used a pet.

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But wasn’t that what BM and SV were for? That pet utility? Of course, that’s already crowding up the group/raid comp. That’s a generous stretch to have one BM and another Hunter.

That was what all hunter specs are for

There is more to this game than raiding/M+

Arena also. But anything else than these three and you don’t rate. You’re not a citizen. Sorry if you like BGs, LFR, Roic 5-mans, and WPvP.

Aye, and your raid leader may have to ask you to switch out of MM…and you might not want to get kicked…

Wich almost exclusively use a pet, so your entire point falls appart

doesn’t matter to rate or not

Lmao, who f cares

The best MM play doesn’t. WFOS!

Citizenship has value in a democracy. It determines who has a voice, who actually has representation, and who doesn’t. The citizens being the Arena/M+/Mythic-Raid, the NON-citizens being anything else.

That’s not saying democracy can’t rule in favor of noncitizens and do nice things for them, but that’s up to how the government does and not up to the noncitizens.

Whoever is trying to get that grind on and progress, I suppose.

That is one hecka take.

So if a player doesn’t partake actively in Arena, Mythic+, Raids, Or Dungeons… They’re now considered a “Non-citizen”? So they have “No voice” in the game they also play? Even though, a lot of players fall into that so called “non-citizen” bucket you just created? And that lot of players, provides a lot of the funding used to “Keep the lights on”… but we get no say?

Yeah. Uhm… That’s not how that works. Please take your “If you don’t do this kind of content your opinion doesn’t matter” opinion… somewhere else. As every single player, is a CITIZEN of the world of Azeroth and has a SAY in every single thing in this game.

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It’s not my opinion. I too am a noncitizen. I can still contribute and enjoy the fruits of progress as a paying subber, but I’m “not on the board” in a manner of speaking.

I was stressing the civic stuff, the content creators, drivers, community managers, MVPs, and the rest. People who actually commit to WoW full time at admin-style levels.

Sure, we all have a SAY, or at least we can say it, usually. But it’s not the same as carrying it in motions. It’s not the same as a Blue actually being engaged with you most personally.

I wish Blizzard would actually respond to this, but instead we get the typical Radio Silence from them… which just fuels the controversy more and more. And they can see it, as I’ve seen multiple threads related to this problem get closed because of how bad the conversations got between the two sides.

If the conversation gets that bad regarding a thing that they’re actively having to close/monitor multiple threads, they really need to discuss it with the players openly. Acknowledge the Controversy. Do something. Instead they just sit back, and pull off the same attitudes that Shadowlands had that made this game almost die. And to think they stated they had learned from their Shadowlands mentality. I guess not.

The best MM hunter in x3 - arguable the most prestige mode of pvp - plays with pet, so i think you got wrong here

I try to brush it off because this is an asinine take and ana sinine comparison, so maybe you would stop, but you still are in this idiotic take

My dude, everyone pay the freaking game the same, you are no better than someone who just do transmog runs, they all pay the damn taxes, and would be citizens in your obnoxious analogy, now please, for your own image, stop

I disagree with you in principle, but I think I understand your point. I often avoid high end content because it usually makes “WoW feel like a second job.” You are saying that the people who make a metaphorical career out of WoW are the ones blizz should/do cater to. But that doesn’t really ring true to me. I think each sub as at least some value and deserves proportionate, or even equal, consideration in the development process of the live service game people pay to play.