Do not remove pets from MM hunter (Megathread)

Yet continually posting duplicate topics that keep getting closed IS.

You know what you are doing. Feigning innocence and claiming otherwise is disingenuous at best.


Blizzard locking and hiding threads talking about the bs price increases for ANZ, meanwhile they leave the 100000 MM hunter complaining threads open.

All those posts had the same handful of people arguing back and forth for thousands of posts.
That’s not 100k mm hunters. That’s a handful of noisy people inflating threads.


Daily reminder to make MM an actual MARKSMAN spec and remove pets.
You don’t lose survivability in open world or any other content, I’m talking as a complete SOLO player here.
People who primarily use MM don’t want pets and don’t use any pet abilities to begin with, and the character theme for roleplaying a hunter marksman is being an archer or, you know, A MARKMSMAN.
Make MM the SNIPER spec it should have been since day 1.

and before anyone says something like “but warcraft hunters are defined as having pets” (because I am sure someone will want to reply with something like that)
okay, then let me ask you this, what is the point of having separate SPECS?
If all the classes are defined by the very general class description, why do SPECS that SPECIALIZE in different things exist? Just remove specs entirely at that point.
I have a destro warlock that doesn’t use any pets, I ahve a demo lock that has an army of demons.
Almost as if classes are not defined ONLY by their general and broad class and specs exist for the very purpose of branching off.


Just reading the talents on the ptr right now, I can tell you this sounds absolutely amazing.

And you are getting mad at rng? 30% rng proc chance is pretty high lol.
Then all the synergies that either boost that chance or the damage, making the rng more than worth it…

It’s looking pretty incredible already. There is A LOT of synergies going on.
I haven’t even gone through all the talents and abilities yet.


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Pets have been optional for 10 years. Absolutely nothing is gained from removing the option of pets.


something is gained actually.
A better and more true MM spec.


Don’t hold your breath, little forumite. I was the one to create that thread and they’ve decided to unlist and lock it. That would only tell me the devs took notice.


Well, this escalated quickly.


This change, of removing the option of having a pet from the MM Spec screams that they’re shifting from having “Class Identity” to having “Spec Identity” instead. Which then begs the question, why bother having classes if they’re not going to influence the overall direction of the entire class?

And furthermore, if they’re going to cater to people who willingly picked up a pet class but hate having pets, what does that bode for any other spec where there are slight trivialities? Is my class next? Will Warlocks be neutered to only having Demonology be able to use minions? My Class, and all 3 specs, have always had the option of picking the Minions since its inception (besides the Felguard)… Should I be expecting that the next major class rework for Warlocks is for them to remove my ability as a destruction warlock to use any minions? and also be relegated to playing the “Kiting Mobs” mini-game?

Class Identity should be the foremost in any specializations making. Hunters, Have, Pets. They are a pet class. This change goes anathema to that. It entirely focuses on the fact that MM hunters “Don’t have pets” but the rest of the class does. Which further makes this change weird, because the Hunter General tree still has things within it that tie power back into the pet. Which MM hunters don’t have.

This whole change was even referenced by them as stating that “MM Hunters have stood apart from the other Hunter specs by not requiring a pet”… Yet this change makes them stand out even further. Because now, certain abilities are now baseline to the Hunter instead of being tied to a pet and we get this non-pet non-existent eagle. Which means now the fight is going to be “Why can’t my BM hunter just have this be tied directly to me? Why do I have to have a pet?” and same for Survival.


That’d actually be dope if they did something with Aff and Destro demons TBH. Giving us a way to access Cleanse and Interrupt without pet twisting would be AMAZING.


Here, OP. If you want, you can use my thread in your first post if you want.

I’m on your side with this one.


Is anyone going to tell these two idiots that MM haven’t been using pets for years now?


Show yourself out dude. That target on your back can’t get any bigger.


The question is backwards. It should be that if blizzard isn’t going go have unique distinctions between the specs of a class, why have specs at all?

Remove it posthaste. Megareply.

True marksman hunters want the pet gone so the player can shine. So excited for this it’s been years in the making and hopefully they get it right this time.

I expect it to be overtuned to start so there is less blowback.

Rather tell idiots like yourself, if you’re going to resort to that, that there are many of us who use the pets as Marksmen spec. Outdoor world and delves specifically.

You know, those things that occur outside M+?

Also if we wanted to play bm/sv, we would.

They can still keep pets as an option without making any other changes.


Gameplay for Marksmanship will be improved massively overall which is great and all of you that keep saying well my pet, my pet still have two other specs that will use pets Beastmastery which is pet centric and Survival which is melee with pet assistance so.

This isn’t usually why they lock and unlist threads, they lock and unlist threads that are problematic and have no real point outside of encouraging negativity and negative responses which is exactly what your thread is full of.

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SV is not an ranged archer spec.
BM is, but it plays more heavily into the ‘you’re a zookeeper’ vibe than the “you’re skilled at fighting at ranged” with an optional sidekick.

See above. “Just play BM or SV” is not an option as they play very differently and have differently flavour/fantasy.

It doesn’t address the solo play issues where kiting aren’t that viable.

Play on the PTR, and give feedback now rather than waiting for it later and being stuck with it for years.

If that is true, then why does the rework provide Lust to the hunter, along side with other pet utilities? That these are being ported over is proof that the pet provides several mechanical benefits despite there being no concrete linkage between abilities and pet actions.


Speak for yourself.