Do not remove pets from MM hunter (Megathread)

that is the hill you wanna die on? the animations being different? for that bs alone its ok to remove two fantasies? such nonsense

Long range snipers dont have birds to fight

And now, more than ever without a pet to tank and keep enemies afar, you are no long ranger sniper anymore

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FB isn’t ‘woke’ about censorship.

They see that this incoming administration is hyper partisan and prone to punishing those who do not kiss the ring. They see their rival, Twitter, in nice and cozy with them. They do not want to see punitive measures taken against them.

They are bending the knee not because they care about the topic (they don’t and never did), they care because they worship the almighty dollar.

and MM is still RDPS+pet play. That isn’t changing.

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Long range snipers also have a larger max distance to get shots off before enemies can get to themun like the PTR . Also Long range snipers can shoot while camoflauged too .

Maybe if we got those having no pet in open world would feel better.

There a 2 that are the same the bm shooter version and MM so they removed one you can still play the other.

BM does not play like, or share the same fantasy of, MM.


why do they let you change the pets if it’s supposed to be the preferred?

You can’t just saw a hawk and an eagle are the same thing lol

no it’s not, go play the ptr before you make such observably wrong statements

because player choice. But the new MM does not allow you to change any pets, you have an eagle.

Because that’s how taxonomy and cladistics work. All eagles, hawks, harriers, falcons, owls, and more are raptors/birds of prey. Each is a subset of that broader category. That you need this explained to you is worrisome.

As I have told you before, I have.

Kaivax’s post makes it clear that they consider this a pet.

Furthemore, Wowhead lists the spotting eagle as an NPC:
Spotting Eagle on Wowhead

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they didnt, but you can keep coping about :clown_face: gO pLaY bM hUntEr :clown_face:

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The saying actually went, “Go woke, go broke,” but I think it also works the opposite way too: “Go broke, go woke.”

When the $$$ is evaporating, that’s when it’s time to go woke about something lol. “Oh crap, we’re about to go under!” kind of woke. It’s now time to stop doing what’s making you broke because of how serious the heat in the kitchen’s getting.

You can say the same about how this game was under the reign of the Lord of Terrorizing Greed, Bobiablo, now slain by the heroes of Light. Now with the Microsoftening, it’s time to make WoW great again.

The only reason that happened was because FB already took a side that was diametrically opposite. FB was hyper partisan and prone to punishing those on FB who did not kiss their ring or the ring FB was kissing.

This was not FB chosen to be completely neutral. This was not FB having taken a laissez-faire attitude. It would have been completely different if FB’s admin really didn’t care about your politics, and only policed content that was in the best interest of all, such as making sure there wasn’t violent speech and expressions against anyone.

Of course it’s about the money. That’s what makes the world go round. Money would be the reason we got The Burning Crusade back in 2006. Yet there’s a difference by which way the $$$ comes…

I read it in the notes too how there’s an “eagle” in the background that helps. If we want to get into the postmodern type semantics, that is an RDPS+pet play, BUT the leading controversy is that it’s removing the actual player-controlled pet play. I was already addressing this to the “Finna reroll BM” people.

Of course I’m like, “Duh, that’s what most of them did do.”

this thread became the worst one of the “dont change mm” threads simply cause of this

why the hell are both of you mucking up this already irrelevant thread with even more irrelevant stuff. who cares about sh*tter or uglyfacebook

Because 8-10 years is a long time to all of a sudden wake up from such slumber to go woke about something that should have been decided a long time ago lol. Almost like a psycho Rip Van Winkle.

again who cares? who asked? who even wants to talk about the subjective notion of “woke” everytime the word gets brought up in any conversation or space it instantly makes the space irrelevant and even more of a headache to even be around.

it makes me think your a jerk and it makes me think the other person is a insufferable bleedingheart

keep your irl america brand hillbilly vs uneducated bone head politics out of this already pile of steaming :poop: thread, it unironically makes it worse

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You know, if you’re this triggered, I wouldn’t recommend maining Hunter, especially not in Classic. You have to be tougher than this, or at least we used to have to. These could be kinder, gentler days for the Hunter class. At any rate, you may do well sticking to Retail.

your suggesting classic hunter as a way to toughen me up?

the class thats notorious for throwing a tantrum when they didnt get whatever 2hander “hunter weapon” they wanted?

why would i ever want to play classic where ill be called a slur by sh*tters when i tell them to get good and stop playing whatever dog build they cooked up and decide to int with

Esoterically, in comparison to Retail, it’s the “hard mode”.

And you just answered your own question. You’re this bothered by it; it sucks out there for Hunter, especially as Classic gets into the Borrowed Power xpacs.

-hard mode

pick one

Holy cow it’s free to change specs now and you can do it anywhere, takes 2 seconds.

It’s truly not that big of a deal.

How can you miss the point so bad just to spew an argument that has always missed the point?

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How can you whine so much about something that’s an easy fix that takes 2 seconds? When I hit content on my SP main that’s giving me issues because of how squishy, I switch to Disc for a second.

It’s not difficult.

I don’t think anyone ever said it was, , but what you are missing is you may do things like that, but you are you, Veld is veld, and I am myself, we all have different quirks and styles.

Your argument boils down to :“I play this way that is not difficult, and I’ll ignore arguments to push it and insult any that call out my BS”

Maybe get the idea that no one but you is you and don’t try to push what you do is the only correct way,

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