Do not remove pets from MM hunter (Megathread)

you again? how can you whine so much about other people asking something?


I don’t think this means what you think it means.

Once again why should anyone be forced to change specs to one they prefer not to play just to hasve pets ?

Bad enough a lot of us had to change specs 9 years ago just to keep using a gun or bow.

So are you truly that daft and not understand “WE DO NOT WANT TO CHANGE SPECS TO HAVE PETS AVAILABLE FOR OPEN WORLD” or are you just a freaking troll with nothing better to do then stir the pot ?


Can BM still fired off aimed shots?

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That’s a non-sequitur for the Hunter class lol. Since DF Hunter has never been so easy. I meant “hard mode” as a plus difficulty mode.

classic isnt hard thats the point

everytime a raid is introduced its done within a few hours

Touche. I may have put more of the emphasis on PvP…

pvp is also a meme, you role meta spec and faceroll. wow hard

And what does that mean when you choose to roll a Hunter throughout the vast majority of that time, instead of the meta facerollers lol? Because yes, it’s meme-easy and not everyone wants that. People would QQ of boredom faster than by rage when the game just plays itself like that.

idk if your getting paid commission to convince people to play classht, but im not playing classht

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“This stuff sells itself,” as a fitting quote regarding the upcoming Undermine.

It would be either donation, bribery, or thievery for me to earn such commissions. Depending on what you’re after, you don’t need to be told to play Classic more than Retail.

Why do you not want to play the Shooter BM spec and dont say BECAUSE like everyone keeps saying to me, you dont know what you want and the one thing people have said BM has. The only thing i can think of is your like having Marksmanship Hunter on your tag.

Because even the shooter BM spec is still quite reliant on the pet, the pet is still part of the rotation/a huge part of the damage.

One thing people seem to ignore is there are degrees of pet usage:

  1. pet based-damage is mostly, if not 100%, pet based
  2. pet reliant-damage might be more evenly split, but still requires pet to maximize the damage potential
  3. pet aided-damage is mostly, if not all, on the hunter, pet is a minor part/a tool, we can do without the pet in the right circumstances, but it is there if we need it for any reason.

They would rather keep MM as a boring BM like spec rather than ask for BM to have more range abilities in one part of the tree.

You gonna get dog pilled by like 4-5 loud people btw.

We are not the ones that think anyone that wants a pet wants to be a master of beasts. Some of us know how Blizzard can monkey paw ideas/requests, so even if we have more shot based talents in the BM tree, they cold make it so we can only use them when our pet is alive or after we have our pet do one of their moves.

Ever think that some of us that want to keep the pet also don’t want to be reliant on the pet for everything, we just want it as it has always been part of our tool kit, there is we need it but can be ignored if we don’t?


I was going to respond to them and the one above them but realized they are just pathetic trolls .

We keep saying our reasons and giving options that would actually please both side of the argument but their responses have constantly been “Play BM . Play Surv” .

They don’t want to have a real conversation they just want to be broken records by repeating the same things and by getting others to repeat themselves with counter arguments.

I’m done with those fools and will be ignoring them < I suggest you do the same .


please do, please ignore everyone and stop causing mindless arguements. you’ll be doing the entire game a favor if every pet mm just stops causeing trouble

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Look in the mirror before stating such, otherwise you make it look like the anti-pet side is 100% innocent,

I have a topic in the hunter forum for ideas on how to handle pet/no pet MM, feel free to peruse that and provide input.


What trouble are we causing Karen ?

Saying why we don’t like the change and giving suggestions on a way that would make both the non pet and pro pet mm hunters happy is mindless arguments?

I bet half of you doing the whole non pet argument don’t even play a hunter.