Do not remove Essence Font plz!

Do NoT remove Essence Font from mistweaver monks.
"This is an iconic spell that looks and sounds like fireworks. "
please put it in the talent tree as a choice, then you’ll see how many people prefer it.
i have 5 monks for every other class i make. I prefer to heal as a raider. This spell is my #1 priority cooldown spell. im always watching this spell first to see if it’s off cooldown.
this is the best looking and sounding spell the monk has. You Don’t Take Rapid fire chi blasts away from Vegeta, you just dont!

here is a proposed new version.

I understand that the Windwalker needs some love. it’s kit is bloated, and we just basically waiting for cooldowns to refresh.

This is the time to be bold and experimental and propose NEW ideas and functions not to cling to a style of clunky class that’s been the exact same sense MoP.

Here is how the skill would work for WW:

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