Do not remove Essence Font plz!

This is a great aoe ability one of the best aoe healing abilities this game has ever had. It works amazingly well with fistweaver and when upgraded with talents its just a great button to push. a 1.5 min cd ability is not even remotely the same thing as essence font. I beg of you Blizzard keep it in the game, aoe healing is already a awful thing in wow as it is don’t make it worse for a fun class in the game.


I quite like Essence Font, especially when in Mythic+ and either I am not near a target, or Jadefire is on CD, I would like to believe this is a commonly used ability and not just infrequently used by players.


Please keep essence font.


I would also like to say, keep essence font. I love the double mastery procs and sometimes (with my build at least) it’s all you need in the moment.


It says being removed from the talent tree. So there is a good chance it’s just becoming a baseline spell like others have throughout DF for certain specs.

It will be interesting to see the changes being made to the talent tree though.

I don’t mind if its baseline but it should stay in the game, and i hope it keeps the talent perk of if not in use over time it gets stronger. Just don’t remove it from the game please T-T


I love Essence Font and used it often. I liked the way it looked and it helped top off multiple team-mates. I really hope we do not lose it and goes baseline.


I’ll wait to test it out and see. I’m not fond of the gameplay experience it brings. If I’m being honnest I’m more sadened to see the visual element go than anything else :man_shrugging:t2:

If there was 1 spell in the whole kit that I think of when thinking about MW monk I would say essence font. It is a unique spell that makes the spec different from other healers and helps a ton on the monk class fantasy of being mobile. If they remove that spell they are completely blind and have 0 clue what they are doing.

This is about as clueless as if they said they are removing pets from hunters and instead adding a 1.5 min CD that lets you summon a pet for 10 seconds.

This is just about as worse of a change as you could possibly do.


Please keep Essence Font dead. Terrible spell.

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Please keep Essence Font! It’s super fun to use when running Upwelling with Thunder Focus Tea. So satisfying! And I much prefer Faeline Stomp applying the Essence Font HOT - really nice synergy.


1 day into beta and heavily missing my essence font :sleepy:


I agree, balance it and make it a choice node with Jadefire. I get not allowing both of them at the same time, but the people who dont like Jadefire stomp, are the same ones who DO like essence font. Really hope they bring it back someday, it probably wont be soon. But the truth is, Mistweaver is still fun without it. It doesnt make or break the spec.

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Do NoT remove Essence Font from mistweaver monks.
"This is an iconic spell that looks and sounds like fireworks. "
please put it in the talent tree as a choice, then you’ll see how many people prefer it.
i have 5 monks for every other class i make. I prefer to heal as a raider. This spell is my #1 priority cooldown spell. im always watching this spell first to see if it’s off cooldown.
this is the best looking and sounding spell the monk has. You Don’t Take Rapid fire chi blasts away from Vegeta, you just dont!

here is a proposed new version.

I understand that the Windwalker needs some love. it’s kit is bloated, and we just basically waiting for cooldowns to refresh.

This is the time to be bold and experimental and propose NEW ideas and functions not to cling to a style of clunky class that’s been the exact same sense MoP.

Here is how the skill would work for WW:

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Bump for keeping EF


I’ve got no problem with keeping Essence Font, as long as it’s not required to path through to get to the useful talents. It’s current place in the tree makes it an unavoidable waste of a talent point.

This is something that could be compromised on: if it was setup to be a choice node with something else, that would give players a choice.

(keep in mind what i write below this describing EF would be without the double dip into mastery effect it has now and would strictly be the heal + the hot it puts on players)

I can’t recall where i seen it but someone suggested having it be a choice node with Jadefire Stomp where it gives players an option if they don’t like the positional requirements of Jadefire Stomp and want just the “buff” on your character at a greater** reduced effectiveness for talents associated with it.

The other option is perhaps a choice node with “Invigorating Mists” or even “Zen Pulse” so if you lean more on Essence Font for aoe/group healing over the Vivify/Zen Pulse route this would give you that choice.

Again these are all just ideas but the point is that more choices should be offered to allow players to choose how to play.

Blizzard what have you done? you have made mistweaver monk absolutely dog poo to level, we have 0 and I mean 0 aoe heals at low level, makes leveling a chore… why would you take away one of our base heals? this is the absolute worst, small changes are one thing but completely changing a core ability in the class? you make it incredibly hard for people that were good at something to completely relearn, it’s terrible, it plays horribly, everything is single target heals. It’s crap.


I still miss it. It was so fun to use with upwelling and TFT - a truly satisfying cast.

I decided to heal some Time walking dungeons, so I switched got my macros set up and talents done. get into first dungeon…where the hell is my Essence Font for all these guys needing heals? tried searching for it in talents, looked in skills, okay how the hell do I heal the group all at once without burning a CD? Ah, spam jade stomp and keep using crane kick, while casting renewing mist with my mouseover macro. This did mostly work. Still wish I could use Essence Font though, I really loved using that skill when needed.

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