Do NOT nerf unholy dk

Kite them behind pillar and stun either them or heals when you have Apoc, you can also grip behind low and kill off a coil proc. Just never stop running. Chains steady and leverage clawing/necro wounds, don’t be afraid to swap necro aura for Hellforged if you need. I’m 1750 and the only time I really need to worry about monk/warrior is if I don’t chains and or they have Hpal on their team.

You can’t straight up trade with them though, I got killed by a WW and Ret through IBF and Hellforged last night trying to do that.

This makes me want to uninstall the game though to be honest. The skill floor is as low (or lower this expac b/c dk surviablility) as a frost dk and they have exponentially more mobility. The idea that it should be meta for ‘reasons’ (not blaming you for pointing out what you’re pointing out, blaming the arena community and the devs for going with it) is idiotic. Ret/DK get as much people playing them when they’re good. Warrior has strong rep because every other melee eventually gets gutted and it’s only war left and they have a great kit thats easy to use. They always have great rep because they’re never truly bad lol.

It’s frustrating because warriors turn us into swiss cheese. They terrorize lower brackets and don’t get countered until they start running into good casters, and the good casters don’t really exist until higher ratings.

They don’t get punished the way any other melee does for hitting the W key too much. It’s the definitive PvP spec, second only to the small amount of good rogues.

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One of the things I notice in my games is that I am almost never the go to kill target as most players have less gear than I do at my rank. If I am the target it’s when the gates open and they quickly figure out I am slow to use defenses, eat certain cc’s, and I trust the healer to do their job instead of panicking. The result is the other dps, who is less geared gets it hard.

Here is what seems to happen during a loss in my view when not with warrior or monk:

  1. Not trusting the healer resulting in excess defenses blown in rapidity and running behind pillars from healer via movement abilities
  2. Attempting to cc both and not succeeding at either
  3. Running away from me
  4. constant target switching when not needed
  5. Attacking into ToK
  6. ToD happens because of being over whelmed and panic

What I am doing vs warrior/monk:

  1. Reluctant to blow longer dps cd’s because they can’t pick a target so we can’t put pressure on one.
  2. Attempting to control one target which doesn’t work due to gap closers and so much cc has been dumped into them, quickly through their actions, reducing effectiveness.
  3. Chasing because I run out of death grips and chains doesn’t stop these gap closers

When I am paired with warrior or monk:

  1. Goes full mongoloid asap when gates open
  2. If target goes behind pillar chases regardless of target hp rather than briefly switches to not los our own healer
  3. Seems to use defenses offensively and at wrong times
  4. Gap closesers used less then a second before death grip

It’s been a long time since I pvp seriously let alone in arena, and I’m not the expert I use to be back in day, but at this point these have to be FotM rerollers. It just seems like neither of these classes with the buff they have make it so you have to think beyond press W and burst as soon as a cd is up.

It’s funny being the target for ToK because AMS just absorbs it all and I switch targets. Then when the monk is low they don’t have it.

If you haven’t PvP’d in a long time then you should probably watch some DK gameplay and try find ways to improve. One of the biggest mistakes I see from new/fotm UH players is not taking gnaw off auto, that DR’s your stuns. You should also have focus macros for grip, kick, and stun. I know adding three more buttons can be a pain to learn but it’ll be worth it in the long run.

Warriors been good for so long most of the people who play it don’t even know what it’s like for the spec to be average.

Don’t wait too long on these unless you plan to totally line out their damage.

Ah, wait till they use something to get on you or your team mate and use Asphix on their heals then blow cds into them. Sometimes IBF is the right call here if you see Serenity/Leg Sweep b/c a disarm is probably coming in.

Grip the healer into blind off the Asphix, hit all 3 and drop death and decay and spam Clawing/Coil.

I’m not great against warrior but they do some dumb things like fly out of range of their heals to jump behind pillars. Had an 1800 warrior do that today and he died in 5s, then next game I get pared with him and the healer and he proceeded to start giving the healer a hard time.

I’m writing that to let you know about the mindset some of these people have. They don’t think ahead or about anything other than

Sadly though this is something thats rewarded. Thats why I hate the nerfs sometimes you can feel the zug coming and right now Unholy can punish for it but barley.

If you find them sittting on you grip in their heals and tunnel them for a bit. People panic when they see their healer at 50% at lower cr and it allows you to start to see cleave damage actually stack up b/c heals aren’t freely casting on dps.

yeah, monks + arms are terrible to deal with.

but let me give you some advice, you did a full Haste/Versa build from what I’m seeing.

if you allow me, let me put my view here:

I can’t see now how much mastery your character has, your profile is not showing all the infos, but with the full Haste build, I don’t believe that pet damage/deseases are your focus, but bursting wounds. Diseases and pet will deal damage with high mastery (above 4k+ with 450 gear activated). In the case of haste, the rune regeneration helps a lot with bursting wounds, which I think is its focus, so the superstrain talent is a little out of the build there in my opinion (i’m not a pro, of course).

Don’t you feel like you have a little problem with your damage at this rank? I went through this problem and had to understand how haste and mastery worked for DK and which builds benefit from these attributes.

When I understood that, then I decided which way to go, I prefer high mastery and a slightly slower game style, leaving all the skills to the “rot” method. That is, defile, superstrain, blight, scourge strike without the shadow claw, this makes diseases occur 100% faster and in the end the talent of 15% more occurrence of the virulent plague. With high mastery it really is a headache for anyone trying to heal this, if the enemy has dispel, use that pvp talent to cause 400% damage when dispelled. I don’t know if in pvp this is nerfed but it helps.

With high Haste I was playing in the method of bursting wounds so I went back to building everything I saw viable and helped build wounds. In this case, it’s a much more frantic game where THIS nerf will have a lot of impact, because you will depend on always keeping the maximum stacks, and with a 50% nerf you will gain less strength. Let’s say you manage to place 6 wounds, apocalypse bursts 4 at once, you burst two more, apply more wounds and in 10 seconds you have 10~12 stacks… instead of 20~24% of strength now it will be 10~12 %. It’s a little less but I STILL think this build can work with some…difficulty.

But for this to work, you need to consider your talents. And the crafted ring, feet and legs help a lot.

lol. Lmao even.