Hahaha, keep on believing that. The level of delusion is amazing - keep driving all the normal players away from the game, at least you’ll still have your circle jerk here on the forums!
Okay, then go do that.
I’m having fun. Yeah, bear is really hard, a lot harder than many others, and that’s kind of a bummer, but at the end of the day, it is what it is. And if you aren’t having fun with it, play something else. Personally I stopped playing Halo because the “Gotta Collect Em All” aspect of Mage Tower, of wanting to beat it on all my alts, has kept me coming back even though it has been six years since a new Halo. But if that isn’t there for you, if you’re not having fun… you can just stop. You can actually just stop and go do something else. But stop trying to ruin the fun for everyone else.
I don’t have it yet and I am really annoyed that it has already been nerfed so I will never get to kill it as it was.
This sounds like projection. At the very least ironic.
I am a normal casual player sweetheart.
I went and gave it a shot. Not for me right now, I have no desire to put forth the effort to beat the challenge. But just because I couldn’t walk in and Zerg it, doesn’t mean it needs to be turned into hello kitty island adventure.
I understand many more players than myself are enjoying having their skill put to the test and will appreciate the reward having done so.
I know you’re not picking up what I’m putting down, maybe one day you will understand.
Tired of the swinging pendulum that is Mage tower threads.
I love to get involved with the WoW community I’ve been a part of it for almost half my life. But I am tired of swinging from one extreme to the other on this topic.
Some encounters are tuned perfectly fine and people just need to improve.
Other encounters are tuned too hard.
Guardian Druid is one of those encounters that should be adjusted.
What, an alternative color to an old appearance?
Maybe the issue is the Guardian Druid bear form is relatively rare. Let Blizzard release basic versions of this bear form through new content (9.2) and mage tower will be forgotten.
I most certainly will not. Do not presume to know me better than I know myself. I have never felt “a sense of accomplishment”, only annoyance over having to put forth actual effort. I do not have fun overcoming challenges. At all.
Agreed. At least, that’s why I play.
I’ve climbed many mountains along side you.
None of them were fun. I now hate mountains and have sworn them off because I’m better off not bothering with them. I have more fun ignoring your mountains and plotting to blast a road through them from the safety of the valley oasis.
I have fun when things are easy. Only then.
I will have fun playing the game, but I’m not doing the Mage Tower. There is no fun to be had there for me. Looks like you have a narrow view of who plays WoW and why. I’ve been here 17 years, and I’ve hated challenges for all of them.
At the end of TBC, I spent all my time in the AFKaves of AV and my “end game” was the Isle of Quel’danas. I don’t raid and I don’t take on any form of challenge, because that is not fun.
I gave up on Mage tower, its too “try hard” for the reward. I rather they remove it and focus on making legacy raids easier. There are much better transmogs in there.
I’m just focusing on finishing campain on all my alts instead, I realized its much more relaxed to not worry about “challenging” content that most people will probably risk getting piloted in and wait for legacy content to be nerfed so I can get nice transmogs.
It’s not like the try hards already have the Mythic raids, the elite pvp gear sets and the M+ rewards (w/e those are).
Keep the mage tower for the challenge-seeking crowd. Keep the m+ feature for the same crowd…
But it’s hard to appreciate niche content like the mage tower or M+, which is designed solely for the challenge-seeker, when the rest of it is pretty shallow content to begin with.
Maybe if they added something worth doing that isn’t for that crowd with these rotational holiday features? Maybe make the TW dungeons worth doing on their own, or add some TW feature to world quests, invasions, etc…
I mean, the TW badge vendors are incredibly lackluster and aren’t ever updated after their introduction. Gear you can buy from them doesn’t have any value this expansion, everything else is like a single mount or toy.
I guess there’s the allure of farming old reps that don’t have any current value unless you’re pretty new to the game, and they did add a bunch of new weapon xmogs. I’m not sure why they made them so cheap that you can get them with one single dungeon run, but that’s new.
IDK. It just provides me and they way I play very little reason to participate in any of these holidays.
Exactly. Trying to “win” is toxic. It’s just a way to hold your arbitrary ability at button-mashing over the heads of people who can’t mash buttons as well as you can.
You paid the same $15. You showed up to the same event. You’ve invested the same amount of time and care into your character. But one of you is a better button-masher, so he gets the skin and the other one goes home empty-handed.
That is disgusting.
We learned that when we were born on this doomed planet and realized we wouldn’t live as long on it as our parents have. Defeat is the overall theme of real life. Unless you’re privileged, defeat isn’t something you need to experience from a video game.
Yes. It is. It, therefore, should not be part of entertainment we pay for. We are paying to escape real life feelings. Losing is one of those, because most of us just spin our wheels and never get anywhere. Video games let us make progress with the ability we have to offer, and that’s why they feel good. If a video game’s difficulty outstrips our ability to generate a better effort, we feel bad and our money was wasted. We would’ve been better off failing at something else that didn’t cost anything.
What kind of person assumes everyone wants to be a teacher or have children? We’re here to play a game and get a transmog, dude. Leave real life situations out of it.
I don’t get why people think there’s only 2 settings :
- 100+ pulls for 95th percentile PvE players! GOOD CHALLENGE!
- 1 puller for LFR peeps.
There’s like 500,000 other levels of difficulty between those two. Adjusting things like Bear to be just slightly more forgiving so that people can more comfortably do P2 without cheese items wouldn’t make it dumb down easy. Like tune down the damage on annihilate a bit so that the safe cooldown management strat doesn’t give you a 4 annihilate soft enrage and everyone can comfortably go to 5.
Very slight nerf, high quality of life, doesn’t change the encounter. Still requires that Iron fur x2 + Instincts + Bark combo to survive the 4th and needs you to not get pushed off before then.
All the people before they completed it: this is BS man overturned nerf it!!!
Same people 5 days and 979 attempts later with their super special care bear form: please don’t nerf it i want to feel special for all my hard work!
It’s almost like Blizzard wanted people to feel that sense of achievement but no one cares to understand it unless they complete it
Hi, I have the fel werebear. I think it deserves a slight nerf in P2 still.
I did Prot Paladin before the nerf came in. I barely made it. It took me 5 hours and though I didn’t main Paladin this expansion, I’ve mained Paladin a lot. I got my Mage Tower Ret skin the first time the tower opened, I know how to play it.
Around the 2 hour mark into doing Prot Paladin, I had a 600 health wipe. The next day, they nerfed him down by 10%. That means that I would’ve gotten it at the 2 hour mark. That would’ve been fair and unfrustrating. The other 3 hours I spent on it were pretty frustrating, with a lot of fatigue regression. I don’t think that just because I had to do it pre-nerf that the nerf isn’t warranted, it absolutely is.
If they made it any easier, I would have rolled my face through it and I’m generally terrible, playing a class I don’t really know how to play. However, Blizzard, if you can go with the above suggestion for Mythic raiding as well, making it faceroll, I’d actually appreciate that too.
Every creator wants their audience to feel, but that requires creative talent and personal engagement. Ramping up the difficulty to unattainable levels only makes us feel hostility towards the creator, and that is certainly not what they intended.
Blizzard needs to get better at coaxing us into feeling what they want us to feel, because right now, they are as ham-fisted as an ettin trying to do origami.
I really hate people like you. People that think it’s always black or white, all or nothing.
Prot Paladins that did it after me had 10% less health to burn off Kruul. That’s fine. A lot of times in the night when I did it, I thought to myself “This guy has way too much health”. And Blizzard did in fact nerf his health down.
That didn’t make the encounter completely trivial. If he had had that 10% less health when I did it, I would’ve killed him in 2 hours and some 20 pulls. But I’ve mained Paladin for a very very long time.
The fact they nerfed it after I did it changes nothing. I still have my mog and I still don’t have to do it ever again. And now more people get to enjoy the mog too, while not having to bang their heads against the wall far more than a Paladin main had to.
For someone with that profile, you’re not terrible at all. Don’t sell yourself short just to make a point.
Noting there is a fine line between the intent of the mage tower, and over-nerfing it, isn’t “thinking it’s black or white”. The fact that you hate people for thinking so says all that needs to be said about the mindset you’re approaching the conversation from.
Thinking any kind of tuning is a “overnerf” is black or white yes.
Yes, I hate people who talk in extremes when most are asking for adjustments. Stop opposing people for asking for adjustments.
Prot Paladins got their 10% adjustment and now the fight is completely fair for them. That’s all that was needed, a slight Kruul health nerf. Other specs are in need of the same tuning to be done still and Blizzard is slow walking it.