DO NOT Make Flanking Strike and Butchery a choice node

That’s not bloat. Bloat is something you need to use that’s too much. In all honesty, look at cata rotations (when the first bloat purge happened) vs now. Current rotations feel extremely bloated in comparison.

Exactly, and yet they are there.

Flanking strike is a gap closer and dps, it also provides a damage boost for two other abilities with tip of the spear.

Butchery is an AoE that gives you a heavy dot in an 8 yard range. The ability to have a gap closer followed by an AoE heavy bleed is amazing for both pve and pvp. If they gave Butchery a gap closer i would be in heaven.

You don’t need to use butchery and Flanking strikes together, just like you don’t need to use any other ability that you choose to take in the talent trees. What they are taking is the ability to choose to have both, with no compensation for one, and compensation for the other (potentially tunneling you into it). Player choice comes in a fork in the road or freedom of opportunity, fork in the road gives you two paths, thats it, freedom of opportunity gives you both paths IF you want to choose them.

There are other options in our kit they can do to address button bloat but are choosing to strip away the ability of people to choose both options. Gap closer with damage, or heavy aoe Bleed.

you didn’t answer my question you just explained what the abilities do. what choices do they give you as separate buttons?

Sure, i’ll make it a little easier to follow, the choice is having them both vs only having one. The choice in combat is the ability to use both instead of one.

In the case of pve I can move from one mob to another with this, where as if i have to choose between the two i can choose the gap closer just not have the bleed going or i can choose to bleed and not be able to move around as often.

In pvp i can bleed a target and use flank to leap to another, damage it and trap it. If my Coordinated assault and Harp are down (which they can often be in pvp) its a good option to have. Since the bleed can keep people in combat, and the leap can take people out of it when couple with a trap.

Not having both means i have to choose one or the other and unfortunately having a utility at 30 seconds without the extra damage from the bleed is a bit of a loss loss situation.

fs damage actually doesn’t do the maximum damage you’re out of melee range when you use it (at least that’s been the case for most of TWW) so I genuinely forgot it had the leap, especially with how low the harpoon cooldown is.

especially since they’re such binary abilities (i.e. single target nuke aoe nuke) there wasn’t really any choices to be made in pve…even more so with merciless blows being so overwhelmingly strong you used butchery in st lol

Which I understand your point. However the utility in both pve and pvp from that leap combo is incredibly useful. The ability to have both i feel can impact gameplay quite a bit, and there are other areas of surv that don’t have an impact like that and yet still just are there. I do like the new node that increases bleeds on the ptr but i love my mobility and on a 30 second cooldown its just enough to enjoy it with respect to fs. Removing that is going to be a bit rough if they go through with it.

if mobility is what you’re after with the +1 talent you get now you can easily grab terms of engagement which is even better mobility than fs

Already able to do so even with flank/Butcher. Having another mobility is good for a class that needs to be highly mobile, unless they plan to make us tankier.

it’s already an extremely tanky spec in pve so I don’t think that’ll happen

it sucks.
big reduction to AE.
spec feels awful now.