DO NOT Make Flanking Strike and Butchery a choice node

Which is the reason for this thread

Didn’t say it would be easy. Just said I would rather.

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it really is one of the dumbest changes ive ever seen…they finally got survival in a good spot and now want to ruin it? blizz need to not follow through with that change and also there is no need to nerf butchery at all aside from that i heard there nerfing the bleed by 50%? if true blizz have lost the plot completely…


be so for real how is this ruining anything

50% nerf on a main spell thats mid at best makes zero sense and then put it on a choice node with another main spell thats mid for a spec that hardly gets played…do you see the stupidity here?


merciless blows was not mid at best though its what like 8% increase in damage for a single talent point? it’s a bit of an outlier power level wise.

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If this choice node thing goes through they are going to need to attach the ‘perks’ for both to both (Bomb cdr for Butchery, 2x Tip for Flanking strike).

Without access to both of those things the spec feels very clunky, even if those aren’t the primary reasons for taking the talents.

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theres dozens of spells for other more played specs that are far better that dont get looked at is my point more than anything, why nerf a spec thats barely played and not performing over the top

can you point some out? last I knew merciblows was on the upper end of value per single point of talent, especially one that was giga strong in st AND aoe (enough to warp the optimal gameplay where you take a traditional aoe ability into ST)

templar slash for ret is the exact same spell pretty much but hits harder on a shorter CD comet storm for frost mage can do half ure hp, void torrrent/collapsing void does millions of dmg, dragon roar for warriors hits way way way harder, kingsbane does millions of dmg, feral frenzy does millions of dmg jst to name a few on way more played specs it jst doesnt make sense to nerf a spec thats barely played and not performing over the top


templar slash is single target, no?

isnt this on a much longer cooldown than 7-11 seconds?

same with this?

talent makes templar hit like 5 targets, yeah they have longer cooldowns but the point is there is sooooo many spells that need addressing before a bleed on a 15 sec cd on a spec that doesnt get played lol


right but im saying merciless blows is an outlier of value for a single talent point of investment :man_shrugging: your templar splash example there requires 2pt investment

there are several specs less played than sv hopefully they dont get buffedf irst then :PP

The survival rotation feels great at the moment. How can they possibly describe it as bloated, there are barely any buttons and a lot of them are on longer CDs.

Why do you want to take Flanking Strike OR Butchery?! So can you press only 4 buttons for 30 seconds then press Flanking Strike? Butchery was fine and fun to use between Wildfire Bomb charges. It was basically filler you’d press on cooldown.

Blizzard shooting their game in the face like usual. Did you make this change based on the 3 lazy, whiny plebs complaining the spec is too hard and that it ruins their cool melee hunter immersion?

Keep it the way it is.


Explosive shot is also iconic to the spec from all the way back to wrath. It makes the spec fun.

This is my issue as well. Having to change talents for AoE or ST feels weird. I wish they focused on play style choices over required talents to do well in specific situations.

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Im getting tired of them using the excuse of button bloat to nerf specs. Flanking and Butchery together is an impactful combination and gives us CHOICES in combat. The way they have it now its going to leave butchery the exact same and give bigger bonuses to flanking strike which does nothing.

You want to get rid of button bloat? get rid of Steady shot and arcane shot buttons from Survival after this many years.

If they wanted to get rid of button bloat have Butchery turn into flanking strike when used. That would be 100%

Me and the boys hate this change.

When are you pressing those buttons ?

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what choice do flanking strike and butchery give you as separate options