DO NOT Make Flanking Strike and Butchery a choice node

DO NOT Make Flanking Strike and Butchery a choice node.
That’s a really dumb change, but for PVE and PVP.


why do you feel it’s dumb friend

Yeah, there was no way that was going to stay in the game as is. No way. I’m happy it looks like they didn’t completely destroy the idea of a heavy bleed in the spec. We’ll have to see what it looks like in testing but totally fine with that choice node.

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I don’t see how it’s dumb, at all. IMHO it’s a great change because it’s one less button we have to press.

Personally I hate being shoehorned into straight single target vs AoE with a single choice node.


Dumbing down specs is a good thing now?
i remember when people hated pruning


I hate it because of the long CD flanking strike has. If they made flanking strike have 15 sec cd like butchery and allowed us to keep the dot rolling with pack leader like we have now i would love it but with the 30 sec cd version we have now it feels weird with the playstyle they just made us adapt too.


I love having both. I realize there is a lot of bloat in the rotation at the opener but otherwise I love having both available for use.

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Depends on how it’s executed.
Legion SV was viewed as more complex, but it didn’t have good interactions, it was a mess of like 5 plates that you were spinning that didn’t interact with one another.
So “simplifying” it but making the kit have more interactions is an improvement.


put the bleed from the charge somewhere else. No need to flanking strike, which is a small duo charge to have a bleed anyways. Why on earth put a choice node for the 2 completely different abilities anyways? cause both have bleeds but its super lame to choose between aoe and single target now when that slogs you into anything but open world. again a super lame choice but for me ill take the aoe as i already have 2 other charges with survival.

Can I pls keep both and give up explosive shot instead?


I agree with Taiger. I hardly use explosive shot outside of AoE anyway, but I DO use Flanking Strike and Butchery together a lot (especially with Exposed Flank in cleave situations). Flanking Strike has been an iconic ability for SV since Legion and I can’t say I like seeing it crammed into a choice node like that.

And if blizzard is adamant that ES needs to stay in some form then they can just change bombardier to make your next WF bomb cast a free ES on your target at the end of Coordinated Assault, as well as return the CDR effect to Sulfur Lined Pockets. That way it can still be a part of our rotation, but play a passive role.

Edit: Grammar and wording.

Explosive shot is one of our hardest hitting moves why would you hardly use it? Explosive shot is a strong single target and aoe spell, it deals only slightly less damage than wildfire bomb, this is so confusing to me lol.


eh, I could care less that those 2 are on a choice node now. I felt obligated to take butchery because of the hero tree talent point on the Sv hero trees. I’d be cool with taking flanking strike or butchery because I think I’m going to settle on flanking strike.

I will admit that I haven’t looked at the 11.1 hero tree yet, hope blizz fixes the hero tree for Sv. For now, we have those points in the hero trees that are ‘buff butchery this way or buff butchery that way’.

Balancing issue.

?? Its working as intended lol like what?

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It’s okay if people don’t want to to optimal damage. It’s a bit confusing if you refuse to use all your abilities, but whatever I guess lol

I meant if they removed explosive shot and let us keep butchery and flanking strike. They would just have to adjust numbers.

Explosive shot is a class ability, buffed by ranger, reset by one talent, and give free use/cleave off of another.

It would take so much work to remove and rebalance just to get rid of something that already fits nicely into our rotation.

We already have access to both butchery and flanking strike, it would be much easier to let us keep them both than remove a spell from the general hunter tree, change no less than 3 talents and rebalance two other spells around its removal.

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Not for long.