yes it can, all you have to do is say here i am helping you out here is some GOLD!
i audit over my patents but i can never be for sure they dont undercut me
Not just the WoW token but all the RMT going on behind the scenes.
Worst kept secret in all of WoW that top guilds are a part of the RMT scene and these “communities” turned it into a full blown business.
It has nothing to do with benevolence. It’s the same as having a middleman on a deal for a rare item. Let’s say I want to buy your signed Wayne Gretzky rookie card for some insane price. I give my funds to the middleman they are released to you upon confirmation of receipt of the item. Ebay is literally based upon this system. It’s to protect both buyer and seller and ensure both get what they want.
Dude blizz literally had access to the spreads if you denied them access they would ban the banking toons I seriously have no idea what part of this you are having such an issue with.
I don’t see it as pay to win, because there’s really nothing to win other than being able to brag. There’s no guarantee for gear drops, and if they just get an achievement then unless you are trying the same content (which is hard to discern since you’re on a level 10) it has no impact on you whatsoever. I am doing the actual content and I don’t see it impacting me or how I play the game.
Yeah they are acting like they are a vital part of the game, providing a service for people.
The game was just fine without them and it will be better off with them gone imo.
That was certainly part of it. Converting gold to balance and “gifting” things.
There was also a lot of straight up gold selling, either to other 3rd parties or directly to players and guilds who needed funds and wanted a better rate than the tokens offered.
It’s what got Gallywix shut down.
No you aren’t. You’re not getting why people like the communities if you wanted to do boosts you signed up and got paid a transparent cut. No advertising just playing hell if you were in a partnered guild you didn’t even bother signing up just showed up to raid got your cut after. What should have happened was an opt in channel for boosts then trade could go back to the thunderfury and politics spam you folks seem to miss so much.
I understand the argument against banning the boosting communities - most people that do the boosting depend on the income for whatever reason. Some of these reasons can be solved if the game was changed - lets say, if there are more opportunities to make some serious gold. Boosting, overall, does more harm than good. I personally have lost a lot of friends because of the boosting. They say they don’t want to be involved in a game where people can just throw money at achievements, gear, mounts, rating, etc. I’m happy with the ban. And this ban isn’t going to completely shut down all boosting. But the existence of boosting will have less of an effect on the game and the community.
Not getting the drops is even worse. How is paying for a token and getting a raid clear with RNG loot any different than buying loot boxes in mobile games?
I honestly can’t tell if you are trolling. There are google doc balance sheets blizz has accounts that are given access to these sheets if they don’t match in game bye bye banking accounts.