Do NOT Ban Boosting Communties!

Not sure why but I lag terribly on A52. Which is ridiculously ironic because I live in the Northeast, so you think I would have pristine connection. Guess I’ll just stay with my 70-80 MS on Hyjal, and just group with players from A52 instead. :stuck_out_tongue:

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Wow you just a broken record, same comment over and over, means you lost the argument bud, go chase your dreams

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I’ve literally said it 4x now. Do you have the memory of a goldfish, I do multiple content types. I know that’s something you’re not capable of but try to understand that pvp is the last on my list on things to do in a tier/season. I spammed like a hundred 2s games to farm a conq set inbetween my daily win farm.

IDK why I typed that, you’re gonna dodge this and not respond to it and then ask the same question again a 5th time because you’re 1900 hardstuck and can’t cope with the fact that a mythic raider came in and beat you lmfao. Loser.

Seems clear to me. You can sell carries. Just don’t form a giant community that spams trade chat on every realm 24/7.

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Lol get wrekt! I hope they bring the hammer down hard on the lfg advertising.


Until he answers. Also, don’t really care what a player like you thinks since you rely on boosts to do anything in game.

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I always knew I could be the Batman, I just needed that push from Ricksanchez to make it happen :heart_eyes:

I’ve answered for the 4th time bud, stop dodging. I thought 1900 was too low elo for you to accurately dodge people but you’re proving me wrong.

Please venture into the arena forums and tell this story. I double dog dare you.


Ahahahahahahahah the cope from you is unreal. Bro you lost like you lose your 1900 games, give it up.

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Yeah, big realms are going to get bigger :+1:
Want to sell boosts or buy boosts at the same rate you’ll have to transfer.

These realms will most likely be the big players


You don’t even know what you are looking at. It’s okay, I know you are 1800 hardstuck.

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I think you doth protest too much

I agree. I think they could find more constructive ways to deal with these problems than banning the communities (and I don’t have an iron in the fire as I’ve never used nor worked for a boosting community).

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Just like when they slowed down the auction house its blizz thinking they have a 200 iq problem solver

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good job blizz on banning boosting communities. next up wow token!


I just had a thought, it’s a bit tinfoily though but what if Blizz made this change to get people to transfer off their low pop realms? :thinking:
Maybe they saw people were buying carries on other realms and not having to transfer so to make them transfer they took away their boosting source


Token should have been first. They are hypocrites


lies. it’s a technical loophole. a majority of players that end up buying boosts for gold get their gold from token sales… aka real money for gold. the only reason blizzard hasn’t been so forth coming about this issue is because they are the sellers of the tokens.


Look, by all means, ring us up when you can formulate an intelligible opinion. Because the only thing resembling an actual opinion from you I read was this here, and it really didn’t make much sense in the context of the post I was responding to soo…

Already said that your addon point is irrelevant because they are free. Really nothing to go on there.
At the risk of repeating myself, any gold sink you could mention are also irrelevant because I’m not talking about the transaction in itself but the actual person who, unprompted, is paying MORE to do something he admittedly doesn’t want to do.


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