Do NOT Ban Boosting Communties!

Because I used it to gear the warrior when I could do arena after my guild had finished mythic prog? How else am I meant to spam out conq gear fast?

Well they wouldn’t have to would they?
They can just make a guild on whatever realm and fill it with their carriers.
Only people getting the short end of the stick here are small realms.

100% disagree. Let people play the game how they want. Blizzard would agree here too as their boosting changes really are targeted at cross community advertisements but local server boosters are just fine.

Yeah… I’m starting to think hanging on to my Area 52 names (that where I was before MG) was a good idea.

Away with the boosting communities!

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Look, we both know what you did. You can fool some of your pro boosting compatriots but you won’t fool anyone that knows what they are looking at.


I get you’re only able to play pvp, and if you could even call 2k hardstuck playing, but some of us do all 3 forms of content for the game (raids/M+ and pvp). So we prioritise our time, for you, you were farming conq each week. But for players like me who can actually do all 3 types of content I had to delay my pvp until my guild was done with prog. Also what part of that character got 1800 in season 1 as well do you not grasp. Go check its achievement history it had 1800 back when nathria was current content.

They would have to transfer all of their characters to said realm to sell on that realm, and two I imagine if they start doing “Guild HK one, Guild HK two” etc Blizz will hit them for doing it again. It would also mean they can’t take clients from other servers they don’t play on, which is fine.

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Poggies a 1672 player wins a lot of Epic BGs, you sure showed him!

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They become worth nothing after the first few weeks. The total amount of boes we get in a run is probably worth less than 2 cuts per raider currently. Blizzard is beyond clueless. Do you know what I spent the weekend doing?

Spamming comp stomp to get 17k honor per duelist weapon appearance because for some god forsaken reason they aren’t auto unlocked upon hitting 2100 and that’s what going from rank 1 to rank 8 costs per 2 hand. I made zero gold from this and was near comatose with boredom. On the plus side I was getting renown levels every 3 wins or so.

There are so many things in this game that design wise are designed to drag out how much you have to play and people aren’t going to put up with doing that kind of monotonous junk daily.

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This is a process that’s been going on for years. Realms have been dying for a long time now and yet they’re not doing that much to help the players who can’t afford to transfer to another realm. I doubt they will do something - wasn’t there a discount for transfers in plan? For mass transfers? I guess this plan will be executed first. Squeeze money out of the poor fools left behind and then do a fusion with all the remaining realms.

It is, but these corporate-like structures of big boosting organisations are not really a healthy way for the game. Nobody bet an eye when guilds carried someone once a week for the ID or a single person carried others through low level dungeons. But the development in the last years has been very weird with big organizations that gather billions of gold and act almost like third party providers for cheap micro transactions.

showed what? that someone is going to rating shame an epic player to prove they should be allowed to buy boosts? i mean, thats about as loser as it gets.

I would not call that “playing”


This sounds dangerous as there are already cross realm guilds, are they not allowed to sell carries?

lol well now you can’t buy KSM and you think getting in a group was hard when you could?? Good luck the casuals are actually going to hate this…

You wouldn’t call selling raid boosts to pay for consumables by doing normal farm playing?

What are you doing? Nobody cares about the transactions themselves. As you read you realize that the spamming if more the issue rather than the boosting. So any gold sink you could think of bringing up is irrelevant (AH, BMAH, mounts, etc.).

We’re talking about someone seemingly pissed off that it is gonna be marginally harder to contact and PAY someone else to get him through content he never wanted to play in the first place. Someone needs to wake up and cut there losses here.

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Do you mean connected servers? Or guilds that play on multiple servers? I imagine this would also hit multi-realm guilds trying to exploit that fact to sell boosts.

It’s very close to what Multiboxxers tried to do and then Blizzard went right back in and hit the "or streamline multi-boxing in any way,” in there as a catch all.

Buddy, I know you don’t know this but there are sources to check and you certainly are a giant red flag. That’s why you won’t touch the arena forums. I don’t want to be “that guy” but you started calling me hardstuck and look what the end result was. I revealed your boost.

You’ve only been “looked at” by 5 people before me, which tells me you used the same guys (your boosters) and didn’t play well enough for anyone to bother looking you up. Anyone that knows anything would say the same thing.