Do NOT Ban Boosting Communties!

Why did you start a new thread?

Because without seeking out boosting or carries one is more likely to find a guild or at least a raid of likeminded players and attempt to eventually clear the content and have fun?

So here’s a thought: does buying a carry remove the fun of experiencing and learning content to earn one’s gear?


I didn’t start this one

That would be hella dope if they banned boosting. Take your P2W BS and spam elsewhere.


This is technically a proper new thread, while being related to the rumor thread.

This one’s subject is to tell Blizzard to NOT ban the boosting communities and those that do the boosting and carries in game, even for gold.

Have you considered that perhaps we buy boosts precisely because doing the content isn’t fun to us?


I know, I was referring to the person who started this one.

One thread about an unsubstantiated rumor is plenty and it should have been kept to just your thread imo.

Seems kinda pointless when this isn’t in response to anything official and is a rumor based off a random discord post.

Forums belong to Blizzard.

If moderation is needed, it will happen.

Until then, Blizzard is usually VERY lenient.

That’s a Blizzard fault, not a customer one.

However, that Blizzard allows boosting is another fault.

Even IF they DO ban boosting, the problem will be that NONE of the current content they have on offer in SL is WORTH a player’s time.


BAN Them All!


Ban jealousy.

To think, instead of doing that, you could be running content you’re so eager to pay to be carried through.


Maybe if the content in SL or WoW in general were ever worth the effort to actually play out, the entire concept of boosting might never have taken hold.

Or, such is my dream.

Still, I don’t blame people for thinking Blizzard isn’t capable of crafting meaningful content.

Their track record speaks for itself: just enough to keep the lights on. No TRUE effort. No REALLY, We did our BEST! patches, expansions, content pushes, nothing.


The big difference between now and a few years ago is that trade chat is actually being used for trading and not political arguments, racist chatter, and epeen measuring.


Too bad boosting isn’t even a supported form of trade. If you get scammed for a boost then tough tiddies.


bruh people would rather pay and stay afk around cuz they have money to burn to show a mount, instead of actually clearing content with Pugs. What’s even the point to do that. It’s not even a competitive game that some people pay to get boosted, and show off their fake rank, even that has better logic than paying to get carried and have a mount :face_vomiting:

It’s the only thing i care about for the game to fix atm, even if they don’t fix anything else, making the community to get rewards by playing together, together with IRL friends that are in a different skill level. (This was WoW on it’s peak, a social game that even people that never played any other games, would pick up. As years passed and people got obsessed with rewards for playing, WoW kept missing the mark with every expansion after cata, making the community feel more indiferent as all the interactions were automated at that point, and even as a “transaction” when boosting became socially accepted (cuz boosters wanted to get gold in dreams of big fat RMT, and boosties to not feel bad for skipping the whole reason you get rewarded with the special mount from the raid). That was my biggest joy in playing FF14. I could help my wife or IRL friends that are casuals and still get a small reward for my time, instead of what telling them pay real money to get yourself a boost cuz none is Pugging Normal or Heroic ?

If they just fix those things around the progression and rewards, copy that system that FF14 has (cuz WoW was a master on this craft, they would copy a system and not just copy it, make it even better in their game) and make practice groups. Give people motivation to play the content and not justify getting their spare money to buy a boost in hopes that they would raid mythic if “they have this achievement” to link in pms.


Yes please, BAN BOOSTING forever and ever! Force players to git gud.


Regardless of what one thinks of boosting
 if restricting or outright banning boosting ends up killing the game, how much game was actually there to save in the first place? If WoW can only exist by being carried by a boost economy, perhaps it’s past its sell-by date.


Now if only Blizzard actually tried to care and take WoW seriously and make actually fun and playable content that’s worth customers’ time each and ever time.

Or offered content with each patch that was as deep and fun as Vanilla while also being able to keep players busy for at least a year.


Me too honestly. Boosters undermines the intentions of MMORPG philosophy.


Players just have to actually learn their class, follow guides, and become good players. Boosting isn’t gonna kill wow, just boosting communities.