Do most people prefer night elves or blood elves, and why?

It’s called Dalaran

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Didnt stop the worgens or Gnomes from being playable. Also, even without one it just makes it that much more compelling that without their own country they are still around and kicking.

Darkspear too

And goblins.

And if we’re including allied races, toss in the LF drainos, void elves, mag’har orcs and vulpira.


Dalaran is till pretty much a Human run place. In it’s latest incarnation, the Silver Covenant High Elves all got replaced by Worgen which has all but eliminated the High Elf presence.

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The Three Sisters comic shows that the high elves are still a big part of said district. Most likely after the Legion invasion most of Genn’s people left.

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I feel qualified to answer this. I first started out on a night elf because they had ride-able battle cats, loved nature. They are/were a art nouveau Mucha painting, basically they are all the things I liked when I was young.

Then I switched to a blood elf because of the High elven aristocracy vibes. BE’s are delicate, and mean.

Nightborne are sophisticated and intellectual.

Void Elves are emo/edgy.

I like all of these aesthetics.

Well I’ll be dammed

Don’t tell anyone what that said.

Was it in response to something I said?

Nah, it was a dumb joke.

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Tell meeeeee!!! I want to know the joke.

Tell it to me in secret!

I laughed :joy:

No doubt.

Good luck on your search for the Cure for the World’s Pain.


Whoever says goblins and blood elves have my vote. Zandalari trolls too tbh

Blood Elves like most Horde races have racials that are highly favored in upper tier raiding.

So in upper tier guilds they’re the top Elf race.