Do I really have to do 11 - 15 M+

Do I really need to spam M+ 11 -15 to get Wyrm’s Shadowflame Crest to upgrade my gear? I don’t understand this…you can get ilvl 428+ starting at 17+ but you are required to spam 11 to 15s which are otherwise honestly kind of irrelevant to upgrade it?

Seems like a weird system to be forced to have to run lower keys when you’re clearing quite a bit higher keys…or am I missing something?


Zero post classic, seems like a sock puppet making multiple threads about the same thing at this point. You can downgrade crests if you need, but you should have lower crests from pushing keys.


just changed my poster character lol. Haven’t posted on forums in forever. Guess I gotta go farm some. I was running 20s & 21s in S1 consistently so I rushed ahead past 15s quick in season 2

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I started this season with a 17 in my vault from the 27 I did the week before and have done maybe 2 keys below that since the season started. I’ve got 200/300 wyrm crests from 2x heroic clears and need 100 more. The only way I can get them is running 11-15 keys which I need nothing from and are drastically below the level I’m playing at.

This is stupid.

Besides that issue though, I absolutely love the crest system and think it’s an excellent compromise between an upgrade system and ilvl Vs difficulty reward.


What were you trying to achieve from this, seeing as they’re clearly talking about a real issue, and plenty of people have been able to start at 16+?

I do think we essentially started out with the best case for the crest system (in its current implementation), and the negatives are going to become more and more noticeable as the season continues as people push further. At least for M+. Stuff like this was highlighted while we were on PTR, and it’s completely baffling that they didn’t think to do anything about it.

If you are in the minority of players that - 1) are farming 16+ keys only the first two weeks 2) do not raid, and 3) are trying to min max the first 2 weeks of the season, then this effects you. Otherwise, you can simply downgrade mythic crests that you don’t need into heroic ones. This will slow you down by a week or 2 compared to those players that are clearing heroic raid and running 11-15 keys, but so goes the min max game at the top.

Excluding crafted gear (4 mythic crests required, each) the requirement per character to fully gear your character (starting at 2/5 hero gear) is 32 heroic crests and 16 mythic crests. If you chose to ONLY do 16+ keys, you would need 48 mythic crests - just under 5 weeks worth Vs a 3 week path doing it the other way.

The only issue I have is that I think it could be nice if I cap mythic crests for the week, I would be given the next fragment tier down at the end of dungeon, so atleast I am being rewarded for my time. I.e I am capped on aspect crests and time a 17 I would be rewarded with wyrm fragments instead of nothing, ect.


What are you trying to achieve from this? They are clearly trolling by making spam threads about a topic that already exists on the front page multiple times.

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Keep in mind later in the season crests will be irrelevant unless you are working on a new character because you only need to use them once per upgrade level per slot. Assuming you are doing only mythic+ 20s for 431s, with 16 total slots that would be 32 total wyrm crests (480 crest fragments) you will need to upgrade every slot and this isn’t counting the vault. That would be 40 dungeons total between 11 and 15 if you are literally only doing m+ and not counting the vault. Every slot you fill from either the vault
or crafting subtracts 2.5 dungeons you would need to run to max out every slot, so after week one you would be down to 35 dungeons at a lower level and that number will continue to drop every week. Doing the raid on heroic also seems like it would be an extremely efficient way to get a bunch of wyrm crests.

It should not be surprising that people who are trying to max out as quickly as possible are going to have to jump through a few strange hoops, the game and this system is designed so people can incrementally progress, not jump straight to the highest possible item level.


After week 1, I have absolutory zero reason to be in anything below 16 other than to farm crests. This is very strange, considering they wanted to stop people from farming 2s in S1. This feels reminiscent of that, except now instead of having the option to do low keys, I’m now required to do low keys.

Can I downgrade crests? Yes, but not really. The way the cap works, you are only capped on the acquisition of crest fragments, not on the crests themselves (which is why crests that are awarded from quests don’t count toward your weekly cap). This means that if I do all my 16+ keys to cap on Aspect Crests, if I downgrade some to Wyrm crests I cannot earn more Aspect Crest fragments to make up the difference. So, unless I want to cut my overall cap essentially in half, the correct way to farm Wyrm Crests is to run 11s. You get punished for downgrading as it stands now.

Two simple changes that would improve this:

  1. If I downgrade a crest from Aspect to Wyrm (or Wyrm to Drake/Drake to Whelpling), the cap for the lower of the two should be consumed and the cap for the higher one should be freed up.
  2. If I’m running keys and I hit the cap on Aspect Crest Fragments, the game should dynamically change the reward from the key to the next highest possible crest fragment. So if I have 5 crest fragments remaining on my Aspect cap, and I time a 17, I should be awarded 5 Aspect Crest Fragments and 7 Wyrm Crest Fragments.

I should never be incentivized to do trivial content in order to obtain non-trivial gear. Doing 11s already feels like a waste of my time, and it’s only week 2. I want to run 17s+ exclusively for Hero track gear. Why should I end up with fewer upgrades compared to if I did easier content? It doesn’t make any sense.


Crests are going to become irrelevant eventually because you’ll be capped, or have no need to use them, correct. I’m not worried about that part as such. At least in theory, it’s no different to Valor where you stayed capped without doing too much effort, and when the cap was lifted you just had plenty of Valor aside from rare-ish instances of really good RNG.

I don’t think it’s entirely honest to describe it as “people trying to max out as quickly as possible”. With a system and numbers like this, people are naturally going to be hitting caps just naturally playing the game at relatively reasonable levels, which is why they’re coming up to situations like this. Part of the whole reasoning for this changed upgrade system was to ensure people would get relevant rewards by doing content at their level, so stuff like this shouldn’t even be possible.

It’s why one of the common suggestions people are bringing up is that when you capped on a particular crest’s fragments, the game should just start rewarding you the lower crest instead. That way, people will continue to do 18’s, 19’s etc., and keep on getting Wyrm fragments which they can still use, instead of getting nothing because they’re capped on Aspect, have a use for Aspect so downgrading would be silly, and the only way to get Wyrm is to do trivial content.

It’s very similar to how they highlighted people farming +2’s for gear. People were farming +2’s because RNG is terrible, and Valor (and now Crests) are kinda useless without the drop to use them on. Their solution now is that people won’t be farming +2’s, but they will still be incentivised to “drop down” into trivial +17 keys which they can do faster for more pulls at the slot machine. I can’t see how that’s better. It’s still trivial content, well below the challenge level of someone able to do +20’s etc., just now taking even longer/giving you less dice rolls (depending on whether time is a limiting factor or not).

But it’s super troll to downgrade Aspects in mass. Also, does that even remotely sound like a great solution?

It takes 13 timed dungeons to reach the weekly cap. If you are timing 13 16-20s a week, complaining about having to do probably around 20 lower level keys over the course of the entire season just seems like whining.

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You trolling works if you have something impressive going on. you barely clearing a 17 and still having a purple number when u sign up to keys is kinda cringe homie. get those numbers up…Edit, oh nvm you havnt even done a 17 yet (which is low af especially for a monster gamer like you)

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that guy cant even farm aspect crest reliably enough to downgrade them. bro is a washed up forum troll who will do like he always does which is pay a streamer to pilot his toon off stream.

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That’s a really weird pivot. Why deflect?

Especially considering it’s super obvious to see why people wouldn’t enjoy wasting time doing trivial/easy content that’s beneath their difficulty level, and it’s been acknowledged as a legitimate issue by Blizzard, to the point that avoiding that sort of thing is literally one of the main goals of this upgrade system.

Although yes it is an issue to run low lvl m+ keys for crests,the way upgrading works os that you only meed to upgrade once the gear. After thst you only need flightstones. Essentially if you do heroic raid or if you farm once those crests, you are done for the season.

I was skeptical and even annoyed how the upgrading works but after doing it its a thousand times better than valor. I literally upgraded all my gear now. With valor you could hardly upgrade anything . With this system i upgraded everything i got ( including max iilvl weapons) ,plus the tier reward system is great . Blizz is handing out free gear and people complain.

Its a great upgrading system , please reconsider before blizz takes it away. Its great

Bruh I did NOT know you can downgrade crests if you’ll excuse me

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What’s wrong with tier system?

Yes! There is a vendor in the hut at Loam niffen!