Do Horde get any Warcrates? Im guessing no

I’ll be questing alongside Horde but as soon as that crate shows up I am taking off and I notice none of them ever follow me to the crate. If they did they would win them.
But you can’t force people to try.

They don’t try anymore.

And if you ask for help on general they just cry about “alliance always get it why bother, there’s too many”

It’s infuriating.

Seems like a skill issue to me

Just finished leveling this character (like i said i would above) 10-80 in war mode exclusively not a single issue with horde swarming, not one open kill or camp, free chests every few minutes from 69-80 with maybe 1 death, we only ever lost 1 chest.

as stated, it’s a population balance issue, there was no skill involved. the chests are an alliance welfare program.

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I wonder if it is a bot/balancing problem.

So I just got done up top on Isle of Dorn, doing some simple hunting/skinning, and reported at least 10+ Horde feral druid skyriding gathering bots. When I say bots I mean pretty darn clearly bots, esp when in situations, like tress, where the bot gets confused and goes bot wild unable to mount. These all get destroyed, usually in ban waves and after Blizz has figured out how the cheating software works and found a way to break it (the age old arms race).

Anyway, I am not in war mode now, but back in DF, there were a ton of Horde bots (ball farming, etc) in war mode. So maybe the balancing algorthm looks at numbers and say ohh 10 horde here and 12 alliance etc. Except all but 1 of the Horde are bots…so no WPvP. I stopped flagging because no WPvP in WPvP, not on this RP server.

So maybe it is something like that. Maybe I’ll go check to see if there are any bot farmers out there in War Mode some time soonish.

As I said above I am still scratting my head as to why all the bots are Horde. I think it has led to a decline in the Horde.

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It’s the best supplement Alliance can use for capping conquest. Boring though if you never see Horde.

I basically always get them on alliance. Herb mining + crate farm is one of the most time efficient alt activities in the game for alliance, and you can space out while doing it. Quadra dipping on honor, bloody tokens, conq, and some gold.

That being said. im totally cool with making random BGs / skirms a better conquest farm. I like the idea of chill conq farm overall

tauren have bonus herbalism and druids don’t need to leave form to farm herbalism even without the knowledge tree skill. it’s just pragmatic if your only goal is to farm gold

That’s true Nicolswolas. These are druids, and most are Tauren, currently. But none are in druid form, they are all riding basic dragons. Further, more during DF, there lots of drackthyr (easier leveling I guess) and paladins (tanks mostly). Some others as it’s been awhile. These were the dragonriding bots in Azure Span, sometimes trains of 20-30.

Further, in the ball groups in DF specifically (whether skinning or mats farm) the set up usually included a monk (tank), a ret, a mage and an mm hunter. That could vary as well, druid tanks etc. Sometimes they advertise their group and get a useful fool to join for pulls. All of these were generally Horde, I’d say maybe 90%. 100% of the skyriding gathering bots were/are. I have not looked into gathering groups yet in TWW, mostly because I have not really run into any. But, they are present in the LFG section. Hopefully, most of those are legit, but ya never know.

My point was, though, is that those numbers are present today and maybe that is the reason for the WPvP engagement difference. An algorithm balances the numbers out, but many of the Horde that are present aren’t actually played by a human, instead by the illegal RMT businesses.

Of course, there have been a number of posts too re: Horde losing in random/epic BGs. I solo Q mostly alliance so not really my exp, I lose a lot doh! Some say it is because of the racials, but I’m not certain I buy that. Anyway, the bots affecting WPvP balancing numbers was something I thought about last expansion. It’s just supposition based on what I have seen.