I don’t remember seeing one since 3years in raids or anywhere in cities…
I used to have a rogue goblin i loved so much but i hated not being able to see the sweet rogue mogs so shes now a Belf
I do have a couple fur golbins though foxes are awesome
they don’t, it’s a conspiracy, gnomes need to make you think they have competitors
We exist. There is a devoted, though very small fanbase. Mostly on rp servers. Wyrmrest Accord has a few other regular goblins I see almost daily in Org.
Look down. I’m down here.
Try to roll on a horde server you might see them.
I have 4 level 70 Goblins. Though 1 of them was leveled in the expansion pre release.
put some clothes on, you hippy!
Clothes are evil!
Yeah… the Horde is now almost entirely made up of mainstream races, namely Blood Elves and Vulpera.
/throws tarp over your characters
Nice to meet you.
takes note of many responses in this thread
makes note to ask if female darkspear troll and female orcs exist
I’d actually play mine more but the voice acting for them gets a bit grating after awhile.
Yeah, but the Horde is now just full of Barbies and Disney foxes. It doesn’t really feel the same as it used to, but oh well.
The only time period it was not full of “Barbies” was Vanilla.
Been an Orc Shaman since December 2004, ma’am. Although I agree with the sentiment; it’s a lot of elves and furries on the Horde now.
I have three gobbies. They are small and green so they blend into the background when they wanna…
They’re there. You just don’t see em.
Mmm… do I exist?
That is a very metaphysical question.
I think I do. I can interact with the World around me and change it.
Or maybe I am not real, maybe I am just some creation of a person playing on a bigger stage.
Regardless, that is 5g for my time!
Pay up!