Starter area is a doozy. Just got through it for the first time last week. It has it’s charm for sure, but I was lvl 16 before getting the quest to leave. Most do not make it through, I assume.
As an undead Barbie, I can confirm there are too few goblins.
I vote, present!
That is, give me presents! The gold jingly kind.
I remember back in the day being irritated that the barbie doll race had taken over the Horde. Now I realize how much worse it could be.
Oi. You’d think with all those gnomes you’d know how to look down.
I used to raid with a goblins only guild back during BfA, as the resident Blood Elf warlock, but then. SL happened.
My goblin alt is a hunter and I bring her out to snag all the neat new pets and level her quickly as one of my Four Mains (Gnome rogue, goblin hunter, BElf warlock and dwarf warrior), but given Moon Guard’s Horde population absolutely crated during WoD, its rare I’m sitting around in cities on her
Well, Human Paladins do have a hard time seeing past their egos to recognize any other race and class. (jk)
We do exist.
Currently mine are planning to use explosives to terraform the basic camp site to be more Goblin friendly.
I Have one. Parked eternally unless blizzard allows me to change it from Rogue to some class I can actually stand
Well you see, most people that are okay with playing a weird looking small race would have swapped over to vulpera since it’s a better option. I wish alliance got vulpera instead but it is what it is.
With any luck the “Goblin Patch” might bring more of them into the light (or inspire players to dust off their Goblin alts).
Nope. The cake is a lie…
Goblins are cute and silly, fun to hug and RP with.
Oh they do…people keep mistaking them for Vulpera as we use the same frame only we vulpera got a fluffy tail and goblins don’t. I’m sure Goblins will be more noticeable though as they supposedly got an entire patch this expansion in their honor if dataminers are to be believed.
Goblins have rocket jump and some of the best animations. Sneak, death, etc
We in the community. We just keep it low to ground; no need to draw crazy attention to ourselves.
Let the fox people, and the diaper gnomes take all the heat, while we profit in silence.
You better hide that before you get turned into a bowl of fruit
“Eww, I don’t like ‘em! I don’t like goblins!” — Blizzard probably
Meanwhile, I would gladly welcome more green shortstacks.
my horde main is goblin girl
and yeah i feel she’s the only one on the server