What changed to make the horde win more ? The classic map has the horde cave up the map making it easier for horde to get to the bunkers …if anything they have tried to help alliance over the years at AV.
And IOC continues to have a huge Ally advantage at the hanger . Getting on top of the hill means slowing down a significant portion of the horde force on the slope allowing the full strength Ally to easily take down the horde trickling to the top . And once ally have the ship best of luck getting it back because they have a direct line of Fire to the hanger flag .
The location of SHB and Balinda’s room need to be swapped. Put Balindas room where SHB currently is and put SHB where Balinda’s room currently is. This would emulate how easy it is to defend IBT as Horde. Currently SHB is so much easier for Horde to take than IBT is for the Alliance to take due to the fact SHB is so isolated and directly in front of a Horde GY.
If the Alliance defend SHB then the Horde goes around and takes Icewing when the Alliance goes to defend Icewing all the Horde rezzers go directly to SHB.
If they open it up they’ll have to take down the bridge. Horde have to deal with a large group of Alliance in almost every game. If the bridge was made easier it would be a steam roll.
Though some have found a way to deal with the bridge problem. I’ve personally done it at least 40-50 times.
I’ll take your word for it that you have seen in BFA 10-15 Horde at IBGY, I don’t see it. Unless there is a Turtle, which is a strategy but rarely happens in BFA and is rarely a win for Alliance.
You really don’t understand the game and shouldn’t be making these comments. There are other Alliance much better qualified.
The rest of your comments don’t make sense and are just gibberish. Playing and winning AV is not Rocket Science.
This is from a post I made a while back when talking about AV. The team that does the basics better will win.
Here is a video that shows a typical AV in BFA. Alliance lost because they didn’t play good. It’s not any kind of Horde bias. How can Blizzard force Alliance to learn how to Cap a Graveyard?
I was doing ton of AV at the start of BFA/end of Legion when they first implemented the Epic Queue and this was literally all we did as Horde. We’d park the whole raid damn near at IBGY/IBT (that area inbetween them really), totally smash the entire Alliance offense, then push to SHB/SHGY (Usually like 2 Horde rogues had already capped SHGY due to no Alliance defending, so the rezzers were pushed all the way to SPGY). I have no idea why the Horde stopped doing this, maybe they got bored of the hour long games? Or maybe more people started queueing and it disrupted the strategy?
I do remember those games. I think most of that was Alliance forcing a Turtle.
I think it’s what you said, “bored of hour long games.” We found we can be more aggressive and push harder. That doesn’t mean you don’t need 8-10 players on D, you do. I’ve learned you can be too aggressive and Alliance will make you pay for it.
They really need to buff the NPC’s in AV… it’s turning out to be a zerg BG once more with Ally and horde avoiding each Other , capping 3 towers and rushing the boss .
Yes, this has been my observation as well. The only time you see Alliance at Dun Baldar in any significant numbers is when they “involuntarily” end up there after getting wiped down south
When playing a stealth-capable class, sometimes I’ll ride past the Horde offense all the way to Dun Baldar right out of the gate… and 9 times out of 10 there is literally 0 Alliance there (0 at aid station, 0 at DB South, 0 at DB North). Might be 1 or 2 standing around AFK at Stormpike GY, at the most.
Alliance PUGs do not defend at all 90% of the time, it’s just a fact.
Most PUG games there might only be 3-4 Alliance on D for the entire north/Alliance side of the map (and that’s obviously no where near enough). And of those 3-4, 2 are usually AFK on their mounts, so it’s more like 1-2 Alliance “actually” defending
All I see in that video is Alliance putting up a strong defense at Stormpike Graveyard for at least 1.5 minutes that would have greatly been aided by a commander NPC healing them up and dealing substantial damage himself.
Also looking at your thread (out of interest, not because I could have learned anything. I’ve been making AV threads for the last decade. I know how the map works), I found the following quote from you in post 5 interesting:
Followed by your quote above:
…all of which would be easier to do if there was an elite miniboss present just like the Horde has at Frostwolf Graveyard.
If you can’t see the imbalance between SHGY being a wide open terrain with multiple points of attack and IBGY which is behind a narrow choke no bigger than an Arcane Explosion and supported by archers, there’s no point trying to convince you otherwise - you guys just continue being the superior players with all of your skill that isn’t aided at all by a broken map.
I don’t know about epics but if you want to win randoms this is the week . Horde always has the worst players come out to play in BG week …0-4 tonight . Time to sleep .
What Battlegroup are you in? Because the one I’m in, Horde is completely awful. We’ve got huge numbers of horribly undergeared noobs in every BG I go into, who somehow think they know everything while having never won a BG…it’s pathetic.
Honestly…I usually use relentless. But my using adaptation doesn’t change being grouped with people who are wearing greens and have 175k hp, vs premades with no one under 400k hp.
All of this. Agreed well articulated balanced and fair- ty. I think an interesting option may be to include a faction-less epic BG just two sides…not completely replace the original ones but just something different to add to the mix. I also agree that player morale has a lot to do with it as well. Great post well considered.
Yes this! And they seem to be manned by sharp shooters vs Ally who have cut price storm troopers in terms of damage. I’ve never understood why the bunkers can’t be changed to towers (identical to horde) but re- skinned in the alliance brick motif?
You are playing a victim, in a game! There are thousands of Alliance who go out and win AV every day. Edit: (I admit pulling that number out of my butt. You know what I mean.)
You’re not being honest.
Make a video and show all the problems Alliance has winning AV. By your narrative it should be easy.
This character has a 62% win rate in AV from 2100+ games played. My other character has a 66% win rate in AV from 2300+ games played. I do just fine.
Which part am I being dishonest about? The video starting at SPGY and you capping the flag 1.5 minutes later or the suggestion that an elite NPC referred to by Gdtroll as a miniboss that takes 15 players 7 minutes to kill with a buff that empowers all nearby allies would have helped the Alliance in that same battle…?