But he’s right Bynir, Horde simply outplays Alliance in retail AV:
Distribution of Manpower
With regards to random PUG matches (PUGs vs PUGs):
- Horde usually leaves 10-15 defenders South on D, sends the rest North to O
- Alliance leaves 1-2 on defense for the entire North of the map (obviously not enough), sends 38-39 south to O
In other words, the Horde’s approach to the battle is much more balanced. Having some defense + a decent-sized offense >>>>> full mongo offense with zero D… since the bg is a towers race. Team A having some defense to slow down/delay team B almost always results in team A getting the upper hand on timers.
Damage Done / Killing Blows / Healing Done
In the games where the AV match actually lasts long enough for these stats to matter, Horde players almost always higher damage done / healing done than Alliance.
I mention this because things like Song Flower and similar player buffs don’t usually make any impact in AV (or the buffs mainly apply to NPCs). So such excuses (like Song Flower) don’t really apply here, and the damage done/killing blows chart tell quite a tale (doesn’t look good for Alliance).
Player Competence / Skill
Lots of Alliance players will cap a flag, and then just leave it/run off to PvP down the road. Leaving the flag wide open to getting backcapped by a random Horde Rogue or Feral Druid.
Or they leave only 1 Alliance to watch an important flag (such as IBT), and then act surprised when they see the “Iceblood Tower was taken by the Horde!” message
I’ve also seen losses caused by clueless PUGs dragging in a “Commander” NPC into Drek’s room mid-fight, causing Drek to heal back to full and a loss (since Horde was already working on Vanndar).
Just a lot of dumb, minor mistakes that can really add up and contribute to a loss. Horde PUGs tend to have a little better situational awareness and make fewer of these types of mistakes.
Speed of Advance
Horde offense goes straight for the bunkers right out of the gate, they don’t waste any time with road PvP or fighting NPCs. I haven’t seen Horde go for Balinda first in ages. And of course, Horde actually defends the flags they cap instead of randomly running off.
On the other hand, Alliance offense often stops to fight Galv (complete waste of time ) and/or they get bogged down at the IBGY area for no apparent reason (might not even be any Horde guarding IBGY). This “standing around” in one location by like 20+ Alliance really slows down the Alliance, considering it’s a race to get towers.
Another common point where Alliance gets bogged down is Frostwolf GY. Multiple times I’ve witnessed Alliance PUGs dismount to fight the “Commander” NPC there, even as Horde is already entering Dun Baldar. They’ll waste like 6-7 minutes fighting this mini raid boss, while the Alliance bunker timers are ticking down. Alliance just seems SLOW overall on getting where they need to be in the bg.
…sometimes, it really is bad play.
The map imbalance thing has already been nerfed somewhat on the retail AV map, pretty sure the Classic AV map is much more “rigged” in comparison. In classic AV I can definitely see some of the map imbalances directly contributing to Horde wins.