Do Earthen have souls?

Yes, because even the Shadowlands leaders are robots with souls.


Additionally, there’s a Japanese proverb that states ALL things have souls — from the rocks, to the trees and even the very mountains have spirits → Not just living beings. :grin:

Given Earthen are both living beings AND elemental … One could argue they have more precedent for them holding that of unique spirits & souls. :partying_face:

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Number Five is alive!

Ok, I am probably really dating myself with that one.


They certainly dont have stomachs. They are the first race ever put in the game that does not personally benefit from the Cooking profession. Yet another reason not to like the Earthen, imo.

Good reference.

Don’t worry, I have mentioned several times in posts I got my 1st computer in 1978.

But having watched the story unfold and then leveled an earthen myself, I feel they are constructs much like in Shadowlands the Jailer was a robot. So, to me while the Earthen look like Dwarfs, they are like the Stone guys from Dragon Flight, something created by the titans to watch over their projects with life that last longer than a typical living race.

Yes … and they’re deeeeliiicioooous …

Is it “All things have souls” or is it “All things have life”? Always been fascinated with the culture and history.

They do if one is forcibly implanted into them in which case they become golems. That is what a golem is in actual golem lore from over 1,000 years ago.

I’d rather people didn’t refer to them as “robots”, and if it has feelings, thoughts and can eat, breathe and grow, it has a soul.

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No. Only Quarians have souls. Earthen are mechanisms.

They are an Alliance race, so no they do not have souls.

There’s definitely one about souls, there’s actually quite a few particularly about souls & spirits within the elements and all manners of life along with that which holds will-power — However there may be one about life too. :slight_smile:

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they do have souls… kind of.

they have those memory gems, and those act as their souls. but like, since it’s not actually a soul, soul, they don’t act in the same way.

sidenote, an earthen warlock? probably the safest warlocks in the world, promising the demons a soul they’ll never be able to collect on.

A lot of warlocks are crafty enough to promise the souls of others, rather than themselves :person_shrugging: According to the Black Harvest cult, they also offer other delights such as knowledge or tastes of varying magics.

But like I said anyway, some Earthen “champions” (the players) being able to release their spirit into the veil and find their body for another chance at continuing the life they have — would indicate they very much have souls :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Warlocks in WoW aren’t D&D Warlocks.
With exceptionally few exceptions, Warlocks are just Mages who summon demons. The only real exception to this are Orcs who, once they drank Mannoroth’s blood, learned of and how to summon and control demons from demons like Mannoroth themselves - and once they had been cleansed by Grom again, the way that Orcs became warlocks is by being taught how to do it by other warlocks. Unlike races that have had much longer than Orcs to study arcane knowledge to learn the summoning rituals to summon said demons.

In regards to Earthen and souls though… I haven’t finished all of the quests in TWW but judging by what others have said in this thread, I can only assume that Earthen have souls and that souls in-universe doesn’t have a good singular definition.

So… probably?

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Grok tells me it’s doing fine when I ask. Doesn’t mean it has feelings, emotions, or a soul. It just tries and fails to mimic them which is likely what earthen are doing as well.

All the other Titan scum have souls somehow, so I assume the rock dwarves do as well.

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Omg i loved those movies

They got feets, don’t they? And the bottom of a foot is a sole, ain’t it?

Oh, wait. They got hooves. That does make it a thornier question.


Korgran was too good not to have a soul.

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