Do Druids counter Mages?

Moonfire on it’s own doesn’t secure kills.

It’s easy to survive and escape with minimal effort. That’s not the same as dunking on someone. Druids whittle their targets down, they don’t dunk.

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tell that to the grand marshal druid fc that i kill 4 time in a at the end i was in the cemetery waiting for him to spam is the efc and is whole team . Came to kill me rolf.

I die 2 time to a biss rogue today it was indoor no roots. I also lost to a rank 14 paly who outplayed me and am stil salty abouut it.

IUf you premade and you see me am coming for your mc and i have 99 % chance of success

I consider it a dunk when the druid is literally not even close to at risk of dying the entire time. Its not a hard fight at all. Very little effort. Nothing a mage or hunter can do other than pray someone comes and helps them.

A decent Fire Mage should be able to kill a Druid unless they make some serious mistakes or the Druid player is really good at their class. Frost Mages are the ones who will struggle due to the Druid’s ability to get out of snares/immunity to Polymorph. That said, an important thing to note as a mage against a druid is that powershifting out of snares/roots is very mana-intensive and a good way to restrict a Druid’s ability to heal.

A Druid has to play at a far higher level of skill than a Mage to achieve the same outcome. (ie. It’s easier to be a good Mage than it is to be a good Druid.)

With regards to dunking I’ll attribute that to a difference in interpretation of terminology. To me dunking on someone is the same as deleting them with minimal effort. A big Hand of Rags War crit, Pyroblast + Fire Blast + Blast Wave Mage crit combo, Triple Windfury or CL+ES Shaman crit, Rogue one-to-none stun-lock kills… those to me are dunkings. Druids don’t have the ability to do those sorts of “insta” kills and, therefore, are incapable, to me, of dunking on someone.


They can freeze you in place and then kill you with frost bolts…this has happened to me many times so I don’t think that’s correct.

Freezing a Druid?

i would consider feral druid to sofl counter mage since in a 1v1 yes but if there many mage mmm.

You do realize you can shapeshift?

I mean since the mage cannot sheep or cc them its nice to have a druid pocket but TBH most pvp in bgs require more than a duo so as a warrior I would want like a group that looks something like double ele shaman hunter healing priest you. That’s should roflstomp most equal sized groups headed to an AB node.

Yep! Unless you are specced into hemo and bleeds with prep and using mindnumbing and deadly poison… You can Gouge but you can stun, you need to get them to burn their block and nova and force and maybe burn their Cold Snap before you use your prep…

I’ve killed plenty a Mage on my Rogue but also been wombatted by monster 2700 Frost Bolt crits too! They just have to much mitigation and control.

I do now…

Paladin. They can put blessing of sacrifice on you to avoid being sheeped. And cleanse any debuff the mage applies to you. The only weakness they have is to counterspell.

if you hate mages, roll a lock…if you really hate mages, roll a lock and spec soul link and lol @ them as you kill them

bro go back to your forum zone this is classic i

I realize the op is probably long gone. But if the question is who to pair up with, doesn’t that imply 2v1 if you are 2v1 it doesnt matter. Unless they get really lucky or there is a huge skill /gear difference. If we are talking alliance warrior+ something vs horde mage + something.

Seems like dispel or cleanse. Become way more important with all the +1’s the mage might have.