Do devs not realize button bloat is a terrible design?

Most classes have one, maybe two mutations. I’m talking grander scale. Each spec has its own set of skills, and every one of those abilities mutates

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I’m not gonna argue. Go ahead and be angry and professionally right . I genuinely don’t care. Everything I have said was from an objective look.

Just want to add on to this that i also play brewmaster and have 20 keybinds that i use regularly.

But i also play it in heroic duneons and fighting elites in the world. Certainly not a mythic raid.

So the lower the difficulty, the less keybinds you need to get by.
So maybe those with less experience arent suffering as much as OP might think.

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Potentially, part of the problem is that people are reading guides written by top-end players, for top-end players, that simply aren’t meant for them.


Okay, not really seeing the button bloat you’re talking about. Even on my highest button rotationed character, there is only 9 buttons I actively use. That’s not bloated. Bloated is if you need 15+. This is PC, not a mobile game. Don’t like it, go to Black Desert or something. I come from ye olde days of Everquest. THAT is button bloat. WoW is just fine.


They realize it, and they’re addressing it one spec at a time.

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I’m not angry. You seem to be, though.

Except it wasn’t. Because by your own words, you don’t even seem to understand the new talent system.

Pretty much. And everyone has those options. If they want more buttons, the choice is there. If they don’t, the passives are there.

Do I think the passives should be looked at to be a bit more on par with the active choices? Sure. But they’re still viable in most content.


Although not always well. They made 3 ‘attempts’ (if we’re being generous) in the last go-around to reduce Brewmaster button bloat… but then ended up nerfing all the options so 2 of them are just BAD and the 3rd is situational at best.

People were actually excited when Press the Advantage was unveiled. Then Blizzard saw that people were interested, so they nerfed it in half. So much for that idea.

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I remember once i was trying to follow a guide on icy veins and was having a miserable time using talents i hated.
Later i found out that it was like a 4% difference from using a talent i actually enjoyed.

Ever since then ive used the guides as suggestions to build upon and nothing more.

If youre not a top end player, do your own thing 100%


So did I and I listed skills from classic rogue.

I think you missed your own point that I was responding to.

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And here I am on my old Rogue with PvP achievements from 2008.

Nowadays, we have much better resources than just relying on guides. I still use guides to get a baseline, but places like Subcreation and Warcraft logs do a good job of showing the different variations that the top 100 parses are using.

For example, WW on Mythic Kazzarra. There are a number of different configurations people are using. The percentages show how many of the top 100 took that particular talent.


I also have pvp achievements and titles. My point is you didn’t look very hard.

There’s a reason classic numbers beat retail numbers. Simple=better


You made no point, you merely said you played rogue in vanilla and did it using no quotes to refute directly. You literally did nothing other than reply. People posting refuting something specific…quote it.

So play a spec that isnt complicated? lol.
BM hunter is stupid easy.
Dont try to ruin someone elses spec who may enjoy it having a little depth to it

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What class has a complicated rotation with 20+ buttons? I legitimately cannot name a single one, and I play a LOT of classes.


Thats actually pretty cool being able to see whats getting used in practise and not just one persons opinion after doing the math.

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“you” includes a LOT of us guy.
If I want to play overly stupid and boring I’ll go play ESO.
yes, I enjoy no brainer specs more right now, but I certainly am not going to ruin someone elses game. Ill just play a brain dead spec like BM

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