Do dead dracthyr go to the shadowlands?

from their backstory they seem very much like artificial lifeforms and i wonder if that means their souls go somewhere special or nowhere

It’s unknown.

On the one hand, Dragons are not destined to go to the Shadowlands normally, which is why Somnikus couldn’t stay in the Shadowlands to take Ysera’s place in Ardenweald (As for Ysera, she only went there due to her extremely strong connection to the Dream). So if Dragons don’t go there, then Dracthyr shouldn’t either, since they are draconic beings.

On the other hand, Neltharion created the Dracthyr by combining draconic essences with the traits of mortal races. Those mortal traits could see them go to the Shadowlands, as normal mortal races go straight there unless another cosmic force intervenes.

The Titan made races do so yes, Dracthyr would as well.

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Since Ysera went to Ardenweald due to her connection to the Dream, and how someone’s afterlife is determined by their choices in life, it’s up in the air where Dracthyr go when they die. I could see an evil Dracthyr being sentenced to time in Revendreth before being reassigned after their penance.

bruh the shadowlands lmao

I recently did Sylvanas for a transmog.
Thrall, Jaina, Anduin, Bolvar and maybe more I’m forgetting, all fighting solo with no guards like marvel superheroes and villains. Sylvanas yells about the fate of the multiverse, as you fight on the top of this torture tower in actual hell and get teleported around floating platforms with multiple cutscenes. And then she goes unconscious and that’s it.

You can feel all of Warcraft lore collapsing under the hubris of this “epic” fight. Like the end of the lord of the rings movies when the tower falls.

I think of Fyrakk which is also in an otherworld space. A magical tree and a dragon who wants to burn it. Has many similar things in the fight like lore characters yelling but so simple to follow and works.
Hard to believe SL actually directly preceded this.

so to answer your question, no one should go to the shadowlands

It might be freaking G’Hanir, an afterlife for all winged creatures, if the lore were consistent and lore from more than a decade ago is still accounted for.

The Shadowlands comprise many many afterlife realms, we barely got to see the tip of the iceberg of the specialised service realms. The bulk of the dead go to realms other than the four we visited.


Well… Possibly. They are still fairly mortal and appear to have normal mortal souls, so they likely do.

They are not like dragon-dragons who appear to not follow that same procedure, with primal dragons returning to the elements and ordered dragons going… somewhere? There was for sure nary a Kyrian to be seen when Malygos and Sindragosa’s spirits step through a portal to… somewhere?

Ewwwww no gross!

There also wasnt a kyrian poofing in and saying, “RETURN TO THE SHADOWLANDS, MORTAL SOULS!” when we burnt a chicken leg in maruukai and summoned ancestors. Kyrian arent great at their jobs.

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Just quoting this to say that I had a similar experience and I loathed it. I didn’t do any of that raid during SL (because I found out Sylvanas doesn’t die at the end, so why bother), but did it later in DF.

Imagine doing it as a 25 person raid. 20-ish superheroes of Azeroth all juiced up on anima and ridiculous powers can’t even kill Sylvanas with Thrall, Jaina, and Bolvar helping. Our contribution to that entire fight means actually nothing and not in a cool, cinematic way where we’re fighting against the inevitable because we refuse to give into defeat. Not like how Gul’dan is on the ropes because of us and Illidan just finishes him off. No, it’s just us bashing our heads against the narrative wall of Danuser’s legacy.

If you just didn’t do that fight at all, it literally nothing changes in the story. She didn’t even have a scratch on her by the cinematic. She’s not even winded (if undead can even get winded).

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Aren’t they abominations of life? Not their fault, but still.

It is almost like a weird psychopomp cult that wipes your memory was a mistake or something. :eyes:

They are bioweapons made in a lab for sure. But souls do not discriminate apparently.

Oh so they have souls? And I thought they were more like us gingers.

No, no. Gingers are more like the void as they both eat souls. It is well known.

Uther had his memories and look at what he did his first time on the job.

Dracthyr go to the same place snake critters go when they die in the Warcraft universe.

I think she went there because Elune sent her there directly.


Honestly the current state of G’Hanir is really unclear.

Some background details seem to imply that after Aviana was resurrected, she restored it to some capacity (or at least made a new “Great Bough”) but the last that I know of it being mentioned was in Draenor.

Interestingly, it was in alternate Draenor where Aviana wanted to invite the Arakkoa to join her, implying that she doesn’t get automatic dibs on anything with wings. but instead needs to invite them to join her.

This would likely mean that even if the Dracthyr would count, they may not be formally invited to join her or accept her invitation until after Dragonflight’s ending.

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Was wondering about this myself for the past week or so, would be neat if Blizzard gave us a quest or something that explains what happens when Dracthyr NPCs die.