Do damage meters ruin the game?

It’s part of the RLs job to make sure the group has enough juice to get the job done.

I think most rational people agree that being a jerk is bad. That doesn’t make the addon bad.

Part of participating in the group is pulling your weight. New players will have to learn how to do that like we all did, and meters can be just as helpful in that regard.

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I don’t mind Damage metters on raids, however where I really, really find them to be more harmful than beneficial its on leveling dungeons!

I have seen people that seem to be on their first character (no heirlooms) doing low dps since they probably dont have a good idea of what to do being kicked by a higher dps, it doesnt matters if they are dps, tank or healer.

Like, seriously? Its a leveling dungeon, why do you care about parses at level 32?


If someone is doing less than 100k on the triple three pack during the start of Freehold with lust im leaving

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But the players certainly can.

If Classic can be destroyed so will SLs :slight_smile:

is this logic like “If we didn’t test, we’d have less cases”


Speak for yourself. I’ve never been booted with no explanation.

tbh one of the main reasons i stray away from other MMO’s, the damage meters you can get for them either don’t work half the time or are clunky. So it’s difficult to try and improves your character/rotation without that visual representation

This is the person who chalks up being 40% under their sim to spell variance


it’s especially stupid when the tank links meters after a giant aoe pull and then uses that to belittle others in the group. Duh, mr. tank, you’re going to do a ridiculous amount of aoe damage at low levels as opposed to others.

But, at the end of the day, meters are just a tool and I guess the just expose jerks for being jerks.


I agree that this game has a serious new player experience problem. New players need to be self-motivated to learn and improve, or they’ll have trouble once they step outside of the group finder world.

I don’t think breaking damage meters and combat logging would improve player experience, though.

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I agree with this, there is a reason that FF14 is a better mmo than wow right now and this is part of why.


What annoys me are epeen strokers who post the dmg numbers after every single fight.

Good for you RogueXX69Killer you are top dps again.

Nope. I think some people look at them too much. I have them but generally ignore them. I think the bigger issue is that temporary relationships people build here.

Join group, parse high - people go ‘wow’, but no one wants to be friends. Join group, chill group - people go ‘wow mannnn’, but no one wants to be friends. If you are on a low pop server it is frustrating that you can play with multiple people, but you could not guild them due to server differences.

or the guys who are always at the top of the meters but never seem to have their own damage meter installed so make it a point to ask the group to link them.

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no those meters are great to have and shows you who is putting in the work and who isn’t. i make sure i always call out whomever isn’t doing damage or healing. more so then that i make sure that those players don’t get any loot until they can show me and everyone else that they are getting better.

really there should be no more handholding.

No, you ruin the game.


I actually remember that happening a lot more in the past, like vanilla to cata era you’d have that guy, usually a rogue or warrior.

Of course If they weren’t on top for the pull/boss they’d suddenly be unable to share :thinking:

It’s kind of died out now, never really see anyone bragging about in-game meters.

No. people not interested in learning their classes but wanting to participate in the hardest content without being judged is what ruins the game.

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No. If they ever decided to get rid of them that would be one of the changes that would stop me from ever playing again.

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I literally cant remember the last time that happened to me. I know never this expansion. Maybe legion? I guess im lucky.