Do account penalties apply to all WoW accounts under a account?

My main account got banned over the weekend. I accepted the loss and moved on. Created a new account under my same account and created a new character.

However, around level 5 and 10 minutes of playing i had a warning for my communications in the top right. The thing is i haven’t communicated with anyone on that account yet. That’s the thing i got banned for on my former main account.

Is this a display bug, or was my new account also penalized? Do penalties carry over to a new account if it’s under the same account?

I tried opening multiple tickets for it, and spam within the ticket “THIS IS FOR MY NEW ACCOUNT, NOT PREVIOUS ACCOUNT” yet every. Single. Ticket. Keeps giving me the copy/paste response about account closures being permanent. No one is actually reading the ticket at all. I work in IT and if we continuously ignored the customer’s question in the ticket like that I’d be fired on the spot. Can we please have an actual human clarify? Im worried about buying DF on this new account if it’s going to just get banned for actions taken on another account.

Read the ToS:

Note key lines like:

Please note that violation of any of Blizzard’s Codes of Conduct (including with regard to Your use of Blizzard’s Websites and Forums) may result in penalties against your Account, including suspension and/or termination of Game licenses.

Nowhere, in the ToS that you agreed to, does it guarantee any form of interaction with people that work for the company, nor are you entitled to it.

But to answer your question: Yeah, probably… A ban on one account will likely influence other accounts attached to your battlenet account. The extent of that is up to Blizzard. Like if a multiboxing botter had one sub account get banned for botting, they will likely ban all the other attached accounts with it.

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i think you’re misunderstanding the context of what you quoted.

when something like a silence happens, it’s usually applied to the battlenet account.

account closures happen against a specific licence… not all licences on a bnet.

(i’m sure someone will be along promptly to correct me if i’m wrong) :stuck_out_tongue:

warnings are not account actions.
it sounds like it was probably an artifact from the other account.
i think these warnings are account-wide.

this shouldn’t require a ticket.
there is no account action related to it.
even if a ticket could help, there would be no point in opening multiple tickets for the same issue.
if you get a ticket response which does not resolve your issue, re-open the same ticket.


Thanks for the clarification!

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As for the warnings, they can roll through the different account/characters from a previous offense. If you have any tickets open, you should please close them out. When they’re just at the warning level, even the GMs cannot see what they’re for or when they were for. Only when something merits enough reports to move into the squelch/silence territory is there a true trail of reports. But it has been said repeatedly that with warnings, they are just that.


You have a few points here.

No, normally licenses are treated individually - really depends on the offense, but it’s not standard.

Now, you do have a banned account for chat. The reason it’s not suspended or silenced is due to the number of times this has happened. Penalties accumulate and increase with each infraction - that one hit that level.

As for a chat warning, those aren’t something we can see, as they aren’t at the penalty/report level yet. If they are floating around in the system - yes, you could get a notice from another character on the Battlenet.

As long as you refrain from breaking our code of conduct, you shouldn’t have any issues.


Usually, no, penalties are applied to individual WoW accounts.

It’s only in really egregious cases that an account action ends up applied to the entire account (i.e. GM harassment), or in one rather spectacular case, to every account you ever make in the future.

Remember how some of the top boosting guilds were caught doing real money trading back during Shadowlands? The heads of those guilds ended up with a notice saying something amounting to “Your account is closed. Any new accounts you create will also be closed without notice.”

I like this one, that must be the sweetest way of saying “you messed up big, better not do it again”

except the “rules” don’t include which words are considered toxic. even abbreviations of words are apparently too harsh for tender eyes.
just implying youre being toxic can get you reported.
how about when the suspension hammer comes down i get an email telling me what was said so i don’t keep offending?
is gtfo banable? loser? trash?
no actual curse words were used yet here we are with a 2 week suspension.

Acronyms containing profanity are considered the same as if you typed it out.


how can i politely tell players on my team they’re terrible at pvp and their complacent attitudes about winning do more damage to the game than me saying “ this team is trash”.

Maybe you just don’t.


If constructive feedback has failed (i.e. “We need to push into their keep”, “I’m going to take this point someone come with me”, “WE NEED MORE ON THIS OBJECTIVE”) then turning the feedback unconstructive is unlikely to have everyone suddenly go, “Oh, wait, someone in my BG is calling me trash, I suddenly understand how to work together to accomplish this!”

You’re lashing out because you’re mad, not because it’ll actually change anything. Nothing is stopping you from yelling whatever you need to vent into the empty air in your home. Those people are in the BG too, they can see that they’re losing, the reasons that they’re losing are probably more complex than “being trash”, they don’t need you to take your frustration out on them, and doing so won’t affect the outcome.


Pretty much everything in the post you just made tells me that you need to either not comment at all in chat or take a step back and reevaluate how you view others and the game, because none of it is how you should be viewing people or the game. It’s just a game. Try to have fun and not look down on everyone.


I think we are done here.

You can comply with common courtesy and our codes of behavior, or risk the consequences.