I’m going to be real with you, death knights are garbage right now, however it won’t sting as much if you haven’t played it in past expansions and don’t have the expectation of being able to carry a game.
When you start to get close to full conquest gear it will feel better, especially as many players in random battlegrounds are just farming honor gear themselves, so you can wreck a lot of people through strait gear advantage, but this is also true with every class and spec.
You won’t be able to win key battles, contest key objectives, or do other match defining activities. We are less efficient at support than most other dps classes, and even though we have a decent number of CC options we don’t have the spike damage or pressure to get the job done during this CC like a mage or rogue can. We instead have to pray that other players take advantage of these openings, which is rare AF in casual settings. I regularly get frustrated locking down a healer only to have no one die or even get close.
Our AoE damage in large team fights is good for a melee class, but honestly lands around half the damage a boomkin or hunter of similar skill can deliver, you might see yourself on the damage rankings in an epic battleground, but you won’t be first even in a great game.
On the flip side, a good death grip is so impactful that to a certain extent we will always remain viable in a team vs team situation.
I used to carry battlegrounds, now I just pray that my team can carry me, as I can contribute very little to objective play.
I used to love seeing other death knights on my team, now I get worried that our team won’t be able to carry more than one of us.
On the flip side, I find it really easy to farm enemy death knights, so that’s a silver lining I guess?