DK tank grips

I dont think its a glitch in the matrix but rather just an oversight. The DK grip needs a serious cooldown. I was on my disc priest in arathi basin and got gripped/dragged from stables all the way into the water and kept there. I couldnt escape with their chains and grips.
Most healers can get away but not disc priests. Maybe its time to get Door of Shadows back in.


They refuse to give priest mobility. It is the definition of wheelchair class. So when your class ‘niche’ screws you over you get shrugs and git-guds in response.

actually i gotta admitt i mentioned this in chat as i wasnt in any danger of dying so i was typing in chat what was happening and people noticed and watched. and they were all like WTF. they all came and rescued me and i got away back to stables and things resumed. then…dk shows up at stables i was just about to go to lm and help defend and he grips me back into the water where i stayed the rest of the game i told people not to come help. we lost. And I was expecting the gid gud lame stuff but people were just understanding that this game is trash and we all laughed. and im not slouch i play at a slightly above average. my priest has been 2.1k. i usually run around 1800. door of shadows would have helped. couldnt do that to my prevoker or rsham.

this horse has been beaten to a pulp

And for good reason.

As of this very date, only Mistweavers and Dragons are allowed to heal in RBGS, because of the Blood Dks.

death grips

That video is so funny, “Let’s demonstrate how to kidnap healers” - “Wait hold on, how do I get two grip charges first, wait do not go anywhere, I am trying to kidnap you let me figure out to figure out how to get two grips first, wait patiently while I try to figure out how to kidnap you, give me a few minutes - 2 days later” A lot of figuring out in that video. lol, the person who made that video should just send the healer on vacation first so they don’t die while they look up on how to get two grips, and that was only the beginning… I enjoyed the video. LOL

Which is exactly why it’s appalling.

That someone with zero DK experience, can lock down a healer underwater forever.

That’s the whole point of the video.

If only that healer had a team. lol.

They do as Mistweaver.

Haha, I did enjoy Door of Shadows on my slow classes.

When I heal, I always stick with my team.

You don’t have a choice as a priest. You will be gripped out. Period.

There is nothing your team can do about it, unless they are willing to sacrifice battleground objectives to rescue you.

That is why MW and Dragon are the only viable healers in the bracket, and it’s going to stay that way for the rest of Dragonflight.

three months later

many things need cooldowns, but grip isn’t one of them. mind control and cyclone need a CD. grip on the other hand is 25 yard range and a 30 second cooddown, you can talent into 2 charges and another 10 yards of range with 2 seperate talent points.

ask your team to assist you, if they don’t, find a new team.

You really don’t get it.

If a team dedicates a strike team to “help a priest” being dragged to hell (some remote corner of the map), then they will lose battleground objects.

This is why we only have MW/Dragon on your teams atm, because the risk of being queue sniped by a blood dk swap is still too high. The only way we have a priest is if

One: No other formidable teams are on.
Two: Priest is invited at the very last moment to avoid queue spies.

Is buggy as heck, and should just be removed from the game.

Can we add Polymorph to that? Any CC that can be constantly cast on you in PvP sucks when you can’t do it back if you manage to get an opening.

have you considered running your own blood DK or even two, and combine it with knockbacks to corral all of their healers into the lake?

if you take away DK gap closers, then you have to give DK more speed or vastly more killing burst potential to make up for less time on target.

So Fear too?

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