DK tank grip fix. Not Hard

already made the mistake if you’re having to “send” anyone; you should’ve never let your priest get kidnapped in the first place.

every other healer won’t even need help to escape unless they run directly into a bdk in roads by water by themselves.

it has no more impact than any other spec you’d let do whatever they want without adapting to.

wouldn’t work for various reasons listed above.

I assume you don’t have much experience to go off what you speak of because you simply haven’t played the game long enough, but I also assume that you must not understand why Yata-Lock was a banned deckstyle in Yu-Gi-Oh.

Please stop trying to defend playstyles where one person doesn’t have to commit any resources or effort to be effective, meanwhile the enemy has to commit twenty to thirty times as much effort to counter an indefensible playstyle.

I have literally seen teams that sold RMT selfplays last season bring in a Blood DK that clicked all of their abilities and all they were told to do was kidnap the enemy team’s healer. They were 2400 by the end of it. There’s a reason nobody wants to play against teams that run Blood DK (said team in question also abused the VDH-Evoker DC exploit to grip people under the map but that’s aside the point).

I won’t be responding to your response to this mainly because, like the spec you keep defending, I simply don’t want to put in effort but I still expect you to spend five times as much effort to respond in an equal fashion. /s

(Seriously, before you dig your grave any further, look up Yata-Lock and figure out why it’s literally the best comparison to blood dk and why nobody is taking your comments seriously)

sees blood dk grip my priest and run away

thinks about how pressing any of my cc buttons or rescue/lifegrip is just too hard

“ya that’s about 30x more effort”

me after watching my priest get gripped 4x in a row and do nothing about it so now they’re in a pond

“see, bdk is broken!!”

“grrrr. you’re just spec defending!! this is not a fun playstyle!!”

meanwhile me standing 40y away pressing barbed shot and KC

Oh yeah this guy just has absolutely no idea what is going on

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The entire point of a blood DK is the multiple grips, After u lose that people will just dps.

Agreed. Nerf the healer abducting freakazoid aliens.

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Yeah no. I’ve seen dks do 300mil heals. In a random bg not epic. Blood dks don’t need spammable grips

this is the guy some of u are agreeing with btw

The DS healing is nuts in PVP for Blood. Totally required for M+.
Prot Paladin as an example, does half or less PvP healing than it can PVE healing, it is nerfed by design so Prot Paladin can’t be a live lord/third healer in BGs.

I don’t even play a spec that suffers the most from Blood DKs and I know they are a problem in Blitz. Needing half your teams DPS to hope to kill one tank (If the tank is Blood DK or Guardian Druid or even Brewmaster) and at least one of your healers to not die to the tank is kinda nuts in an area control map.

Blood DK shows up just as the node resets and I don’t have the CC to get the cap with them alive, and don’t have the sustainable mobility or self healing to survive the 1Vs1…so one Blood DK has me asking for half my team to help me take the node or I just have to let him have it or die trying to keep it from them.

At this moment there are several comments on threads with people complaining that the war within is going to be a dampen meta (arena), but there’s no dampening in battlegrounds so the very effective self healing tanks are just better than a lot of DPS specs at the objectives involved.

So what’s the solution? Everybody plays healers and tanks? Just have a bunch of people stalling caps and gripping each other around. I hope that what’s going on right now is not intended and not going to remain, but if it does I have all the specs that happen to be decently tuned right now for tanking pvp. Like the Markmanship Hunter SS debacle, it’s going to get to the point where it’s easier to join the tank meta then fight them as a priest or DPS.

You sure 300 million in a random battleground? The most I have hit was in an EOTS and it was only like 180 million healing done.

yeah i dont do epics or anything else. blitz and randoms only and im not doing rbgs this season. So it was random. basically just sat in market all game and fought. i know cuz i was on my monk and i did 70 mil heals

PS: I’m not saying dk tanks doing mongo heals is wrong i get why their health bar looks like its having a stroke. im just saying that dk tanks have more than just grip.

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