DK tank grip fix. Not Hard

nobody is arguing if your class is designed that way or not, the thread was made to explain that it isn’t fun to fight LOL

fistweaver got trashed in terms of it’s brain damaged throughput on ST, now it has to cleave to see actual imbalance. but i’m not going to argue semantics with you

yes it is because blood DK quite literally walks into a game with the objective to make a 1v1 in the corner of the map from the first minute of the game until the end

and only when multiple people intervene does the healer have any chance of getting away

you’re seriously insinuating that it’s okay for you to spend 10 globals a minute chainsing and gripping a healer, because 3 people can come and peel you, potentially breaking the grief for a minute or two

your opinions are horrible and just wrong lol. all flame intended

how can you post such garbage so confidently?

these are all parts of specs that create GAMEPLAY

you can’t compare those to grip because the way grip is used by blood DKs is to DENY gameplay. you are actively doing less and promising that somebody else is doing nothing, you are suiciding your own enjoyment to deny enjoyment. that is degenerate to the core

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none of those quotes equate to what u implied but that was expected.

you clearly missed the last 3 threads regarding it as unintended gameplay.

oh so your confusing is you think players have to exert a lot more effort to counter this horrible strat than they would to counter anything else, which is just not the case. if an assa rogue opens on your priest no trinket same amount of globals from teammates will have to be committed; you’ll probably also have to burn cds.

when i grip people in arena when they’re on dr its not degenerate gameplay :rofl: smart dps rotate w their healer, are u implying that positioning should be irrelevant? its only fair if its cds being traded for cds in the middle of the arena? :rofl:

and no bdk commits to this strat after realizing it won’t work cause they’re fighting halfway competent players so its more like 4 globals in an attempt then they go do something else. the problem is that these priests are running past bdks in roads and expecting a different result. do u stand in the middle of the arena vs mlx then cry on the forums you got parsed to death?

Grip em back , we need 4 bdks per SS

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this unironically works. they grip you , you grip them , now they can’t regrip :rofl:

one could argue blizzard completely overlooked the possibility that somebody is as much of a joyless virgin to actually make this their primary form of enjoyment when deciding to queue up for PVP

again, you’re not understanding or choosing not to

every class is annoying to other classes, that’s the way the game is made. but all other specs are actively pressing buttons and trading gameplay with one another. it’s only horrible because your team is horrible, i’d say it’s because you’re horrible at the game but it’s nigh 0 effort from the DK, so you can’t fail it

if you fight the blood DK team that plays RBGs around 2300 and you’re playing with a disc, you’re playing with 2 healers the entire game and committing resources to stop the nonsense is sacrificing elsewhere

you don’t even know your own class

i’m sorry u hate tanks in arena, i hate dh aff lock assa pres ret/war and boomy but much like u i’ll just have to deal w it.

u think it takes more effort to sleep a fw off cd than it does grip a healer? i’d argue they both take basically no effort with no effort to counter. takes more effort to press cyclone, at least u have the ability to get precog, meanwhile dk kidnapping healers just stops working if enemy team can physically open their eyes and see the bdk spending +6s running across the map.

this only happens if you let it get to that point. i dont just walk into arena matches completely oblivious to what their comp is intending to do? guys don’t get combat i want the rogue to sap off all my null shields. guys PLEASE don’t ground or tremor the trap fear, just let it happen then we can talk about how insane that cc chain was!!

you have to actively deny the enemy strat just like anything else

i don’t hate tanks in arena, i’ve played tanks in arena. tanks are pretty bad tuning wise so i don’t really mind them so long as the mechanics aren’t idiot proof

but we aren’t discussing arena.

-blood DK tries for 3 seconds a minute
-to counter what the DK is doing, multiple people have to try for over double that lol

this gambit is necessary all so that you, the blood dk, can enjoy your little duel off in the corner of the map where you and the disc can’t press any meaningful globals for 15 minutes at a time

i’m done discussing it with you, i just hope nobody else on this subforum will waste their time with your pitiful arguments in defense of degenerate spec designs

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only got into 1 high rated bg this seas (friend inv!!) where i suggested doing this in the mid fight, ironically on the same map as the video, and the lead said “no it won’t work” where i proceeded to sit on a side node for the next x minutes occasionally dueling a rogue who tried to cap in a blind.

but ya bdks are def trying 3 times a minute and its def really hard, one might even say significantly hard the hardest thing that’s ever been done, to stop before it ever gets going (its not at all, its a joke how bad this strat is)

only time ive been able to do this is in skirms and blitz, which is to no surprise where their team is completely oblivious to it. we need to balance the game for 1v1s in these teambased modes. /s

but ya guys its a PROBLEM :rage: /s

on this note we also need to nerf counter strike totem and karma because the value/damage it gets at 1k cr is insane

Just hate when I save up for a CQ weapon and they grip it during the match and I gotta go buy a new one.

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I say they buff Death Grip (hear me out) the CD is to long, it should be 3 death grips at 5 second CD each with a 90 yard range. This is only fair.

No it really doesn’t need spammablr grips. Your argument is so weak and pathetic you obviously know very little about this game

hunter mage open on you from 40y. you immediately dip to 40-60%, with more big hunter damage incoming. you can’t grip the mage to heal because hes just going to spam blinks and db/poly/nova to stall your globals, because btw you have to build runic power before you can even do 1 DS and hunter will kill you long before mage ever lets it happen. so you grip the hunter to slow his damage, disengage, regrip, feign, you get 1 DS, and now 4s later as he freedoms away from your melee range you can’t grip him for the next 10s which he will have disengage for. dead.

I guess LOS doesn’t exist in your scenario. You also don’t have a team mate, but expect to win this 2v1 situation. This is a silly rebuttal to a reasonable solution for fixing blood DKs excessive amounts of grips. You are a silly billy goat

u r insane.

ya man its almost like the scenario they make for it being broken is against priests (a non-mobile class) in a 1v1 crazy how that works its almost like that was the point :exploding_head: “excessive grips” is the most insane thing i’m gunna read today

Translation for this post:

My teammates can’t peel, not a single peel or save, so please nerf grips.


I can’t communicate to my team that I need peels.

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A simple fix is give it the same diminishing returns as regular CC because grip is a CC.

After three grips the player becomes immune.

Problem solved.

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i’d be fine with this if they gave me reliable mobility options. alternatively they could slightly nerf walking dead, so the chain gripping has more psuedo down time without effecting the bdk’s ability to get important death strikes off.

that being said this whole topic is a non-issue outside of the bdk vs priest matchup, especially when you have evenly slightly competent teammates, so there really is no reason to nerf it at all.

just freakin stop with all this insane ramblings. make the grip cd the same as frost and unholy. end of story. anything else is just drivel. just the way mm would say “dont nerf snipe …” or circa 2023 “dont take our double tap away” and then having absolutely ZERO arguement except “i need to hit people” …so does every tank.

frost and unh are both dps with significantly more cc, damage, and ranged damage to supplement the grip difference, which is still only offset by 10s because dk core design is slowing people and preventing their mobility instead of having hyper mobility like a dh/war :exploding_head:

also trying to compare hunter 1 shotting everyone to bdk being able to perma slow 1 spec is insane…


to conclude, you play a priest.
bdk has a talent that says “Your Death Grip causes the target to be unable to move faster than normal movement speed for 8s.” on a 15s grip (2 charges) and unfortunately for you, your class has 0 mobility. so your fade+feather just aren’t enough. out of every class in the game you play 1 of 3 classes that this talent is fairly good into (priest, ww, hunter) and you’re attempting to convince people its busted as if this strat works against competent players (it doesn’t).
outside of this scenario, the talent helps keep normal enemies in melee range more often so the tank doesn’t fall over- which will immediately happen without players to death strike due to the +50% damage taken nerf to tanks on top of bdk is designed to actively heal damage rather than flat out mitigate (this already happens even w the talent).
so no, there is no reason to nerf a core aspect of blood dk.

How disingenuous.

Blood DK can kidnap far more than Priest. I’ve seen it at hero MMR in RBGs. If your healer is kidnapped by a DK you’re forced to 2heal the entire rest of the game while the other team has 3 healers, because even if you send 2-3 DPS to save your healer, that’s a full minute of time being committed to save the healer only to witness the BDK just do the same thing again 2 minutes (or less) later. This puts you severely behind on flag maps and node maps alike because not only are you now down a healer and they are not, but you’re then also undercommitting to a teamfight or you’re leaving nodes weak for the enemy team to capitalize on and ninja because of less DPS that can float to the node if it gets hit because, again, they’re preoccupied trying to save the healer.

You can get away from a DK on some maps if you’re playing MW/Pres/Rdruid/Etc. but if you’re gripped into a place such as the 1. Horde-side pond near mines in AB, 2. the lake in the middle of AB, 3. the ponds in Deepwind, 4. literally any place that has water nearby in Gilneas, 5. the Horde moat in Twin Peaks, and 6. the water in the top of Silvershard, you’re not getting to play the rest of the game. This is by no means just a Priest issue, this is a balancing issue that hasn’t been fixed all expansion.

A single spec being able to impact the game to that level by simply existing in its current state, is an issue that can only be addressed by nerfing the core issue, death grip. Put it on a DR with itself in PVP only. A tank should be tanking hits in a teamfight to keep itself alive and be a nuisance to the enemy in the teamfight, not literally kidnapping an enemy to a corner of the map to camp there like some kind of weird spider in a windowsill.

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