DK tank grip fix. Not Hard

No reason dk tanks have spammable grips.
No reason at all! Just give them the same grip cds that unholy and frost have.
How is this so hard for devs to figure out? There is nothing to do but change this. For the life of me I never see why blizz devs just let a broken part of the game go on and on and on without any attempt to create balance.
There’s just no excuse for this ludicrous broken gameplay. I mean that was evident with MM hunters

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What, you don’t like drowning underwater every game?

Who would have that being permanently CC’ed would piss people off?

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? its almost like all their sustain is predicated on hitting people ? how do u expect them to do that if they can’t competitively grip people against all the mobility creep in the game ?

its more oppressive to a very limited scope of classes; we should homogenize all specs so its all equal and completely skill based!! /(horrible idea)

we get it guys, priests hate bdk grip!! i don’t wanna think about what i’m doing i just wanna sit in mid w my angel wings and spam heal!! i shouldnt have to think about anything else!! if there was SOME WAY it’d be fine but there just isn’t!! they should completely rework every class and bdk grip just so i don’t have to deal with it!! grrrr raahhhh!! /s


when you remove a classes ability to be mobile…its not good game play. so you keep defending dk tanks. theres no reason not one…that they should be able to spam grip

i just listed 2 and your reply was “its not good gameplay” which is insane.

is it good gameplay when melees literally cannot be kited? is it good gameplay when casters don’t have to cast? what about when good healers are virtually unkillable while also not casting along w multiple full immunities/cc breakers to the point where they literally have to oom to die, surely that is balanced and good gameplay?

surely 1 spec in the whole game being able to position enemies is the thing that is broken. surely having your team use any cc → trinket → cc or punish the bdk for their hyperaggressive positioning is WAY too complicated; there are NO mechanics that require such coordination and brainpower to beat like this in the game!! /s

i just want u to know that monks are getting triple crash next xpac in their base tree, if you hate being spammable repositioned/mobility denied u should probably hop on the beta feedback cause its clearly intended gameplay as they’re actively creating talents to support it… (because positioning mechanics are very cool and hopefully they add even more; static totem, explosive trap, rop, haymaker, etc)

or maybe just realize your spec is gunna have some weaknesses and you don’t gotta complain about it on the forums, refusing to improve, just to hurt other peoples’ specs that struggle far worse in the scope of pvp!!

How to fix: Don’t allow tanks into rated BGs, since as you can see tank players will defend this sort of gameplay always

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Nothing to fix.

Players refusing to adjust when they see a tank is not a problem with the game.


I said it’s not good gameplay when a class has their mobility removed from them. Would you agree? Or disagree?

Just give death grip a DR or make it put a debuff on someone in PvP. The debuff stacks 2x. After 2 stacks, it falls off, but then give you a buff that makes you immune to death grip for 15s or something.

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Even if DKs grip was toned down as it probably should be (longer CD or shorter range or both), the rest of the specs still have too much CC and not enough diminishing returns. CC is a bit out of control, even if it isn’t the most outrageous it has ever been.

That would be a nice compromise.

Why is it only dk tanks have spammable grips? I have never seen a thread where unholy and frost dks are saying “we need more grips!” Just tanks. Are they unable to function without spamming grip? If they put their grip on the same cd as frost and unholy would every blood dk just lay down and die??
It’s just an oversight that in pve it probably mitigates mob control but in PvP is busted AF

Needs to be fixed

obviously disagree???

if you don’t remove the mobility from a class, how you ever gunna catch a hunter? ret/war/fw one of the most insane comps has 0 downtime AS TRIPLE MELEE because you can’t remove their mobility. dh/war have 100% uptime as melee classes because you can’t remove their mobility. not even bdk can stop these classes :rofl: NOT being able to remove mobility (mobility creep) has actually been a significant problem overall in pvp LOL!

not to mention “removing the mobility” really is a stretch considering PRIEST is not a very mobile healer. when u think of mobile healers you think rdruid/pres/mw, (wow who woulda thought 3 healers bdk cant really stop are the 3 actually designed mobile healers!!), and not every healer should be homogenized to be mobile.
its like complaining that a warlock can’t escape a bdk, as if a warlock can escape 99% of classes (its a primarily stationary class, obv port/gate on long cds) when its literally just designed to not be mobile. i think its time we give warlock travel form /s

victimizing yourself, truly.

if you don’t want to get gripped into narnia then your team needs to punish the bdk for hyperaggressive positioning and/or toss cyclone->bdktrinket->cyclone on him when he first tries to grip chain you.

ignoring the bdk, refusing to adapt, and complaining is very wow-player of you tho

yes. this is actually exactly what would happen. i genuinely believe u have no idea what ur saying yet u say it with such passion its insane; dunning-kruger new pvp talent for priest i guess

hypothetical scenario;

hunter mage open on you from 40y. you immediately dip to 40-60%, with more big hunter damage incoming. you can’t grip the mage to heal because hes just going to spam blinks and db/poly/nova to stall your globals, because btw you have to build runic power before you can even do 1 DS and hunter will kill you long before mage ever lets it happen. so you grip the hunter to slow his damage, disengage, regrip, feign, you get 1 DS, and now 4s later as he freedoms away from your melee range you can’t grip him for the next 10s which he will have disengage for. dead.

wow thats a really good suggestion. lets take a class that does less damage than a dps, takes 50% more damage, requires melee distance/ramp while not having hypermobility options, and remove its only reliable way to keep enemies in range. :exploding_head:

ya gripping players who refuse to adapt and/or are/team clueless is just uncounterable so lets just make the game easier for them!! someone make an addon that’ll play the game for them!!

To have the ability to remove certain classes from
Combat for an entire match. That is not competitive game play my
Man. Sorry. But there are easier ways to make
Blood dk work. I’ve seen them do 300million heals and my
Monk only did 70mil and I was the top healer in the match…beside blood dk. So I don’t buy being able to drag certain classes into the water and keep them there all game. You do that to enough healers people stop queing for a reason. Now we got a healer shortage. That’s what happens every time. I know what I’m talking about pal jump into a match against or with me and you will see real quick.

jesus man

how rotten is your mindset towards the balance in this game that you can post paragraph after paragraph on topics of this nature?

when your primary objective in a game is to sacrifice yourself and one person on the enemy team, the spec doesn’t deserve to be viable

how you can so consistently post, amongst multiple diff subforums, that all of these unhealthy things that you abuse; are in fact “BALANCED” is mindblowing. honestly. nobody cares for your hypotheticals or your theories, it isn’t FUN for either player involved beyond some sadistic fixation.

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they only have the ability to do this because you actively encourage them too. if it was out of your/teams control that’d be another story; revival on mw got nerfed because its oppressive in bgs and is completely out of your control, but bdk its not. it has pretty simple counterplay we’ve listed multiple times in multiple threads yet non of your videos showcase that? weird. its almost like its a non-issue for good players because its not even remotely broken.

its really fun to play against assa/aff and they do over 200K dps ev game, passively pve’ing, they deserve to be viable. its really fun when a sub rogue in shuffle takes a healer out of the game for +20s w gouge kidney blind sap duel. really fun when r1 unhdks run at the lock all game and just do nothing but prevent them from casting.
and before you say “just do this vs that” realize that is exactly what i’m saying.

is it me or is there some level of teamwork involved in this game? having to actively deny the enemy surely isn’t just something i’ve made up in my head?
the primary objective in shuffle when u realize one of the healers is bad is to tunnel the healer, sacrificing all normal gameplay to remove one person on the enemy team, i guess every melee in that lobby doesn’t deserve to be viable no fault of the healer; cause if they were good this would’ve never happened? weird.

get outta ur feelings toward me seeing that people complaining about bdk in bgs is delusional and the 5 priests on the forums gunna get my fav spec unplayable cause they are bad?? its actually hard to get inv to good bgs as a BDK cause its just not viable as CTF and this grip strat doesn’t ever work vs good players.
but ya man just let me stand around while the house burns down while i got a firehose in my hand cause some random people will heckle me online. get a grip. ba dum tis

Dude you need to not post anymore about this. It’s you who has no idea what your taking about

that’s crazy after typing this.

is rdruid unplayable without HoTs?? is aff lock unplayable without DoTs?? sub rogue unplayable without cheap shot?? oh u mean the main thing it uses to be able to play the game, ya it needs that :exploding_head:

the punchline here is you’re arguing that the definition of counterplay is something that exerts 0 effort but demands effort from multiple different players

you want it because it enables a sadistic, terrible player to not only be annoying, but effective. if counterplay was what you wanted (for as much as you champion it), you wouldn’t play these specs with such polarities in strengths and weaknesses as your “favorite spec”

but just as with your 100 different posts about how pre-gutted fistweaver was balanced and healthy, blood dk is too

perhaps one day you’ll recognize that counterplay should be something both teams indulge in, and that the effort exerted from the players of both teams is near-symmetrical

quote it for me cause lord knows no one typed that

i want it because that’s how my class is designed and removing a core aspect of class function because u refuse to adapt is insane? guys i dont want to kick cyclone can we remove it from druid??

its about the same as every other spec, unless the spec is op. everyone has good and bad matchups.

i’m confused when u think fw got gutted , but its a tangent regardless

has never been the case in the history of wow. kind of the point of metas and countercomps

i’m not championing counterplay. i’m saying that this isn’t a bug or some unintended use that needs to be fixed. its not broken anymore than any other avg spec is broken into something they’re good against.