DK Talent Tree Preview

Death Knight Talent Tree Redesign Comments:
53 Nodes for Class Tree
45 Nodes Frost Spec Tree
49 Nodes Blood Spec Tree
46 Nodes Unholy Spec Tree

Node in this case is defined as a place to put a point. So a multi-rank talent has multiple nodes, or, to put another way, the total number of points needed to completely fill the talent tree.

I used all my fingers and toes and double checked.

Note: It appears in this draft build that each spec has a different number of point nodes each. Is this intended or not seen as a problem? I would contend the problem with different specs having different numbers of nodes is that can bloat the tree and make power progression uneven between specs, and potentially dilutes the value of each point spent (With pure DPS classes, can also create balancing issues between specs).

While being unrestrained in the total values is great for overall design space, is the intention to re-constrict trees like Blood back down to say, 45 points? That would be an effective design space because it helps with deciding which talents are worthwhile against those which may not be seen as good (For design purposes). For example, Blood could reduce the number of talent spots by 4 (conveniently the same as the lackluster Blood Fortification being moved to Veteran since it already changes based on spec, and if Reinforced Bones and Improved Boneshield are consolidated puts the spec on par with Frost Tree’s 45). Similarly, Unholy could have Improved Festering Strike drop from 3 to 2 points to put it on par with Frost.

Just for numbers sake, would love to see 45 nodes per spec, 50 or 55 nodes for Class. Rounding to 5 just seems right.

Class Tree Notes:

Row 3 – Lots of issues with the talents here. In general, to not fall into the core issue from the original talent trees, pure stat bonuses are uninteresting and in reality players rarely see the difference in their rotations. An easy rule of thumb of what I consider an interesting talent is that a talent should be tied to a button press (either in modifying what that button does, adding a new button, or less interestingly, giving a bonus to that button press). Only BIG changes in stats are noticed. Blood Scent, Veteran of the Third/Fourth War, and Suppression all fall into the pure stat changes that players just wont see an effect from. Yes, they are there, yes they are helpful, but in reality players rarely perceive the benefits of these core stat percentage changes in any meaningful way.

Blood Scent - should likely be reworked into either a larger bonus but in limited circumstances, or something a player can see is causing them to restore life. In other classes a base Leech is noticed because they don’t have constant healing, absorbs, and other effects, however DKs, Blood in particular, can yoyo health quite spectacularly so that a 3% base just isn’t noticed. In reality folks would only want to take this for PVP or as a Blood DK, which Voracious would already cover. Maybe increase Leech 10% against targets below 30% health, making this an Execute Phase heal?

Veteran of the Third/Fourth War – See issues with node # bloat in Blood. Consolidate Blood Fortification into Veteran to make this a big want for PVP/Tanks.

Suppression – 3% Avoidance is … again while this is technically an improvement and certainly helps parse survivability, unless a player actively watches the calculations there is no way they will notice a 3% change to Avoidance. Maybe replace with a buff when Death Coil is used to heal?

Row 5 – Small row of the tree, Merciless Strikes and Might of Thassarian are again pure stat bonuses. The original set piece of Thassarian’s Battlegear had the strength bonus triggered off of using Frost Strike (back when everyone had it). As is, this is less interesting than a talent further down the list (Rune Mastery) which has a trigger. I can understand wanting to cap the total Strength bonus to 10% (6 from Rune Mastery + 4 from Might of Thassarian), but at the same time, why not have Might trigger off of a player’s attack with their main weapon strike (Heart/Frost/Festering) for 10 seconds, ala Unleashed Frenzy? Or have it trigger and then stack the bonus per main strike (1% per up to 4 or 6 stacks). This gives the power a bit more of a build-up ala Icy Talons and rewards play with the base spec kit.

Merciless Strikes is only there to serve as Frost fodder to bump up the chances of Killing Machine (in the class talents? Again, low % core stat bump talents are rarely noticeable in standard play), which is fine in theory, but it’d be nice to have something more interactive.

Spec Tree Notes

Blood Tree:

A lot of the issues with the Blood Tree appears to be that everything was split up too much, as noted by it having the most nodes of all three DK specs. An easy way to resolve this would be to consolidate some of the talents involving Bone Shield (Reinforced Bones, Improved Boneshield), Pure stat increases (Blood Fortification reintegrated into Veteran). This puts some of the required benefits of the increased Stamina into the Class category (core class component of survivability) and integrates two very similar themed abilities into one.

I would also ask that you reconsider and add Swarming Mist to the Blood Tree. Maybe make it an alternative to Bonestorm as an active ability on the row (Choose Bonestorm or Swarming Mist)?

Frost Tree:

Frost appears pretty tightly done! The Pure damage bonus from Improved Obliterate and Improved Frost Strike are meh, just on the verge of something a player would notice (I generally feel 25%+ is noticeable). Perhaps Crystalline Swords can make a return as a visual component if you need a reason to bump core ability damage? Similarly, Eradicating Blow would be a good theme for the Frost Strike damage bump to replace the flat % of Improved Frost Strike, (Change to a 10/15% bump per Obliterate, max 2? 2 Point talent). Just change the name to Eradicate.

Unholy Tree:

Similar to Frost, pretty tight group, but I would figure out a more active way to do the bonuses to Improved Festering and Improved Scourge Strike – also to drop Festering Down to 2 talent points to make it on par with the number of nodes of Frost (15/30% if nothing else). The Legion Artifact ability name Rotten Touch would probably work well. The Scourge Strike ability can be replaced by Scourge of Worlds.

TLDR: Too many nodes in Blood and Unholy, could be consolidated better. The Flat % bonuses to damage in specs can be flavored up a bit with existing ability ideas from Artifacts/Azerite/Soulbind powers, but overall a decent WIP!

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I wouldn’t replace bonestorm with swarming mists, I would have them make it a choice in the class tree between Abomination Limb and Swarming Mist (with legendary baked in). AL and SM have a similar burst aoe damage profile but different utility (crowd control vs resource generation). Swarming Mist and Bonestorm have good synergy (build runic power then dump it into bonestorm, especially if we can have the covenant leggo built in) so I would hate to see them compete. Plus swarming mist is a viable pick for frost in aoe breath builds or in unholy to spam epidemic. And maybe we could get glyphs to give it an Icy or Plague appearance similar to other dk glyphs.


Pretty sure this was a major reason talents changed into what we had previously…

That’s how the old talent trees were people pined for.

Core abilities like silence, mindflay, shadowform, vampiric embrace, vamperic touch, and dispersion used to all be talents.


On top of that, in trying to go back to trees from the current restricted ones, they are having to encapsulate an entire spec and its permutations into 45’ish nodes, and its hard to stuff the Djinn back into the bottle on player power here.

I’d estimate that 45 is however a good node number. Players currently have 21 customization options per spec with the existing talents, meaning they have 14 things they perceive as missing out on (unpicked talents), which is 2/3rds. With the node tree as presented, players have 30 points to choose from 45ish spec talents, 2/3rds flipped the opposite way. Blood is a good example of how splitting everything up too much is bad (estimated 30-35ish points would be required to rebuild spec as is), but Frost, despite some issues with the 2H/1H splits in the tree, does seem to allow players to recreate their character in 30ish points.

At that stage, for players to feel like they are at least maintaining power with the tree, they would need to be able to replicate the class as-is with approx. 25 points, leaving 5 for progressing talents (2-3 passives + active that is the norm advancement per expansion). I’d hazard a guess that the gold design equation would be somewhere around 20-25 points to replicate spec (+1-5 freebie talents), 5 points to customize with ‘new stuff’. The additional 15 options should be alternate builds and building out spec themes. With all this, 1/3rd of the tree can be blank without the perception of being underpowered, but more then that and you may have a bloating and underconsolidation issues.

Times change.

Personally, I think talents should enhance our existing abilities of our kit. NOT move our existing kit into them.

The fact that there is a possibility that someone doesn’t have Mind Freeze allocated is not very assuring.


My biggest issue is that it’s possible to take talents without the ability they require to function. I.e. you can take Death Rot without Sudden Doom. Or as I mentioned earlier you can take Army of the Damned without Apocalypse of Army of the Dead.

I also don’t think everything needs to be connected the way it is. Why is Improved Festering Strike a pre-req for Harbinger of Doom? It just seems arbitrary, like they didn’t know where to put it so they just stuck it after something.

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Just want to take note that Abomb limb is not locked behind blood draw, but improved death strike. :smiley:

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I have spent several (6+) hours over the last 2 days making builds and trying to pour into every aspect of the new trees. I have listed my thoughts below as questions, because I would like to understand the thought process behind the trees more than critique them. Overall, I really like the changes, particularly the new synergies that have unlocked and the new utility/defensives that I can get as a dps DK. Also, bringing back Frostwhelp’s Aid and Festermight is an absolute win as far as I can see.

General DK

  • In your opinion, is Runic Empowerment vs. Runic Corruption a compelling choice?

  • If you go straight down the Right and Left columns to get the best DPS talents, it is very likely that DPS DKs will end up with IBF as their only defensive. Is this intended? Does the team have any concerns about the class-fantasy of a squishy DK?

  • In all your messaging you clearly stated that DPS talents were intended to be low on the new talent trees, what thought was given to putting abilities like ERW, HoW, Runic Empower/Corrupt, and Soul Reaper in the bottom half of this tree?


  • Why are talents like Everlasting Bond and Tightening Grasp able to be chosen without the corresponding abilities (DRW and Gorefiends, in this case)?

  • Rapid Decomp doesn’t really make sense there compared to the other talents in the row. Would switching it with Ossuary make more sense? Would that make the left-most branch too niche?

  • Is there a reason why some abilities are grouped closely together with talents that modify those abilities (DRW, Bone Shield, Vampiric Blood) while others are scattered all over the tree (D&D, Heart Strike, Blood Boil)?


  • There are a few talents that you could hypothetically get without having a pre-req ability, but the only one of concern is Everfrost which you could easily arrive at without having Remorseless Winter. While it seems unlikely you would ever end up in a situation without RW, wouldn’t it make more sense to switch this talent with ERW so that this never occurs?

  • Any possibility to add some kind of 5 point talent that would let you take both Icecap and Obliterate? This ability combo in Torghast was insanely fun & strong for ST. Otherwise, it seems like BoS is going to be mandatory in every scenario.


  • Does Epidemic no longer interact with Sudden Doom? Army of the Damned? Death Rot?

  • Is Morbidity a raid-debuff? Or does it only boost the DK’s damage?

  • Improved Festering Strike and Infectious Wound both cost 3 points, and seem rather low-value from the cost. Yet one or the other is essential for unlocking the massive power in the middle of the tree. Would you consider reducing them to 2-point talents (similar to the frost tree)? Also, Festering Strike is the lowest damaging ability for UDK, so a 30% buff here seems weak compared to all the other talents. Would it make more sense to have a talent here related to death coil or sudden death instead?


This is being seriously underappreciated by ppl. Festermight is an awesome re-addition to Unholy.

Overall I think the issues with the Unholy tree are all of the Festering Strike nodes (theyre all bad), Reaping not including pets and diseases, and Gargoyle. Army of the Damned is just a way more interesting “summon more pet(s)” talent than Gargoyle.

Also no Necrotic Plague is a huge L. Huge.


Another concern is that it’s possible to cherry pick all the major CDs right now.

I’m really concerned that the best PvP builds are just going to be grabbing as many CC abilities and dps CDs as you can. The issue that PvP in Shadowlands has of stacking CDs and modifiers leading to sub 1sec one shots could get much worse.

Also, Necrotic Plague when?


who needs blood tap when you have horn of winter

og horn was something you tapped every 30 seconds because it gave you runic power, blood tap allowed you to pool up to 2.5 runes to use at will, and was based on interaction with your resources. it felt really good to weave blood taps into your rotation in order to maximize flow, like, it didn’t matter that runic corruption was the theoretical max dps, blood tap still felt better to play.


Yeah, but the 10.0 Horn gives you 25 RP and 2 runes per 45s, which is way better than Blood Tap’s 1 Rune per 60s.

That’s why I said it’s a non-issue, Blood Tap would be a redundant talent.

Please make it so that Apoc, monstro and UB align. This could be solved by either adjusting cooldowns or adding convocation of the dead as an additional talent(or maybe removing one of the existing talents in favor of it). Or just make Epidemic baseline and add this talent instead of it!

Also, Infectious Wound talent probably should be changed. Currently, if a player picks it (and he should due to DPS increase), you could lose on wounds due to 20% proc. There needs to be some sort of a rework of this talent. Maybe make it so that every X times wound is burst, the next FS generates 1-3 additional wounds.


Play with the talent calculator that’s out.

Or roll some of them into one spell.


That could also work!

the MoP blood tap wasn’t limited to 1 rune per 60 seconds. spending runic power generated blood charges, like 1 charge for every 10 runic power spent, you could store up to 13 charges. then you could hit blood tap to spend 5 charges to generate 1 rune, no cooldown and off the GCD. so if you had full runic power, and full blood tap charges, you could hit blood tap twice to get 2 runes, dump your runic power, and then get 1-2 more runes again. you were constantly hitting blood tap and trying to optimally weave them into your rotation.


Dotless Unholy Build: