DK Talent Tree Preview

Looks like Abom Limb is a class option in row 10. No necrotic plague sucks but overall doesn’t look too bad.


so in row 1, we now have to pick between deathstrike, chains of ice, and raise dead?

No. You get all of them.

They have different sections for this stuff. Some has “choice node” labeled on them.

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Druid tree is way better… depending on how choosing points works out might be able to grab adaptive swarm and convoke. Honestly boomy tree is crazy.

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I’m loving what I see so far :relieved:

Xinove might see ab exciting comeback!

Yeah the trees don’t look too bad. Will see once I can test but I’m still going to be playing my dk and boomy in dragonflight. Probably an evoker too.

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Brain Not Working. Rebooting.

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it basically seems like they ignored a major complaint and feedback from the last two expansions, they took what we currently have baseline, made it a talent, and now make us pick between them, thinning our toolkit even further.


The only limitations seem to be points. So you could grab ds and chains and still make it to the bottom of a tree.

if we get all of them what is the point of a talent tree? no choice in anything if 100% is unlocked


please tell us what we are getting wrong then, because it seems like we are going to have to spend 3 points going sideways just to get our core baseline spells back before we can even start going down the tree.


You’ll still be able to get both without issues.

thats not the issue, the issue is that you have to get them at all, having to snake your way around the tree spending points on stuff that should be baseline in your spellbook is not fun.


Whoa… Okay, this is gonna take some time for me to take in.

My brain got bricked by the “row” verbiage

Still, a lot of those should be baseline.


do we?

from what i read and saw i took it that your given the one that is to your spec but have to put a point into the other if you wanted them.

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You can have all three. You just need to allocate points to get them which I honestly think it’s silly. It is a valid complaint that is one thing I don’t particularly like about the tree. On the other hand, considering you need to spend 8 points to advance in deeper parts of the tree, you’ll probably spend those points on the neighboring rows anyway.

In fact, there are things I don’t like about the tree than I do like. That’s kind of unfortunate. I really hope they don’t release it like this, try a bit harder and make things baseline like they should.

It seems like Shackle the Unworthy and Swarming Mist did not make it. :frowning:


Well they stated a while ago that they are releasing them this early to get feedback before launch.

Now’s the time to submit that feedback to they can try to add overall improvements!


slappy hands class tree,absolute zero leggo now a talent in the 10th row and chill streak as a normal talent.bone shield for frost?

omg frost dk is going to be great in dragonflight.

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This has to be an oversight:

Killing Machine: Each charge of Bone Shield increases your maximum health by 1%.”

Also, I do not see an actual Bone Shield talent anywhere. Not in Base abilities, Class talents or spec talents, but it is referenced 12 times in the blood tree.