DK starting area mailbox and blizz stupid mail

You don’t see the need for this and some don’t see the need for LFG or LFR etc.

Half an hour of play is more sensible than just being able to delete a toon? Seriously? LMAO This suggestion affects more than just changing a toon because you don’t like their aesthetics.

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Pretty sure there’s a mailbox down in the Scarlet town you can use. Or pick up the mailbox toy from Engineering or the Dalaran companion.

well… yeah?

what makes more sense…

play character as it is, get to town and change the appearance?


get to mailbox, delete mail, delete character, remake character, and re-do all the quests you’ve just done?

I can understand your opinion for this one issue, but I have a toon which I cannot delete because of some item. I can’t figure out where this item is or what it is and the message I get is very generic. After 3 tries of removing items etc, I just let it sit there. I guess I can open a ticket - that wouldn’t use up resources at all, right? Oh yeah, it would. Or they could make it so the warning lets us over-ride with the knowledge we lose the mail, items etc. This isn’t high level programming.

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what if I wanna change my race ? and what If I don’t wanna have to play 2 hours to get to a barber shop ?

also from what someone explained to me “sunday” mean the days where “loonys” so lunatics make threads , if its true welp just know I will flag your comment , you not liking what i am complaining about doenst make me a troll and even less a lunatic and doenst give you the right to call me one

think what you will

yeah I found it but for those who don’t know about it and those who still don’t wanna bother doing the quests only to get to it , its still a trash game design

I would never play a panda :slight_smile: but yes I would complain about it because its a stupid game design

but what If I didnt do any quests ? i am not gonna bother do the quests in the first place only to delete the character

I would honestly just open a ticket and I might do that with my DK I never play. If they get enough tickets like this they may change it.

there is one. just passed the horsey pen, there’s a little building just in front of the farm area with the dogs. there’s a quest with it when you loot the letter inside.

I don’t have to think because

I said this in regard of you calling me a troll , me being lazy isnt something i am hiding

I haven’t deleted a toon before but we can’t delete one because of mail? Why would I still need the mail if I’m going to delete the character?

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And I was calling you a lazy lazy troll because you literally are a lazy troll…

lazy yes , a troll in game yes , a troll in real life no , I am not trolling , I did got annoyed at this and made a thread about it

I’m not calling you that kind of troll. I was calling you a lazy troll base on your character. Jeez that went over your head…

There is a mail box in the Scarlet Crusade town. Can’t remember exactly where but it is there.

I mean its easy to get confused over written msgs , I apologies for not understanding your meaning

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so… you want to drive up ticket times, while they’re already at peak, just because you chose poorly?

this is one time i can totally get behind a preformed response telling you to deal with the problem yourself.

it’s a safety measure… so blizzard don’t have to stuff around trying to return mail.

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i love that people are still replying that there is a mailbox in the starting zone.

at least 10 people have posted this same response…

i can see that this is going to turn into another one of those threads where everyone just keeps repeating the same thing. :stuck_out_tongue:
(not sure what that’s about, but i’ve seen a few today, looks like it’s some new trend which i haven’t caught onto yet)

I guess any time we would submit they would be at their peak huh?
For you to be so intimately acquainted with their workload you must work there. If you can take the time to answer here your queues can’t be that bad.

um… no?

there’s just been a massive patch which broke a lot of things, lots of people have issues which need intervention.

it’s not exactly hard to understand that ticket times rise when issues are plentiful.

Have you not tried googling for a list of items that may need to be deleted before you can delete a character? Maybe a WoW Token if you bought one and forgot?

That issue seems odd.