DK Shadowlands Changes...2H Frost! :D

Lol, every log? That’s an impossibility. You claimed that 2h was ahead prove it. Show anything instead of asking for every single log in history.

I already have. Yet you guys have shown nothing at all.

And yet necessary to prove that dual wield supercedes two handed weapons. Disincluding logs is disincluding evidence. You wouldn’t want to do that, would you? Since you’re so certain that dual wield was always better?

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Then go gather all the logs for me and I’ll go through them. You wanted all logs so go collect them all.

No you haven’t lmao. Saying “Preach was top dps dual wielding on Al’Akir” is cherry picking and irrelevant.

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No. you lied and stated that logs proved your point. The burden of proof is on you. Not posting all logs is admitting that you have lied on the topic.


Rank 1 dps, there is a big difference in rank 1 dps, and rank 1 frost dk, he was both.

Yet you have shown absolutely NOTHING.

I didn’t lie, I even said I would go through them for you. Just for you to gather them all up, or are you asking for an impossibility knowing it’s an impossibility?

You did. You will not do the work to back up your claim, because you know that work will prove your claim is untrue.

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The top dps on heroic 25 al’akir was someone called Orcs. In fact, the top 2 were both from the same guild.

I don’t really understand your take. What do you think was the main reason people wanted to play 2h frost again?

I am willing to do the work, just for you to get all the logs for me. Or again, are you asking for an impossibility knowing it’s an impossibility? You wanted all the logs, how would you know it’s all the logs? How would anyone know it’s all the logs? It’s just as likely that I gather all the logs and you claim it’s not then going on to say “it’s not all the logs so you are discredited”.

So gather up all the logs and I will go through them.

I don’t speak for everyone, but Arthas with Frostmourne is Frost’s class fantasy.

That doesn’t mean I want it to perform poorly, however.


When it was relevant?

Depends on who you ask. Most who were saying big obliterate crits just thought that 2h would solve that issue, but it hasn’t.

some people just don’t understand basic debates and how the burden of proof works

he is basically fleeing asking people to give to him the logs, like its everyone else job.

i for one, think that if he is so sure about those logs, he clearly had saw then before and could easily go to get then again.


Apparently you don’t understand what all logs means. He wants all logs to be gone through, which I don’t mind doing it as long as he provides all the logs.

Funny how he didn’t respond to that and the fact that it leaves him to just say “that’s not all the logs”. I’m not a moron.

See, this is my issue: you just lie.

warcraftlogs . com/reports/Q1jYwAXn9CR36NbP#fight=12&type=damage-done&source=12

warcraftlogs . com/reports/D14ANHBw7vp8cPzR#fight=19&type=damage-done&source=22

We’re not looking at the DPS/Damage done, we’re looking at the abilities registered. DW logs register an offhand, 2h do not; that’s how logging works.

Going through Mythic BRF logs, which, as you said before,

MoP again DW scaled better, after Highmaul DW pulled ahead as well.

show a breakdown as follows:

  • DW - 2H - Boss
  • 4-6 Gruul
  • 1-8 - Ore
  • 4-5 - Furnace
  • 2-8 Hans
  • 5-5 - Flamebender
  • 5-4 - Kromog
  • 7-3 - Beastlord
  • 7-3 - Operator
  • 6-4 - Iron Maiden
  • 2-7 - Blackhand

Totals are 43 DW logs, 53 2h logs. There’s 4 logs missing due to Anonymous users, meaning, even if those were dw, that’s still 47 vs. 53. In most of those logs, it’s not even DW on the top and 2H on the bottom; they’re equally spread throughout.

Lets look at the rest.


  • DW - 2H - Boss
  • 2 - 8 - Kargath
  • 3 - 6 - The Butcher (anon)
  • 7 - 3 - Tectus
  • 3 - 7 - Brackenspore
  • 4 - 5 - Twin Ogron (anon)
  • 4 - 5 - Ko’ragh (anon)
  • 6 - 4 - Imperator

29 DW - 38 2H - 3 Anons

And Hellfire:

  • DW - 2H - Boss
  • 10 - 0 -Assault
  • 4 - 6 - Reaver
  • 8 - 1 - Kormrok (anon)
  • 8 - 1 - Council (anon)
  • 9 - 1 - Gorefiend

39 DW - 9 2H - 2 Anons

I didn’t feel like going through the remainder of the bosses, but quick math would say it’d be an average of 7.8 - 1.8 - 0.4 anons per fight, which is in line with an 85-90% overage for DW.

The evidence that you yourself referenced is 100% against your claim. DW only pulled ahead in HFC which was the end of the expansion (and that’s when the Legendary Ring existed but I’m not factoring that into my statement at the moment).

DW scaling better isn’t the end of the world for 2h, especially since DW and 2H were relatively close for the first few tiers. There’s tons of pure DPS classes that have this type of changes throughout an expansion. But this claim that Frost was only good for Highmaul? Easily disproved by mythic logs. A literal lie that you’re trying to state as a fact.


Did I say frost was only good for highmaul? No I didn’t. Yet you want to call me a liar.

We obviously can’t look at Legion or BFA logs, and I didn’t look into MoP. And, even though I glanced over the WoD logs, I saw 2 different play styles: One that spammed Obliterate, and the other that avoided it.

DW players have, since Legion, said 2H Frost’s play style was the issue, but honestly, after glancing at these logs, I think that too is a lie. DW Frost avoided Obliterate, 2H avoided Frost Strike. What’d Blizzard do for Legion and BFA? Took out their mechanisms to avoid those abilities (like using Plague Strike) and forced the players to use Obliterate and Frost Strike. And then suddenly Frost was in a good place because of… being DW only? That’s an incredibly naive take.

No, I think it’s not that obvious but pretty clear what happened: Blizzard streamlined Frost to actually use its designated abilities and, with the new % damage auras, tweaks whatever needs to be to keep a class/spec competitive.

So now Frost, DW and 2H, will have basically the exact same play style, since they have to use the same abilities – no more Plague Strike or skipping out on Frost Strike to just mash Obliterate.

So, instead of continuing to lie and state how the Alpha clearly favors DW (with the implication that 2H should either be removed or ignored), which is obvious since that’s what the class is currently built around, instead, how about we brainstorm some possible changes to equalize the two, since we’re in this together.

I’ll quote it again for anyone that missed it:

We easily have 5 months of feedback to give; now’s the time.