DK Shadowlands Changes...2H Frost! :D

The spec has been dual wield oriented for so long. 2h is the odd one out here. Them adding it back in is what is making it awkward. Im sure they will tune it a bit but ultimately frost should still hold viable dw as its main concern to blizzard. Many of us have invested so much time into this class for what it has been recently and god knows we need yet another 2h plate wearer in the game.

No it hasn’t and no it isn’t.

Focusing solely on dual wield is what made it awkward.

And even if that wasn’t true (and it is), Blizzard flat out admitted Arthas and the two handed blade Frostmourne are the Frost DK class fantasy. So, build around it.


When did Blizzard state that? Either way it isnt a 2h spec and it hasn’t been for quite a while. Please link me where-ever blizz stated their regrets in making the spec dw instead of 2h since DW seems to have been the “Better” version of frost dps since its inception.

Memories of the Lich King’s legendary sword Frostmourne stirs the hearts of Frost Death Knights, who can again choose between two 1-handed weapons or one 2-handed weapon to cut down their foes.

This is a lie. I’m curious where your WotLK Death Knight is.


You are citing blizzard’s excuse to tack 2h back on as a REASON for them stating it was their plan all along? rofl ok then.

Blizzard buckling to constant fashion posters on the forums isnt “oh this spec was intended to be 2h and we just accidentally made it dw only.” Hell 2h frost isnt even viable on alpha as it stands. Im sure they will buff it but currently its suffering from all the same things that made 2h worse than dw previously.

That’s not what I said. Read it again, more slowly this time.

They made it DW only because it made the spec stand out against unholy during Legion.

Straight off of alpha, it only has passives that benefit dual wielding from Legion. Great detective work.


Quit being toxic. Makes you feel kind of whiny tbh. They made it DW only because 2h just couldnt compete time after time again and they got tired of trying to manage both things. DW was clearly Blizzard’s intent through each expansion. There are and were so many clear benefits to dw as frost over 2h with each expansion. Im glad we will get the choice again for those that prefer 2h but it’s only dishonest to say that 2h was the plan with frost.

This is a flat out lie.
It also makes it clear that you don’t understand that this game is scripted. Do you believe that it is not a game with programmable classes, that two swords will always do more damage than one big sword? That game programmers cannot change this fact by changing numbers, changing passives?

I cannot imagine how you came to this conclusion.


There you go being toxic again. You sure are pretty sensitive my guy, profile hidden is spot on too.

Instead of answering the question, you default to attacking me. Ad hominem will not save your argument.

Do you believe that this game is not scripted?


You set up a strawman and want me to defend it? Right…

Blizz intended for Frost to be DW. Thats why we are where we are right now.

You stated a lie, in that two handers cannot supercede dual wield in damage. You failed to supply any evidence to your argument. You also dodged the issue that Frost DK, currently on alpha, has not been given any passives that benefit two handed weapons yet – it’s still working on the Legion/BFA framework.

You act like this is proof that two handers cannot do more damage or even compete with dual wield (despite doing so in the past.)

Your argument is disingenuous at its most generous.


2h has been behind DW for only almost it’s whole lifespan lol… have you played frost before?

If all you do is lie, you’re not worth talking to. Anyone who’s played since WotLK knows that two hander was king in PVP – save for the one two week span with that runeforge they removed from the game. I can’t remember its name.


Yes, 2h was good in pvp in wotlk, dw was king in pve. Then DW got better at both and they scrapped 2h. Why are you doing this to yourself? Are you trying to a pull a “you arent worth my time” instead of admitting you are wrong like an adult?

Your argument is already falling apart.

Hope 2h becomes viable so that we get some choice in our characters again, but ultimately both styles needs to be viable for pvp and pve for it to be worth it.

Bro, you need to fold your clothes.