And what about Fallen Crusader? That is a huge dps increase as well. You claim to have been claiming that you have played since vanilla beta but cant this this glaring difference between the 2 weapon sets?
What about the increased chance at KM procs due to a higher base attack speed as well as having another weapon that can proc it as well? All of these things add up.
We have no clue how they would have to write 2 runeforges for 2h, since that could mean they would have to change it for all 2h since it might just be how the enchanting code works.
I dont even know if Inexorable Assault will make it through. It was an absolute garbage talent that wasnt touched even though it should have been really easy to balance. It needed to do like 6k damage every 8 seconds instead of the 3k or so it did for me to be equal with Cold Heart.
What is an Alpha Test: Alpha testing is a type of acceptance testing ; performed to identify all possible issues/bugs before releasing the product to everyday users or the public.
But just saying “its in alpha” does nothing. Look at azerite gear and all the people saying “its alpha dont worry” “its beta dont worry” “the game hasnt been released yet dont worry” and then azerite gear absolutely sucked with dps losses with some pieces and so on.
This wait and see thing needs to stop. It does nothing constructive. While I cant post on the alpha forums, there is hardly anything in terms of frost feedback other than “2h is neat but”
I was. I played a Paladin on the Alliance when they had Crusader Strike and Holy Strike. They also used to have the ability to use Turn Dead on Forsaken characters in PVP.
I don’t say all that in a braggadocios way, only to point out that I have been around this game for a long, long time and understand that it changes. It is never as bad or as good as it seems at any given moment.
Yes, things do chance, tell that to the people who lost 2h due to it being a balance nightmare with a split playstyle dependent on the weapon you chose.
It has changed since that point, ability damage is calculated differently, Rime and Howling Blast have changed to the point that you only want to use Howling Blast when you get a Rime Proc since Rime boosts HB damage by 300%. KM was changed to be based off of auto attack crits instead of just auto attacks and only works on Obliterate.
Its almost to the point where they cant split the spec nor should they. All it does is cause problems.
2H frost was also in the game as a viable playing style longer than it had been removed from the game. So I think it if fair to empathize with people who suddenly lost their preferred class/setup they played for years being upset.
holy cow, I’m not used to not being able to keep up with the chat. there is some really good discussion here. I understand the reservations and concerns about “it’s in alpha” but like I mentioned in my video, this IS the first alpha since classic was released – their design philosophy has clearly changed drastically.
bfa’s alpha didn’t even have 1/10 of the proposed changes that shadowlands does. their design idea was NOT to return to earlier design spaces and class fantasies, it was to get farther from it. so ofc when we were hoping alpha feedback would result in changes that were more along what we wanted out of bfa, it’s just not the direction they were taking the game.
now it IS the direction they are taking the game, so it really does feel like “it’s in alpha” might be a better point to make. definitely keep making feedback tho, there’s no way they aren’t listening. if they weren’t listening, 2h frost wouldn’t even be an option still.
It wasnt due to the weapons, it was an absolute balance nightmare. Tell me, in WoD, 2h needed a little more damage but they couldnt touch obliterate because it was already doing too much damage, how do you bring it up without doing anything to make DW any stronger? Buff FF? Howling Blast? Frost Strike? Almost anything you touch also buffs DW and it had a heavy focus on frost damage.
I don’t really see how they could’ve made artifacts that were both dual wield and 2H. All specs got a single option with the introduction of artifacts.
Yes, that’s true. Even WW who didn’t have issues with balancing between weapons only got one weapon. I would believe that was prob a bigger factor than anything.
If artifacts were the reason, they didnt have to lock abilities out since you had no other weapon to use in the first place. All you had were the artifacts. The artifacts also only lasted for 1 expansion then no more artifact weapons so why werent Glad Stance added back? WW weapon weapon they lost? 2h Frost? Sindle Minded fury?
Also, just because 1 class was somewhat balanced doesnt mean that balance was achieved easily, or could be achieved easily with other classes.
Again, they didnt have to just completely remove the ability to do something through the abilities like “requires 1h melee weapon” when the artifacts would have done that exact thing. Its almost like they just didnt want to balance 2 things within the same spec.
Why arent the specs able to dps and tank anymore? Maybe its because they had to balance each spec twice?
Well, I guess they were essentially “prepping” the players for end game, right? If you’re completely unable to use those weapons in end game, there would be little reason to use that weapon all the way through leveling.
So I would have to disagree again, I think that still had everything to do with the fact that the weapons were limited as a result of the expansion flavor.