No, DW was not only used for tanking. No clue where you got that from but it wasn’t from reality.
No, you said DW was sub par. You have been all over the place it’s getting very hard to know what your position even is. It was sub par, but it wasn’t sub par because of the issues that is in SL existed in Wrath, but DW was just for tanking even though that is flat out wrong again. You are completely all over the place.
People said it in forums that no longer exist. It’s the entire reason the base damage of Howling Blast was nerfed and rime gained a boost to amplify Howling blasts damage, killing the masterfrost build that people hated to play.
What do you think they meant by you should just play the spec normally? If you didn’t notice, they didn’t say play the spec like you were using a 2h. Because there is no 2h playstyle unless your experience is limited to MoP or WoD, especially WoD when it became real popular because flavor of the month.
You said to ignore an old playstyle because it is gone, but it’s ok for 2h players to do it. Hypocritical much?
So what I said about agility was accurate, it does basically nothing for dk back in wrath. No DW dps player cares that they get a little armor and dodge that amounts to nothing.
No, they were ignoring plague strike to have an easier playstyle. The person just happened to have shadowmourn, but he was playing in a way that results in less damage. Here was the problem with ignoring plague strike in wrath for the easier rotation. You lost passive damage, obliterate lost damage, and in your opener since you can’t start a fight with rime active, means you would have an unholy rune that went unused. Howling blast or Icy Touch to apply frost fever, 2 blood strikes to convert runes, and one obliterate that’s only 5 runes and your obliterate would be missing damage. You are better off just applying both diseases, getting the extra passive damage, the damage boost to obliterate and then continue. But the entire point of bringing that video up was to show people would ignore diseases.
The proc rate of KM isn’t the problem, it’s the amount of auto attacks. From what people have found is you have an increasing chance for each crit you have and your km doesn’t proc. So first auto crit has a 30% chance, second has a 60% chance, then 90% and then last is 100%. DW just has more chances with the same stats. It has always had more chances. Oh and another problem with masterfrost was the shear amount of km procs not being able to be eaten by frost strike which meant wasted damage.
And that’s real smart, bring back what got 2h removed in the first place. Not to mention, the more you increase obliterates damage the more damage that gets mitigated by armor because it’s not seeing km procs which bypass armor. And I don’t see why you guys can’t understand that DW did hit hard with obliterate. It’s all over the place. It hit as hard as 2h specs.
If losing 2h made you stop playing, your interest in frost was really shallow. It was removed because it was causing problems. Even high end players recognized these things were removed for good reason. People like to just say it was because of the artifact weapon try to go around what actually happened because if it isn’t due to the artifact weapon, then you have to face that there were significant issues going on. If there were significant issues going on then it’s probably not a smart idea to try to bring it back without trying to do something about the issues that were never addressed. And that is exactly what people are seeing currently.
Just because you can use something doesn’t make it a good idea. The spec still points at DW due to mechanics.
Um, no. DW did hit as hard as 2h, even blood. 28k obliterate crit from back in Wrath, and it wasn’t on a 2h. This was already explained to people long ago by other people. Not to mention you can look up private servers, that look pretty accurate, and compare blood dps damage numbers and DW frost damage numbers. Death strike did about 25-27k on average, and DW obliterate did 25-27k on average in ICC. Slow 1h weapons, having 2 of them, even without str, allowed for big crits.
Frost is pretty balanced when compared to other specs. When they tried to balance against itself frost suffered. Sometimes doing half the damage of other specs, mainly unholy which didn’t have to be balanced against itself.