DK Shadowlands Changes...2H Frost! :D

2h was always better for pvp

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speaking of runes, did you guys see this one?

Rune of Sanguination
Affixes your rune weapon with a rune that causes your Death Strike deals increased damage based on the target’s missing health. When you fall below 35% health, you heal for 48% of your maximum health over 8 sec.

man…that’d be disgusting in pvp.


Hey, something interesting to respond to!

I’m guessing it’s primary purpose is to make Blood less squishy, but I can see it being great for PvP, or even just soloing tougher content. I’m sure it probably has or will have an internal cooldown or it’ll be bonkers.


That’s what they were saying actually.

No it wasn’t.

Honestly guys, and I don’t really want to say this, but you might just have to ignore Kelliste. I’m a fan of healthy discussion backed by visual evidence, which her posts have neither.

The backpeddling done every time someone references something to disprove her claims is nauseating. It’s persistent and absurd at this point.

I’m not your dad so I can’t tell you what to do, but yikes. To everyone else though, I’ve loved reading through everything and there’s a ton of discussion here from a lot of different angles. It’s awesome!


This should be a sticky. #dont feed the trolls


I wonder what Blizz plans to do with 2h frost. Hate the waiting part but I just dont want to be forced to dw to pve and 2h to pvp. Would rather be able to choose one or the other for similar dps.

Yeah, I keep going to MMO Champion hoping for a new Alpha build so I can zoom to any new Frost updates.


Haha yeah, good to see Im not alone in that. Waiting for the pre-patch for each expansion always ruins my interest in the current game.


I would hate that if thats the wayu they go

Right, I want there to be a choice instead of being pigeonholed into doing one or the other based on content I want to do. Consistency for my character matters above all to me. idk I feel like I lose some identity in my character when what I want to play isnt really viable.

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I can consciously ignore it for a short time. But as time goes on, my attention span and willingness to do any grindy content significantly declines if I am forced to use weapons I hate. Just being honest and speaking for me personally.


I just can’t imagine balancing 2h vs DW is very challenging to a company like Blizzard. They create amazing and very complex games with many many features.

Surely they can handle balancing one weapon vs. two.


I can’t imagine that it’s any harder than balancing a talent row.

Actually, it would be much easier. A talent row must be balanced against the 2 other specs and within the larger game. The weapons just must be balanced against themselves within the one spec.

Just saying.

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Cool name by the way. But yeah, this is peanuts to the dev team. Of course they can balance it if they want to. There have been several great suggestions that would solve this. Surely they are already very aware.

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Who else is excited to see those big WHOMPING FS + Oblits again though!!!


as it stands, fs and obliterate dont scale off weapon damage anymore. Its attack power which roughly translates to same damage dw or 2h. I am gonna guess they add a talent to the first row or something that will buff 2h damage / positive perk for dw but outside of that idk how they address the multiple concerns with 2h without some big changes.

Could you remind me then, why does Blizzard’s original intention with the 2H removal matter at this point in time?