DK Shadowlands Changes...2H Frost! :D

Wow, you just showed how these quotes are strawman arguments. Can you notice that a new goalpost wasn’t created. It’s a dispute on the original claim and “evidence” presented. It’s not evidence showing that I said 2h should never come back.

I even clicked on the link, which none of you clearly did, and looked at what was being said. Yet you want to call me a clown. I did not say that 2h should never come back. Saying that it’s not on someone’s desk, which it clearly wasn’t, is not the same as saying it will never or shouldn’t come back. If it was on someone’s desk then they would have actually worked on it instead of having this useless illusion of choice.

Are you serious?! Lmao. You literally said “there wasn’t even a remote chance” that 2H was coming back. Those are your words, right there for you to see.

You can keep throwing up whatever ill-contrived defense mechanisms you want, but you asked for evidence and that’s as clear as day.

That isn’t a strawman. That’s YOU literally saying what you asked people to prove.

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Which was in reference to what in that thread?

Reading comprehension, learn it.

What does transmog and splitting spec have to do with literal phrasing of you saying it wasn’t coming back? Nothing. You’re moving the goalposts to try and cover your blunders. Now shoo.

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Um… what?

Here let me spell it out for you. 2h wasn’t coming back is not, 2h should never come back for one thing, but people seen the new 2h weapons of different colors, one being a fire theme a spec well, they thought this meant fire was coming, 2h was back at that point, and even to the extreme that DW was removed. Then 1h weapons, and no 2h being announced, showed that 2h wasn’t coming back at that point and it was pretty clear that the transmog items weren’t complete when all the hype started in the first place. They took limited information and ran with it.

So, you are wrong, eat it.

Your exact quote. And look at what they did 2h frost is back. And they are working on it. Now it seems that the timer i had for you being on ignode is out so thats where you are going. Tired of seeing trolls.

And i showed where you said it isnt coming back but as usal you moved the goal post even though i showed you literally saying it wont come back


And it’s trash, so was it on anyone’s desk to look at up to this point?

You guys really need to open a dictionary and take some reading comprehension classes. So far off the mark it’s just sad at this point.

You have zero business telling anyone on these forums to open a dictionary when you contradicted yourself trying to lecture me about “moving goalposts” which you are continuing to do as we speak.

Just like you are in no position to lecture anyone about the class itself because you don’t even play DK for anything other than WQs and you make idiotic comments that further show how clueless you are, like talking about M+, raiding, and high end arena and comparing it to hitting a target dummy as if that is even remotely comparable.

So are you.


Not worth feeding the troll or getting banned for it as that is her next response is to report people. Just put it on ignoring and you wont have to see the garbage.


It’s not my fault you don’t know what moving the goalposts means. Saying you missed the goal is not the same as moving the goal.

You are doing something called confirmation bias. You are looking for anything and everything even if you have to twist it to confirm your bias. Too bad that you have failed miserably.

One thing is, I did not compare high end content to hitting a target dummy. If you had any reading comprehension then you would have understanded it. In fact, what I said was that it didn’t take high end content to notice what is going on with the core of the spec. Do you have to fight n’zoth to notice that your offhand weapon procs km? Do you have to do rank 1 arena content to nice the base damage is almost identical when you swap weapon sets of the same ilvl? Does it take an m+ 25 to notice that dw gets 2 runeforges which makes it the harder hitting option especially when you have the new km to take into account.

No, you don’t have to do that content. Not only that, but high end content doesn’t even mean you understand something. You can drift good, and not know anything about the car you are driving and it doesn’t take high level drifting to know what is going on. It just shows you have an ability to do something.

Another thing “you probably did” is the same as saying “it’s probably true”. It’s an assumption that something happened. You 5 people hijacked this thread to just insult me and it’s hilarious of how blantantly wrong you are. It’s on the same level of flat earth ears that just yell “second law of thermodynamics” when they don’t understand thermodynamics in the slightest.

Might of the Frozen Waste needs to come back as a passive that applies Razorice and normalizes KM procs for 2h Frost. That’s it. No % modifiers for Obliterate, no extra damage for using a 2h.

Fallen Crusader needs to be a baseline passive as well, otherwise these new runeforges are never going to see play.


Runeforges for 2h should let you combine 2 runes


But how would you normalize km procs with the passive. It’s still entirely based on the amount of auto attack crits you can get in any given minute. Taking the base weapon speed of 3.6 for a 2h, you get less than 20 auto attacks per minute, then those autos have a chance to crit, and those crits have a chance to proc KM.

On the other hand with 1h weapons having a base attack speed of 2.6, and being DW that means you auto attack every 1.3 so it’s a little less than 60 auto attacks per minute which all have a chance to crit and then have a chance to proc KM.

What would MotFW do to normalize this? If you want to normalize it, just make it proc off of ability usage and not auto attack crits. The difference in stats between 2h and DW isn’t some vast chasm. It would be more like Rime which is based off of ability use. What ability that would be, who knows. Make it proc off of FF ticks, but dispels would hurt in pvp. Or just take how obliteration works but give Howling Blast and frost strike a slightly high chance to proc KM. Then you can have obliteration to increase the chance to 100% keeping the talent as is effectively.

If you want to normalize it, base it off of something that is already normalized.

Oh there’s a definitely lot more, I just don’t feel like going through the bloated post count to find them.

Whenever the quotes are shown the only counter they have is “out of context!!!1!!”. Same song and dance for like a year now.

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I’m super excited for 2h frost. Interested to see how they make it competitive with dual wielding.

They could probably have some binary true/false Functions(or series of) that get invoked based on the player having 2h equipped right?

Even if it’s 2 or 3 percent worse I would still take it tbh. Nothing beats the aesthetic of a 2h frost death knight imo.

Then don’t take things out of context. Pretty simple. When you remove context you can make anyone look like they said anything you want.

Dude, just take the L and move on. It’s getting kind of embarrassing at this point.

I agree, it is embarrassing that so many people can gang up on one person and not be accurate at all.

Here is the question, why did all of you jump in to say anything at all in the first place?

I am what some might call a “filthy casual” but my opinion is that more options for us are great.

Will I be using a 2H on my Frost DK? No.
Do I think the option should be available? Yes.
Do I care about the DPS difference? No.

So yea while I think balancing them to be equal would be ideal, if they aren’t, I don’t really care, use what you find fun and if someone takes issue that you aren’t using their “optimal” build, tell them to bite you.

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If only the playerbase overall had that thought process. Other people’s time in the game is just as valuable as anyone else’s, and if you are bringing other people down because of your choice it’s not really fair is it? You say bite me, they kick you from the group and find someone else.

That’s the thing about multiplayer games, it’s not just you, or me, or anyone else playing an isolated experience. It’s a group game and that has to be taken into consideration.