DK Red Eyes Option

I didn’t really care about this because the argument from lore doesn’t matter. Again, we can transmog gear so blizzard has already shown customization > lore.

However, that being said, I got curious and looked into this.

Lady Alistra, the red eyed death knight who you claim isn’t a death knight just because you don’t like the idea has some things she’d like to say to you, fellow death knight.

“Lady Alistra: Skeletal mages. A perfect opportunity to display the utility of some of our powers.”
“Lady Alistra: Mages fear our kind… with reason. Play upon this fear, disciples.”
“Lady Alistra: Disciples… you will find with time that many healing spells fall victim to the degeneration of our strikes.”
“Lady Alistra: Some healers lack the knowledge to counter the diseases that we master.”

And its background art that doesnt matter at all.

You can create conspiracy theories all you want, you have 0 evidence for this.

Its background art. It means literally nothing. Did you know that the background art used to just be locations? Is ret a stormy rocky area? No, because it was background art. Grasping at straws is all that you guys can ever do and make up a bunch of bs.

Consistency within the lore to create immersion.

Blizzard says customization has to make sense. Its a reason why they dont do a lot of it. This isnt build a bear where anything goes, you have to work within the limits set by the story. Cry more about it but there is 0 justification for DK eyes changing color either just through the player wanting different colors or changing by spec.

This isnt a mic drop moment. This is some lame attempt at conflating a character wearing the same gear to fundamentally changing a class at its core.

No it doesnt.

Thats why you have posted 3 separate times instead of just once? Yeah get bent. \

You havent given me ANY new information that I didnt have 2 expansions ago.

“our powers” you mean unholy users?

It’ll be added in someday. Players want it and eye color doesn’t effect gameplay or story. Several examples of DK NPCs in game that don’t have glowing eyes.

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It absolutely does.

The ones you listed actually do have blue eyes but keep with your delusions I guess.


You’re like that ackchyually meme. Funny lol.

It literally doesn’t effect gameplay and since there are already so many different eye colors for Scourge units, all raised by the LK, then it isn’t lore breaking or game breaking or anything that you keep purporting.

A simple questline will explain it away once it is added into the game. Make no mistake, it eventually will be added into the game because it is what the majority wants and it literally makes no difference.

Can’t wait for red eyes on blood dk. Or maybe a Maldraxxus green glow for unholy. Can’t wait! :dracthyr_yay_animated:


Never said it does but you lumped gameplay and lore together in the same sentence so you could do this argument.

except the units are different arent they? a ghoul isnt a dk so saying “they are all scourge” doesnt change anything.

but DK’s were meant to be the things that help lead the rest of the scourge, domination magic based (now according to the SL lore) to control the scourge.

it 100% is.

Except they could have already did that in SL and they double downed on the blue eye glow.

Its like 2% of the forums which is like 1% of the playerbase. Its actually a really small amount of people and nowhere close to being the majority.

Why would red eyes be for blood and not unholy? I mean you guys went on about Lady Alistra having red eyes and if we just humor your delusion for a second, she would be an Unholy DK, so unholy should have red eyes. Would that mean frost would have to have a different blue glow because the blue glow now isnt frost based, and what would blood have? Ever been to the blood wing of ICC? Those knights all had blue eyes. So you guys arent even following the evidence in the game and just making stuff up as you go along.

Because you clearly speak for everyone. You’re outnumbered in this post, not hard to tell there is a majority. You’re vehemently, rudely, toxically the only person objecting to it. Really nothing more to talk to you about, we’re just going in circles.

Can’t wait for more DK customization options. Long overdue and eventually we’ll get them. Keep asking people!

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No that is what you are doing.

So what?

Out of 5 people? Oh what a large number of supporters you have!

No im not. Go look through the history of asking for eye color changes and see how many people that are actually against DK eye color change.

Also, you cant call other rude when you have been the one actually insulting people. You are the rude toxic one.

Because you keep repeating what has been debunked. It was debunked back in BFA yet you guys have repeated your lies so much you started to believe them.

There is a DK trainer with red eyes. That is all that matters. Blizzard put it in the game way back in 2008. At any time they can add customization options and eventually they will. It is just the way of things in modern WoW.

As for being rude, you jumped down my throat when I simply and politely brought up Lady Alistra. There is no friendly conversation to be had with you and your replies and post history proves it. You just want to fight and argue with people and nothing else. My observation of your behavior and attitude isn’t an insult.

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And there is a DK trainer thats a Lich… so what? Its a DK TRAINER.

Yes, they put a DK trainer in the game. So what?

Thats not what Blizzard said.

They do not add customization just to add customization. This is a universe with a story and that story puts limitations. Where are the human warriors with no limbs? Kind of hard to leap around, charge, and swing a weapon around with no limbs… but what if someone wants that customization? Not going to happen because it doesnt make sense.

No I didnt.

You want to see what you flipped your lid about?

If that is jumping down your throat then there is an issue with you.

I just told you to do a little more research on people before bringing them up. Thassarian has blue eyes, Alexei Barov isnt stated to be a DK and he uses Immolate. So you did 0 research, was told to do some research, and you went nuts.

LOL. I didn’t go nuts. I find you very rude and extremely toxic. Volatile even. My observation of you is that you are an ignorant person. That isn’t an insult when your behavior is par for the course. Not just with me, but everyone you reply to.

Again, Lady Alistra is listed as a DK unit. We’re going in circles. So I’m putting you on mute. I don’t care if you dismiss that NPC so you can feel right. She’s in the game and eventually Blizzard will add more customization. I have faith in that and I hope people keep asking for it in the mean time. Toodle-oo!


Yes you quite literally did.

This is you going nuts because I gave you actual information that is out there than just looking at something once. “THASSARIAN IS IN ORIBOS WITH NO EYE GLOW! GO LOOK!” Ive already did my research on Thassarian. Human models with face scars cannot have eye glow within the game yet they actually DO have blue glowing eyes.

Whitemane - has face markings - doesnt have blue eye glow in game - has blue eye glow in a cinematic.

Thassarian - has face markings - doesnt have blue eye glow in game - has blue eye glow in the comic / manga

No she isnt. Someone changed the Wiki with no source because they wanted to have something up on me. She is not listed as a DK unit from Blizzard.

Because YOU keep repeating stuff that is blatantly wrong.

Who cares.

I dont feel right, I am right.

So what? A DK trainer is in game… your point isnt the bombshell you think it is. Just because you are a DK trainer doesnt make you a DK. Amal’thazad is a perfect example of this.

If all you have is some obscure NPC, with no information on them, no lore, she hasnt done anything with the Ebon Blade, didnt participate in Legion, didnt participate in SL, she isnt out there causing pain / death so the Death Knight curse doesnt kick in. Shes so far away from a DK its laughable.

But if you are going to stop responding to someone then do it. Quit saying you are and just do it.

This is really what it comes down to. It’s only a matter of time before eye color is available for customization. Blizzard has never been religiously loyal to lore. Then all the arguing on forums won’t matter because people who want to change their eye color will be able to and the DKs that wanna roleplay can just pick the default blue eyes.


You can go be something else since you don’t want to be a death knight.

I said this last time this got posted. Blizzard can change retcon or make new lore that pivots to allow what ever eye color they want.

For example they could say the blue eye color was a biproduct of lingering domination magic and after the jailers death the linger effects have begun to fade allowing for other forms of magic to tint the characteristic eye effect.

They could also just say that some DKs choose to wear a form of colored contact that tints the light coming off their eyes. We have seen various examples of DKs trying to retain or regain their sense of self over the year and vanity is a natural part of that self expression.

Its entirely possible to add the option its just a mater of if they want to.


Domination magic didnt go away though. Makes no sense.

Are there contacts in this universe?

Again it has to make sense to do it. That is Blizzards words. They do customization when it makes sense to.

The primary and controlling source of the domination magic that affected DKs did go away. That being the helm of domination and its master Zovaal. It is perfectly within reason to write it so that over time the magic that was used on the dks has weakened over time to the point that other forces they engage with are able to overshadow it.

No clue. There could be as soon as blizzard says there are, and since we have magic hair dye that lets humans make their hair blue I don’t see it as much of a stretch.
TWW is even a good place to add them with the Earthen by saying they some times have gem based contacts they use.

My whole point is that it is easy to make it make sense with minor creative writing.


So what, the magic is still there.

That doesnt matter at all. The magic doesnt go away just because a user of that magic dies.

Except we know that to not be true. We broke free from that over a decade ago and the magic hasnt weakened. Not to mention the jailer isnt the creator of it, he just used it.

There isnt.

And that would have to make sense, they dont even have sight glasses yet is it reasonable that they would develop contacts first? You could argue they have goggles, but are they for sight?

It is a stretch. A big one.

They could say DK’s have rocket launchers as arms. Demons are actually made from the death of frogs. Rain isnt actually water but tiny gems that instantly turn to water when they impact the soil.

Except none of this makes sense within the universe created. It only makes sense to the people that desperately want something. And no, writers do not have free reign to do whatever they want. Just like what is going on with Star Wars at the moment, when the writers dont have to adhere to the universe they are trying to create a story within then the entire thing breaks down and they are losing money MASSIVELY.

The only way for DK eye color to change at this point is a new generation of DK. A 5th generation that isnt created with domination magic. But who is going to do that? There are no Lich Kings anymore. So who is powerful enough at the moment that is involved with Necromancy even though they have been getting further and futher away from the undead in this universe even though they are the perfect weapon against the void.

Every year we get paper masks that allow us to Change our race to another. I have several dozen toys that allow me to do the same. I have a device that allows me to put an illusion of a different helm over the one that I’m wearing. one of those gives my death knight green glowing eyes.

Corpses do more stretching than this would require.


Except your race isn’t changing due to a paper mask. That’s like saying blackface changes your race. See what I mean when I say you guys stretch.