DK Red Eyes Option

She’s a trainer. There is absolutely nothing saying she is a death knight and her eye color hasn’t changed. So there is no precedent for DK eye glow changing colors.

Thassarian does have glowing eyes, it’s a game limitation just like Whitemane. I don’t know how many times it has to be repeated because this is going on at least 3 expansions of debunking the same NPCs. Do a little more research on these people before bringing them up.

First of all, Lady Alistra is a death knight. She’s wearing the same set of gear DK’s wear while leveling a DK through the starting zone.

As for Thassarian, he’s standing in Oribos, go look at him.

You don’t know as much as you think you do and you’re a baby rager when someone points out that you’re wrong. And you are WRONG.


There are others that wear that gear that aren’t death knights.

Thassarian has blue eyes. Do a little more research than “in Oribos he doesn’t!”.

I’m not wrong lol. Just because someone has that gear look means absolutely nothing. And Thassarian was in an official Blizzard manga/comic where he has blue eyes. Whitemane has this same game limitation and she also has blue eyes. I’m just getting tired of pointing this crap out to people looking for stuff to confirm what they want and then stopping any research at that point and then claiming they are right.

You are wrong.

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You’re an actual ignoramus. My last reply to you because you are so dense.

Lady Alistra is a death knight trainer, in death knight armor, standing in the death knight only starting zone inside a death knight only building called Acherus. She has red eyes. Her model was updated in WoD and Legion and she still has red eyes.

Maybe YOU should go do some research. You are wrong. :dracthyr_tea:


I’d love for unholy to have scary eye options like empty sockets with worms crawling out with a spooky green glow


Oh no, a toxic person losing an argument and going mask off. Nothing new here.

Dont start what you cant finish.

Doesnt make you a Death Knight.

Its not death knight armor, but it still doesnt make you a death knight.

Its not death knights only lol.

Evidence that she isnt a Death Knight along with the other evidence out there of her doing absolutely NOTHING when it comes to the Ebon Blade going to battle. She placed a bet in Legion, she didnt participate in anything (not death knight like since they want to inflict pain), she did nothing in SL, she wasnt even part of the command table to send out on missions. At best shes a banshee in the flesh since she was teaching unholy magics.

So what? This doesnt mean shes a Death Knight.

I have, for 3 expansions at the very least. You did 3 seconds of research and think you know about a topic you have absolutely no business even commenting on.

No im not.

Oh, even if we do just play into the narrative that she is a DK, that would mean that Unholy would get red eyes and not Blood. You guys have absolutely no clue what you are talking about.

At least some people in here aren’t completely vapid.

That would be cool customization. Eventually Blizzard will add more options for DK’s and DH’s for eye stuff. It is the way of things in WoW. Everything changes and there are NPCs in game to support it.


Tauren Rogues, tell me lore matters.

Alright… lore matters.

Says “wrong” immediately followed by “blood has red eyes” which is exactly what I said.

Also unholy has green eyes. Not blue.

As for frost being a frostwyrm I honestly just forgot that, but doesn’t matter.

Point is that the art team made a visual decision they felt best represented the theme of those specs - and what do you know? They picked red eyes for blood because it looks better than blue eyes. So let the players do the same thing. Not a wild or complicated concept.

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Agree completely. They already created and almost released themed colors for death grip. Red and green being added as color options at character creation or being set in place by the spec is only a matter of time. Kind of like the death knight class mount. It changes color depending on spec.


Don’t bother. People like this who cling to the lore like it is the gospel are exhausting. As soon as Blizzard changes it, they’ll be the first to defend it vigorously as if its always been the case.

I find it funny that they asked a question, and I gave them some examples but they refuted it. I believe what my eyes report and the examples I gave show that there are at least 3 DK’s in WoW that have non-glowing runic blue eyes. To be told I’m wrong is like talking to a flat-earther about science.

Player A: I want different color dk eyes because it’s fun to customize!
Player B: NO! It goes against Lore! Only very specific characters have different color DK eyes!

Player A: Why do you have ashbringer transmogged then?
Player B: … as he stands in stormwind with 20 other ret paladins with it


They funny part is, they want to yell about dual wield being lore accurate but not different eyes when there’s just as many DK’s with special eyes as there are twin bladers XD


For real. :rofl: :joy: :rofl: :joy:

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I’m starting to read the word “lore” from certain people in the same type of voice the bad guy in the old Judge Dredd movie said the word ‘law’ toward the end XD

No. I said the art is monochromatic, meaning a singular color, because Blizzard would have absolutely nothing within that artwork that shows Blood Magic.

No it very much has blue, I pulled the color code from it and its blue.

Talent background art means absolutely nothing, how should Frost DK’s look based on their talent background art? Should we be Frostwyrms? Also, the blue eyes of the DK arent frost / cold magic, its necromantic magic later retconned to domination magic.

No, they made the whole picture red because there is nothing there to indicate that the DK would have been blood.

No. There is 0 reason to. Dk eye colors do not change. There is 0 examples of this anywhere. Thats domination magic, its not going anywhere. Just like DH with fel, their eye color isnt going anywhere either. You should have known this when you picked a Death Knight.

Lol, conspiracy theories. I hate the entirety of SL lore because it destroys past established lore.

You did not give answers to my question.

And you said

So how is that DK eye color changing exactly? Oh right, its not.

And yes I refuted your ill informed suggestions because they have been debunked since at least BFA. Whitemane has blue eyes even though in game she doesnt. In the cinematic where she is carrying Bolvar… blue eyes. Thassarian, he also has blue eyes in official Blizzard artwork along with the Death Knight Manga, no pupils or anything in that book either as far as I have seen.

Alexei Barov is just an agent of the scourge. Dont know what DK uses Immolate though, also, let me let you onto a little hint. Any human model that has face markings cannot have glowing eyes within the game. Dont know why but absolutely none of them has glowing eyes even if they actually do.


But there are DK’s that DW, use a Sword and Board, use 2h or whatever, but there are not DK’s with different eye colors. The only NPC’s that you can point to are either not Death Knights or they are death knights with blue eyes but the in game engine cant show it due to face markings.

Soooo where are all these DK’s with different eye colors? Thats right they dont exist. You want something so bad you will twist anything to make it look like that thing exists when it actually doesnt.

You can type an entire novel if you want. The blood death knight talent tree still has a red eyed death knight. Which was an intentional artistic decision because the art team knows a blood death knight looks best with red eyes. If that bothers you type a strongly worded letter to the art team about how he should have “blue eyes”.

Also the death knight class mount is either red, green, or blue depending on your specialization. They also added the same color options for the death grip ability (but it never made it out of PTR). It is only a matter of time before they add the ability to have your eyes match as well.

Also, it’s worth mentioning you just list reasons why YOU don’t want DK’s eyes to change color. You’ve given no evidence to support why Blizzard won’t or wouldn’t eventually allow it. For instance, we can transmog gear - boom, mic drop.


I think different DK eye colors would be a neat thing to be able to unlock through a lore quest since they’ve been adding new customizations that way.


Oh, also, unholy death knight talent tree lady has green eyes. Ya know, to match the rest of the green theme for unholy. Again, an intentional artistic decision to keep the theme consistent.

The HEX code for anyone curious: #096a42