DK Mounts - Can we get the old ones to just be able to fly?

I really prefer my good old Acherus Deathcharger (as well as the Reins of the Deathcharger from Legion, temporary use) over the class mount from Legion.

Reasons why:

On A Pale Horse - You are as hard to stop as death itself, increasing your mounted speed by 20%.

On a pale horse. not a Vilebrood Vanquisher.

I don’t like being green. As Unholy, my class mount is always green, and unlike Warlocks or Paladins, I can’t choose to be a different color as it’s locked to spec.

Dragons are HUGE. They’re too big and get stuck on things, and obstruct your view. I like the compactness of the horses.

While we’re at it, why can’t we have Paladin and Warlock class mounts just be able to fly, too?


I can see the old Warlock class mounts being able to fly because they’re demons but the Paladin and Death Knight original class mounts? They’re just horses.

What I wish is the colors from this^^ would become a glyph. Our ground mount’s pixels are showing.

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The Paladin Legion class mount can fly - as well as the Warlock one.

It’s all some type of magic. The Winged Steed of the Ebon blade can fly, and yet it physically appears to lack the ability to do so because it has just bones for wings.

Paladins, Warlocks, and DK’s have magic. They aren’t just regular horses.

In the case of the Acherus Deathcharger, it has glowing blue undeath legs for one.

Also, the HH mount is just a reskin of the Acherus Deathcharger, and it too can fly.

No they can’t. They’re just horses.

The Acherus Deathcharge is not just a horse.

You had to do a quest to get it, and it’s an undead horse. There’s no reason why it shouldn’t be able to fly.

I edited the content - the Legion Paladin class mount can fly. Is that just a horse?

I got that for my DK a couple of weeks ago now and I have been wondering the whole time why it looks so low rent as a class mount. It looks like it came straight from vanilla and looks quite jarring, especially when put up against the Warrior dragon mount.


Warlock class mount looks the best and has the best utility since it’s not enormous.

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I personally like the warrior dragon out of the legion class mounts but the Warlock one is definitely cool. As I said though, the DK mount looks really bad texture wise compared to the warrior dragon. It’s like they just put all their effort into other class mounts and half-assed the DK one.

Speaking of “just horses,” could the Courser mounts always fly? The ones that look like unicorns. It’s jarring watching them take flight. As long as they can fly, I don’t see why any old horse can’t fly.


No, that’s new with Shadowlands.

And I’m personally a big fan. The Lucid Nightmare mount is fantastic and it being able to fly just means I get that much more use out of it.

It pretty much is. You steal a horse, that dude kills it, then you “tame” it in the Shadow Realm. There’s nothing special about it. The Forsaken have an entire fleet of undead horses and they don’t fly.

The Paladin’s class hall mount is not “just a horse” and that’s why it can fly.

I hate our class hall mount too (for various reasons) but hating him doesn’t mean a ground mount should suddenly be a flying mount :woman_shrugging:

No the unicorns couldn’t always fly and they’re not “just horses.” They’re unicorns.

Just go farm Invincible for a bit.

No, I know, but they don’t look like they should be able to fly. They do not look like whimsical flying unicorns. They look like they should be firmly planted on the ground. I don’t see why a horse shouldn’t fly at this rate - plus, plenty of them do, like the warlock class mount.

like i haven’t been for a decade lol

The Warlock class hall mount is a demon.

That’s not very nice.

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lol, ouch.
You’ll get him soon. I think.

Look if Jaina can fly a boat we can get a magical undead horse to fly.

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The OG paladin charger is a ghosty boy. We had to summon him in the basement of Scholo.

But I definitely want to be able to fly on my pally :elephant:

The good thing about Paladins and Warlocks is that their Legion mounts can fly and are straight upgrades for their old mounts.

DK’s went a weird direction and I don’t really like it.

It’s the only class I got the Legion mount for back in Legion and never use it.

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