No rime affected Heart Strike.
I guess in Wrath you just used Frost Fever, Obliterate, Frost Strike and Howling Blast (which if you were you were playing wrong buddy).
No rime affected Heart Strike.
I guess in Wrath you just used Frost Fever, Obliterate, Frost Strike and Howling Blast (which if you were you were playing wrong buddy).
Nah in wrath I played blood dps. Then in icc I went frost and definitely most of the core rotation was Oblit, frost strike, howling blast and then the occasional heart strike.
At this rate I’m beginning to think you’re just a troll.
Also rime didn’t work on heart strike, you used HS to get blood runes rolling.
You want a list of things you used in any spec?
Icy Touch
Plague Strike
Blood Strike (Blood doesnt use this)
Death and Decay
Raise Dead
Army of the Dead
Blood Boil
Death Coil (unholy and blood RP spender and ranged damage dealer for Frost if you couldnt be in melee range)
Frost also used
Frost Strike
Howling Blast
Unholy also used
Scourge Strike
gained a perma pet
gained a 3rd disease
Blood also used
Heart Strike (took place of Blood Strike)
Death Strike
I know, it was sarcasm, and we have classic right now and you are still getting what the DK did wrong.
No you didnt. You used Blood Strike and Pestilence and it was to convert runes for both Frost and Unholy.
Are you noticing a theme here that all specs had which made them feel like a death knight?
And you’re still a DEATH KNIGHT, of which you should be first and foremost, and Frost is very severely lacking in that department.
It’s Blood Strike, not Heart Strike. You can’t get both Heart Strike & Frost Strike/Howling Blast in Wrath.
This doesn’t normalize anything. If anything, you’ll just make Frost worst by adding any magic damage to it baseline while keeping the Crit & full magic on KM.
Obliterate being a guaranteed crit and being 100% magic damage killed the spec and is the sole reason everything in the kit doesn’t do damage.
Remove the guaranteed crit or the magical damage and the rest of the spec can breathe. Remove Pillar ramping doesn’t accomplish anything if the damage isn’t pumped directly into FS, HB, and Remorseless, and then the complaints will just be “Obliterate doesn’t do damage again” and we’ll just return to 2017 and go down this road again.
You can, Blood Strike is baseline and doesnt get replaced. Doesnt ultimately matter because the entire point is that specializations didnt just = all one type of damage or color of the spec. Every spec summoned the undead, every spec used diseases, every spec used stuff from frost through Icy Touch, IBF, Mind Freeze, Chains of Ice (really good on the corrupt soul on Bromjahm) and every spec used stuff from blood though blood strike, blood boil, blood tap. It was always a mix allllll the way until Legion which was the start of losing class identity and focused more on the spec identity when each spec already had an identity.
We just arent death knights anymore outside of the name.
There is no problem with using DnD as a Frost Dk, the problem is the pace of dungeons and tanks being more in most everything but the upper most keys and raid difficulties. Put a timer on something and people feel like they have to constantly move to progress through the dungeon or just through sheer boredom. You can see this in classic at times where tanks will be bored and start moving the mobs to another group of enemies. So what is a lock supposed to do at that point?
If WoW is going to go into the realm of constantly moving then cast times need to be taken out, ground targeted aoe needs to be taken out so everyone can aoe on the move or even single target on the move. I dont think that is Blizzards plan though so they need to slow things down quite a lot. Maybe M+ shouldnt be infinite scaling and only go to like 10 and have a good difficulty curve to it. where unless you overgear it you have to watch your pulls just to slow things down.
You’re suggesting he leaves in the middle of a key - which would make HIM the jackass- for leaving in the middle of a group?
He can’t very well know the tank is going to act a certain way until they’re already well underway in the middle of the key.
just because the tank is doing his job and pulling mobs in a swift manner because that is typically the standard design of high-end keys? constantly moving.
Not the DK’s fault that Keys are designed a certain way that incentivizes tanks to act in an according manner… and the DKs abilities are designed in counter to this.
The problem isn’t OP, the problem is that the DK class has a design rotation that is counter-intuitive to the mechanics of most gameplay rotation; CONSTANT MOBILITY.
And the gameplay rotation incentivizes tanks to act and pull a certain way… sure they could slow down…but KEYS are TIMED… which incentivizes a rushed behavior in players and pushes players to find methods of constantly moving and finding ways to act in accordance.
Thats like asking players to “sit back and relax and do a dungeon slow and steady…” meanwhile you have 15 minutes to clear the dungeon or you fail. Players will then try to find ways to min-max the best way to pull mobs and at certain intervals, its player behavior.
Look at players in WoW… no one just sits and casually chills in dungeons… there’s literal guides to EVERYTHING.
literal ADDONS that are required by players and get yelled or laughed at if they don’t have, because the game standardizes them in order to actually manage the mechanics of keys, because they’re so highly mobile.
im not accusing you or harping on your statement, i’m just sorta tired of reading other players harp on other players, when the issue is just the GAMES design is conflicting with CHARACTER design…and the resulting PLAYER ROLE and its not a skill issue…
Its a designers issue designing fights one way, designing classes another way, and not realizing how this pushes players to act a certain way because of simple game/player behavior.
I’m having a lot of fun with frost in M+ at the moment. Just starting doing keys last week and just got KSM today. Pretty darn easy to hit 2K and I’m sure 2500 will be a breeze.
Would you prefer having the choice between throughput and +3y on melee attacks and abilities like the Rogues currently have?
Because you just know this is what wouldd happen.
Entangling has got to be the easiest affix to handle in the history of M+ affixes.
This is an extremely toxic game design. Clearly. Fractals which came about 4 years before M+ and is a scaling dungeon system, isnt timed.
Get slowed in mechanic → Die. Yes its very easy to handle until it isnt and rips the key.
im doing 23 and 24s and it still is happening
One of these days ill find a tank that doesnt pointlessly drag the trash like a spazz.