I’m just saying that this is not the way you were portraying it before lol. Literally were stating “no utility” and “bring nothing of actual value”. I’m not siding with anyone just simply stating that this is untrue.
And the whole warrior thing; fury warrior is VASTLY more popular than either dk spec. Representation is going to be skewed just from players base actually playing that class alone.
Most of the dk player base role plays and does quests, and wants to be arthas. The average dk doesn’t enter a mythic plus. 100% smaller group of people.
Fury warrior has 233,964 logs vs frost dk at 56,204 logs.
Arms is at 85,530 and unholy at 120,440.
Active dps players (from logs from normal raids)
DK: 176,644
War: 319,494
Do you think that normal raid logs vary this much from class utility or numbers?.. or from just actual player base.
I thought Gorkroth only showed that DPS warriors had many more parses/keys and inferred from that that warriors are better. I guess I missed where he showed warrior are also doing “better” but I have been multitasking while reading these posts.
you should, maybe thats why you all complain about dnd… why not help urself a bit. it deffinately is a taken choice this season
again, if thats how ur using, then maybe use it better. Same with fyrakk and other boss fights this expansion; it becomes a utility cd instead of a dps cd because grouping at the right time will 100% net more personal and group damage.
yes you do take it in higher keys as well as necropolis and lose a point in unholy bond.
They lose so much damage and have to re arrange their tree completely to take shockwave for dungeons
Why is warrior the argument here though they are in just as rough a place as dk lol this entire thread is semantics.
Talenting this as a DPS is questionable. It’s fine when you’re tanking, but unlike Piercing Howl it’s not a separate button from your damage abilities/cooldowns.
A majority of the time, holding it is a net loss. Yes, you can hold it in certain circumstances, but his point stands. Additionally, it can be a liability/trolling if used improperly, much like Grip.
DK isn’t just losing a point in Unholy Bond to magically get Insidious Chill and WotN. You’re usually also giving up Death’s Echo and all that that entails.
Fury’s pathing in the class tree, at least as far as I am aware of for M+, defaults to taking Shockwave.
If you look at the warrior forums they look just like the DK forums where they say each spec is useless, then you have the shamans in there complaining about Mountain Thane.
Just a byproduct of the forums, try to push things to the extreme to try to get something to be done.
and ours defaults to above because thats what you do in higher keys. even though you lose damage… just like warrior
go look at the top rated io dk for frost and unholy. or any of the top 100 for either. Tell me insidious chill isnt popular.
It will help secure damage for you, and slow for your tank to kite. Your chill streak slows too should u not press it since its part of ur rotation and slows mobs? I don’t understand your logic. I can’t think of a mechanic where having the group of mobs slowed is unbeneficial to the tank or the party. You can take lichborne cd and dmg reduction if you want here, its a decent choice, but at lower key levels totally unnecessary
You are 2k rated with normal raid not completed yet… idk what to tell you other than maybe you don’t know what you’re talking about… Just like everyone tells you to press remorseless winter on cd as well, which is great if you are just looking up the spec and just starting… but maybe just maybe there’s a little nuance to these spells.
GET THIS! SOMETIMES… SOMETIMES… YOU HOLD PILLAR TOO FOR THE RIGHT TIME FRAME, MAYBE JUST MAYBE UNTIL YOUR TANK IS POSITIONED, OR MAYBE WAITING 4-5 SECONDS FOR ADDS. Or maybe holding it because the boss is about to phase and go immune and you will lose most of it, or 100000 other reasons.
Everything should be used with brain not just send on cd.
And right, forgot we also drop Blood Draw. So yeah, we drop a personal defensive and damage for a tank auto damage reduction and a personal defensive. Not exactly impressive, even if we wind up having to do it past a point.
Do you think I like Chill Streak? It’s literally a PvP ability getting rammed down the spec’s throat right now.
It ties an AoE damage setup button to a slow. I didn’t say this is never useful, I said it can be a problem. Then again, placeable AoE we’re required to stand in to do our own AoE damage is also a problem.
Ah, you couldn’t make it past your first reply on this thread without bringing up my run history again. Some things don’t change.
There’s nuance to every spec at the top end. The problem is Frost is incredibly limited at a base level, which, shocker, limits some of its options and capabilities.
Right, so once we’re past this very basic and obvious assumption, we start getting into what limits further skill expression or nuance. Frost starts hitting that wall earlier than Unholy by a pretty notable margin because Frost is poorly designed.
It’s true you can go into any class forum right now and find people complaining and a “It’s obvious blizzard hates x class and wants no one to play it so they can delete it” entitlement on the first page of every class forum
Or classes saying they are due for a rework when there’s other classes that desperately need it more.
Where does it say it is a pvp ability. please stop saying that cause its not. its in the talent tree. Another opinion stated as a fact.
I just don’t think you know what ur talking about… why would i take medical advice from someone who watched youtube videos over a doctor. You state your opinions as facts everytime you post.
How do you know this… what is “base level” cause i think using your tools is pretty basic
What credibility do you have to this other than echoing forum posts or a video or something.
When have you played either of these at max capability to know how they play or what their limits are or capabilities.
Fury warrior base spec, whirlwind and smash buttons
unholy dk base spec people are claiming u can ignore wounds and dots… lol
What is “base” You dish out opinions as facts
Why would I listen to your opinion when its biased and stepped in false claims because you can’t figure out how dk works at a “base level”
At what point does that happen. Can you point to it, or demonstrate, or show me where this happens. When does frost hit a wall in skill. How do you know this happens exactly? Or is this just completely an opinion stated as a fact AGAIN because you want frost to be reworked.