[Obliterate] A brutal attack with both weapons that deals a total of [ 60% [ 120% of Attack Power ] Physical damage. Requires One-Handed Axes, Two-Handed Axes, One-Handed Maces, Two-Handed Maces, One-Handed Swords, Two-Handed Swords, Fist Weapons. Death Knight - Frost Spec. Death Knight - Frost Spec. 2 Runes. Melee range. Instant.
is… is this a typo?
where are you seeing that?
recent spell changes for alpha on mmo champion. could just be bad datamining tho
i cant post links
if ya wanna post links put ~at the begining of the link, but thanks for telling me
frost strike when from 45.88 to 62 very nice
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I mean… I’m down to deathpunch some people I guess? That’s gotta be an error of some kind though, I don’t think there’s any precedent at all for DKs using fist weapons.
Not against it though, could be cool.
its a onehand weapon, i don’t see a reason why they could not, if they wish so, even more now that they are bringing different weapon options
And this also could be to open people who want to transmog one hand weapons like axes and swords to fist weapons.
A good change in my eyes.
No one mentions the doubling of obliterate damage?
Just the fist weapons?
I see it as inevitable since we wont have azerite gear, essences, corruption so damage has to be placed somewhere. A 2 rune spender should do some damage.
Even the covenant abilities dont look like they are going to be doing that much. The str buff covenant, along with this buff, with icecap could be a pretty strong build just because it works well with each other. Or if you go BoS build then you take the runic power covenant. Just better hope you really like that playstyle because changing covenants arent going to be that great to do.
Question since I can’t find an answer: do we get Sludge Belchers back? I figured Unholy would get it back as an upgraded pet since it is vital to the spec unlike the throwaway ghouls for the other specs.
Unlikely. There was a tooltip for Raise Dead glyph that might allow sludge belcher as an option cosmetically but the big lumbering loo of flesh is probably gone. Sucks because I’d love to have 3 grips in PvP.
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Even if it was just cosmetically I’d love to have my big tub o’ guts back next to me.
From what I understand, the new “Rune Strike” isn’t the same ability that it used to be. I actually loved it when it was a runic power dump. You went for that when you needed the most damage and went for Death Strike when you needed healing. I also miss the Glyph that made D&D drop at your feet like Paladins Consecration. Oh and the standalone Bone Shield. Back when Blood was awesome and fun.
*oh and Blood Boil did AoE damage around DK
/cast [@player]death and decay
that sounds like what you want
Since the level cap in alpha is now 59, has anyone in the alpha tested to see how much frost damage is added from KM rank 2? I think that is from level 58.