DK Class Changes First Alpha Pass

Lichborne Deathcoil combo is back!

edit - nvm, tooltip says heal undead ally >.>

well theres alot of good news in there for us, but some of those changes tho

aoe is getting capped for alot of classes n specs

AOE dmg getting capped is lame for Unholy DK, they better buff us to make up for it.

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It’s getting capped for everyone, not just unholy dk. Outbreak and virulent plague don’t have target caps though, so you can still pull large aoe numbers, you just can’t boost it with epidemic as much.

they apparently tried to do that in legion but reverted, maybe they will revert again, who knows

some people said its for the CCs and pulls matter more, others norted that not all abilities are capped, like mage, blizzard isnt capped but Frozen Orb is

Confirmed that outbreak/virulent plague don’t have target caps judging by the wording. Neither do remorseless or howling blast (it has a damage reduction to multiple targets tho). They also removed the wording from virulent plague tooltip about damage being divided among every afflicted enemy. It’s now a flat 24% (up from 20%) ap shadow damage.

Caveat: It’s first build so it’s likely they’ll cap them later.

Edit 2: Doesn’t look like epidemic has a target cap either lol. At least not that I saw.

The real reason is the planned console release, whatever excuses they use is just excuses.

I am not a fan of death strike’s healing minimum being 7% of our health. Even though understandably it’s to counterbalance our new ways to heal.

On a better note Anti Magic Zone is still a beefy 60% and not reverted to 20% like it was in WoD


Yeah but with Death Pact, Sacrificial Pact and Lichborne leech and maybe death coil self-healing, I don’t think it’ll be that bad.


bummer AMZ still pvp side but we all have it so yeah


Certain posters are going to be furious, but I am absolutely loving this change!


2h frost…hmm. Maybe this time they’ll have solved the vast discrepancy between them that existed in the past. Used to be that 2h was really strong at the start of expansions, but DW outscaled it later on because of mastery levels.

Would certainly be nice to swap between UH and Frost without needing 3 weapons. Always hated DW for that reason.

Unholy having a better pet scaling is also nice - currently, pets only scale with mastery during DT, and only the permanent one, but having army and others also scale is a long overdue change. Mastery scaling is pretty much essential for abilities to work well with unholy. No idea why DC healing undead was removed in the first place, so it coming back is also welcome(also a nice out-of-combat RP dump to get runes regenerating.)

Not sure how I feel about AoE capping, especially in the context of unholy, which has had a niche of being the go-to DK AoE spec since late MoP. All depends on how other classes stack up, and how their single target/cleave capabilities compare. With the mastery scaling on all minions, unholy’s ST looks much stronger, so it probably evens out.

The biggest interest to me, however, is AMZ returning for all specs! Hopefully it remains as-is this time, unlike in MoP and WoD where it was only 20% for a miserable 3 seconds, rendering it an irrelevant talent. It’s a very cool ability that I loved to use pre-MoP, but it’s either been trash or a PvP-only ability since then.

The return of class(note class, not spec) utility is welcome overall, rather than everything that isn’t a healer or tanks being a raw throughput machine. DK’s have always been a ‘selfish’ class though, so I don’t expect them to have much, but looking at something like paladins has me kind of unimpressed so far. The concept of auras are back, but the execution is still…meh. A bit too niche, not really desireable.

What remains to be seen is how M+ and raids play out. One of the things that turned my away from BfA was M+ just not being as fun as they were in Legion. Too finely tuned, very little room for creativity - more frustrating than anything. Raids have been pretty annoying/exhausting in the same way, solving the davinci code through syncrhonized dance with group 1, 2, and 3 having to break out into the YMCA at random intervals it feels like; Classic raiding is so chill.

Also professions; if crafting professions continue to be nothing more than food for disenchanting, then screw it. I wanna be able to make something worth more than its mere value in DE mats, something myself and others would actually want to use. The epic plans for gear crafting suck because they’re BoP, and by the time you get them, you’ll probably have something equal or better from M+ or a raid. The items themselves aren’t special - just random rolled generic armor.

Back to the point; the DK class changes look pretty great so far, but it’ll take more than that to bring me back.

would dw fs gets km and 2h oblit gets km be to imbalanced?

also they are sticking with blinding sheet and now after the disorient it slows for 50% for 6 sec

Unholy abilities currently don’t have target caps, except the Bursting Sores talent. VP and Outbreak and Epidemic are currently not affected. But that might be changed upon people actually being able to test.

Edit: Missed Bursting Sores being capped at 8 targets now.

It says Death Coil heals undead allies because otherwise some players might think it heals undead enemies as well, it’s gotta work on yourself with Lichborne active or there’d be no point to bringing back either

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i hope cause i still have my lichborn heal macro from 10+ years ago

yikes 10char

I bet they’re going to make HB do more damage baseline so it’s worth casting in some situations without a proc.

They are going to nerf the aoe part of the damage so I hope they revert it

it’s 300% total still, just separated into two ranks
I can’t include a link apparently, but shadowlands wowhead com / death-knight-specialization-abilities#50+20 insert appropriate dots