DK Changes for Oct 8th

Some interesting nerfs

Sanlayn buffs are cool though, wonder when it’ll finally be worth taking.

Why didn’t they just nerf the talent superstrain instead of these abilities? That would of made more sense.

It was needed. Unholy damage was too high. They’ll still be more than viable.

Unholy only has dots as main damage. Our top two highest damage is frost fever and virulent plague. Unholy doesn’t really have abilities to terminate the opponent.

In arenas we were only useful to peel our enemy to help our second dps get the kill. Now that all our diseases took a huge nerf with coil (highest single target damage), the class is no longer viable. Let alone how bad our tier set is, it’s pretty much completely useless.

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Coil nerf was too much, the others were fine, imo.